- Author: Luxrah
- Date: October 28, 2024
- Updated: January 17, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
There’s a new secret-finding event in World of Warcraft to celebrate the game’s 20th Anniversary! The event unfolded over several weeks before becoming available in its entirety. Although the 20th Anniversary event concluded on January 6th, 2025, the Celebration Crates portion of Guest Relations can still be completed by visiting Alyx in Dornogal.
Often a thankless job, guest relations has a new volunteer, Alyx, stepping into the role with the lofty hopes of doing a better job than their predecessor. As visitors pour into the celebration, Alyx is under pressure and could use a little help making it an event to remember. Thankfully, they have found a secret-sleuthing tuskarr family who have become the perfect helpers in getting players up to speed with the tools of the secrets trade.
Assist Alyx each week with resolving new guest mysteries by using your new secret-finding skills, and be on the lookout for stolen celebration goods. Follow the rumors and solve the mystery— if you can. We’re counting on you, secret finders.
Players can begin working on the initial secrets beginning on October 28 with additional secrets opening up on November 4.
There are several unique rewards to be earned through Guest Relations secrets.
- Detective [Name] title is a reward for the event’s meta achievement, Azeroth’s Greatest Detective.
- Tricked-Out Thinking Cap cosmetic is earned by completing all of the Guest Relations local stories, which grants the achievement Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager.
- High-Alert Thinking Cap cosmetic is a reward for completing the main Guest Relations storyline and earning the achievement I Saved the Party and All I Got Was This Lousy Hat.
- Idol of Ohn’ahra toy is a reward from the Chapter 1 storyline quests.
- Torch of Pyrreth toy is a reward from the Chapter 1 storyline quests.
- Tricked-Out Thinking Cap toy is a reward from the Chapter 1 storyline quests.
In addition to the above list, you’ll be able to earn many Bronze Celebration Tokens by completing Guest Relations quests. Most of these quests will award Timewarped Badges after you complete them on your first character.
There are five achievements to be earned through Guest Relations secrets.
- Guest Relations:
- Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager: Awards the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap transmog appearance.
- I Saved the Party and All I Got Was This Lousy Hat: Awards the High-Alert Thinking Cap transmog appearance.
- Crate Insurance Agent
- No Crate Left Behind
- Tools of the Trade
- Azeroth’s Greatest Detective: Awards the title Detective [Name].
Guest Relations Storyline
You will need to complete this storyline to earn the achievement I Saved the Party and All I Got Was This Lousy Hat.
The introductory quests for the Guest Relations storyline became available on October 28th.
Lost and Busy
To get started, head to the 20th Anniversary celebration grounds in Tanaris and speak with Alyx inside the main tent (63.0, 50.2). She offers the quest Lost and Busy.
This quest points you to a tuskarr child, Maru, near Leeroy’s chicken stand (63.2, 52.4). He will give you the quest Tat Big Meanie.

Tat Big Meanie
Maru wants you to help him investigate some clues. You can speak with Maru again throughout this chapter to ask for a (Hint). You will also have the Idol of Ohn’ahra special ability (and later a toy) that will help you detect clues around the celebration grounds. You won’t need either if you’re following this guide!
Here are the four items you need to find:
- Head just a little to the west to find the small tent with the two Trauma Surgeon NPCs and look for a note tacked to a post. Click on it to get the item Hear Historic Tales at the Storyteller Stage!
- On the other side of the same tent, you’ll find some Red Hair on the ground (62.1, 51.8). Pick it up.
- Now head over to the Storyteller Stage and look for a red vulpera named Ratts who is seated on one of the benches (64.0, 51.7). Speak with them and choose any option to be directed to the next step.
- Now head behind the Fashion Frenzy stage and locate a Strange Torch on the ground near the outhouse (63.6, 47.9).
Head back to Maru with the items you’ve collected to receive your reward, an Idol of Ohn’ahra toy and 2 Bronze Celebration Tokens. Maru will then give you the quest To da Ruins!

To Da Ruins!
This quest directs you to the Valley of the Watchers in the southwest of Tanaris, where you’ll find Maru waiting for you near the entrance to Uldum (35.1, 78.2). Speak with them to progress to the next quest, Da Stick of Revealing.

Da Stick of Revealing
You’ll have a Flame Bearer special ability – use this and follow Maru to the Ruins of Uldum. Turn in the quest to get your Torch of Pyrreth toy. Then pick up the next quest, Tweasure Hunt.

Tweasure Hunt
Open your Toy Box in the Collections interface and activate the Torch of Pyrreth. You’ll need to have this active to collect the following items.
- Head east to Southmoon Ruins. On the east side of the ruins you’ll find a rock of Crystallized Mucus (42.2, 72.0). Get close to it with the torch out and you’ll summon a Tanaris Sandworm that will drop Cool Guts when killed.
- Get close to the statue head on the north side (40.9, 70.5) and a Jeweled Eye will appear that you can pick up.
- Next, head northeast to Eastmoon Ruins, where you’ll find a locked Half-Buried Chest (45.0, 64.6). Getting close with your torch active will unlock it and allow you to loot a Golden Chalice.
- Now go further northeast to Broken Pillar, where an Ancient Statue waits (52.3, 45.4). Get close with your torch out to activate it and defeat it to loot a Fragment of an Ancient Statue.
Travel back to the celebration grounds to turn in the quest to Maru in his original spot beside Leeroy’s stand. You’ll receive 2 Bronze Celebration Tokens. Now, Benatauk will offer the next quest, Thoughtful Pursuits (he is standing right beside Maru).

Thoughtful Pursuits
Again you will be able to speak with Maru to ask for a (Hint), and you will also have a special ability, Tricked-Out Thinking Cap, but you will not need either if you follow this guide.
- First, head slightly north to the balloon vendor (64.2, 50.1) and you will automatically pick up Benatauk’s Crystal Ocular Lenses.
- Then go behind the Fashion Frenzy stage to where the barber is located (63.6, 48.4) to automatically pick up Benatauk’s Thought Calculating Apparatus.
- Finally, visit Taivan at Pet Paradise (61.5, 50.5) to automatically get Benatauk’s Downy Helmet Liner.
Head back to Benatauk and turn in the quest to receive a Tricked-Out Thinking Cap toy and 2 Bronze Celebration Tokens. This will also earn you the achievement Tools of the Trade as well as the Bronze Tweed Cap cosmetic. Benatauk then offers the quest A Whiff of Help.

A Whiff of Help
To complete this quest, talk with Benatauk again and purchase Spiritual Incense from him for 10 gold. Maru’s spirit will appear nearby when you use it. Talk to Maru, and then turn in the quest to Benatauk.

Chapter 1
The first part of this questline became available on October 30th.
The Great Detective
Visit our friend Alyx again in the main celebration tent in Tanaris (63.0, 50.2). She’ll give you the quest The Great Detective. It points you to Athelton Jones, who is sitting on a bench in front of the Story Time stage (63.9, 51.7). Speak with him to move on to the next quest, The “Great” Detective.

The “Great” Detective
You can summon Maru now for a (Hint) and use your Idol of Ohn’ahra to find witnesses, but you won’t need to if you’re following this guide. Look for the trio of Team Solid NPCs nearby: Juddson Rakes, Ellanoir, and Duryllin (63.8, 51.0). Rotate through them to exhaust their dialogue options. Do this until you have reached 48% quest progress. Here is the order you should talk to them:
- Ellanoir: Do you know Herrkrop? -> Where did you last see Herrkrop?
- Duryllin: What were you doing on the Broken Isles?
- Juddson Rakes: Surely a demon hunter of your skill has a moment to talk. -> Where did you last see Herrkrop?
- Ellanoir: What business was Herrkrop doing?

Optionally, you can now head southeast to Southbreak Shore and look for an Abandoned Beach Chair (66.0, 59.5). You can click on it for a clue, but you don’t need to in order to continue.

Now head to Wavestrider Beach to the north of Caverns of Time (66.2, 40.6). Use your Torch of Pyrreth toy near the sand pile to dig up the corpse of Herrkrop, the other member of Team Solid. Speak with all three nearby NPCS: Scrapes (66.2, 40.7), Nat Pagle (65.9, 40.4), and Julia Henning (65.8, 41.1). This should put you at 96% quest progress. You can now speak with Athelton Jones, who has appearend near the body (66.3, 40.6). Tell him “I think I know who did it.” Accuse Scrapes (any other options will take you back to accuse someone else). Scrapes will escape, leaving the case cold. Head back to Alyx for your reward of 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

Tracking Quest
Chapter 1 resumes with another quest from Alyx. Speak with her again to pick up Tracking Quest. You’ll receive a Note from Rexxar pointing you to Borean Tundra in Northrend. There are a few optional steps here that you can skip if you’re reading this guide. Feel free to skip to the last sentence of this section to head directly to Borean Tundra instead!
Remember you can summon Maru with some Spiritual Incense for a (Hint) at any time. The note you’ve been given contains some information that you can use with your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap. You can also just head north of the celebration grounds to the graveyard at Wavestrider Beach (68.0, 40.8). There you’ll find a Pre-Calibrated Goblin Transport Vessel that you can ride to Northrend.
You’ll arrive off the coast of Borean Tundra. Fly toward the shore and you’ll arrive at Una’pe, which was mentioned in the note. Here you can use the Tricked-Out Thinking Cap again, or you can just head to Rexxar’s location below.
Rexxar is located at a little camp just north of Una’pe in Borean Tundra (77.3, 46.2). Head there and speak with him to get the next quest, The Trail’s Gone Cold.

The Trail’s Gone Cold
Rexxar gives you Spirit’s Whistle and marks the last known location of Scrapes on your map with a red X. Fly northeast to find a little hut in the middle of Transborea (85.9, 33.9). Look around the hut to loot the following Torn Notes:
- Torn Diary, Page 7 inside a mound of snow of one of the corners of the hut – use your Torch of Pyrreth nearby
- Torn Diary, Page 4 inside the hut
- Diary, Page 6 in the bushes east of the hut (88.1, 34.6)

These clues will put you at 20% quest progress. Now head north to Sholazar Basin, to the top of the Glimmering Pillar in the north of the zone, where you’ll find a Mounted Spyglass (49.7, 36.0). Interact with it before you leave to progress the quest another 20%. Follow the direction it’s pointing to Balargarde Fortress in Icecrown (16.0, 58.8). Use Spirit’s Whistle to summon Rexxar, and the body of Scrapes will be revealed. “Talk” to the corpse to <Attempt to detect magic.> Then tell Rexxar “I think I know what happened.” You can choose any option, but the only one that will progress the quest is “Scrapes was killed by a shapeshifter.”
Return to Alyx at the celebration grounds to turn in the quest and get another 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

Warn the Detective
Alyx at the main celebration tent will now offer another quest, Warn the Detective. Look for Athelton Jones near Fiona’s Caravan at the entrance to the celebration grounds (61.0, 50.7). You’ll see that there are two of him. Talk to either one, and they will offer the quest Spot the Difference.

Spot the Difference
Talk to both Athelton Joneses and you’ll fill the progress bar to 40% as well as getting clues to who else you need to interview:
- Leeroy Jenkins at his chicken stand near the Story Time stage (63.3, 52.3)
- Addie Fizzlebog at the fence just outside the Mount Mania ring (63.5, 51.7)
- Hemet Nesingwary Sr. at his booth near the Mount Mania ring (62.5, 51.9)

Once you have spoken to each of the three witnesses, you will be able to identify the shapeshifter. Accuse either version of Athelton Jones and the shapeshifter will reveal himself.
You can follow the shapeshifter’s trail with your Idol of Ohn’ahra, or you can simply head to his location in the hills to the southwest (60.0, 62.5). Defeat the shapeshifter, the satyr Y’lliya Xennin, and return to Alyx at the celebration grounds for your reward of 8 Bronze Celebration Tokens. This concludes Chapter 1!

Chapter 2
The second part of this questline became available on November 4th.
Toy Trouble
Return to Alyx after completing Chapter 1 to pick up the first quest of Chapter 2, Toy Trouble. Then visit our friend Maru, the Junior Secret Sleuf, beside Leeroy’s chicken stand (63.2, 52.4). He’ll offer you the next quest, Operation Toy Rescue.

Operation Toy Rescue
Maru gives you My Journal: Operation Toy Rescue, which will track your current clues for this quest. You can read it anytime to remind yourself what you’ve done so far. You can also speak with Maru for a (Hint) at any time. But as usual, you won’t need to if you’re following this guide!
If you’d like to follow the clues, your first destination is the village of Iskaara on the coast of the Azure Span in the Dragon Isles, but you may skip ahead to finding the toy if you wish. For most players, the easiest way to get to the Dragon Isles will be to take the portal to Valdrakken in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and fly from there. You’re looking for Yennu, who is near the flight master and “the big soup guy” (13.4, 48.9).

Speak to Yennu to discover he is missing his ball, which he thinks might be near Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores. You can fly up there to check it out, but this step is also optional. On the south side of the camp you’ll find a glittering note, Missing Page from Yennu’s Snackbook, in a cart (47.0, 83.5). This will point you to where he actually left his ball.
The only required step in the Dragon Isles is to find the ball by the creek at Maruukai in Ohn’ahran Plains (62.0, 37.5). Head there and click on the Mound of Dirt to loot Yennu’s Toy Ball. Return to Yennu to give him the ball and find out about the next lost toy, which will depend upon your faction.

Yennu sends you to see Kenshi in Boralus. To get there, take the portal to Boralus in the Stormwind portal room and fly south Catty Cathy’s, the pet shop near Unity Hall (entrance: 54.1, 71.6). Kenshi will be in the middle of the room (53.8, 72.9). She doesn’t say much as a cat. But the item you’re looking for is a Ball of Yarn that can be found underneath a tree at the Proudmoore Keep courtyard to the west (42.1, 75.1). Bring the toy back to Kenshi, and then head back to Maru in Tanaris to turn in the quest and receive your reward of 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

Yennu sends you to see Nuts in Dazarl’alor. To get there, take the portal to Zuldazar in the Orgrimmar portal room and fly to the Hall of Beasts on the north side of the city (56.2, 31.7). He doesn’t say much because he’s a squirrel. But the item you’re looking for is a Plush Toy that can be found in a tree a bit to the north, overlooking a waterfall (56.4, 21.2). Bring the toy to back to Nuts, and then head back to Maru in Tanaris to turn in the quest and receive your reward of 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

The Final Toy
Alyx now offers the next quest, The Final Toy. Go and speak with Maru beside Leeroy’s chicken stand (63.2, 52.4) to get the next part, The Toy Thief.
The Toy Thief
Maru asks you who you think stole the toys. You can choose any response here, but only one will allow you to progress: “I think the culprit is a dog.” To find the dog in question, you’ll be heading back to either Boralus or Dazar’alor, depending on your faction.
Return to Boralus and talk to Catherine Morgan inside Chatty Cathy’s pet shop in Unity Square (54.3, 73.0). She’ll tell you to look near the tree where you found Kenshi’s Ball of Yarn. Nearby you’ll find Urban Planner Vorath walking around (43.2, 72.6). Talk to him, and he’ll give you a Bakar Sketch.

Return to Dazar’alor in Zuldazar. You can talk to Matan inside the Hall of Beasts (56.2, 31.6), but you don’t need to. He’ll point you to where you do need to go – the tree where you found the Plush Toy. You’ll see a Bakar Sketch on the stairs nearby that you can pick up (57.0, 22.2).

Regardless of your faction, once you have the Bakar Sketch, you can optionally speak with Maru for a (Hint), or you can head straight to the next location – Maruukai in Ohn’ahran Plains, where you found Yennu’s Toy Ball.
If you want to follow the clues, you can talk to Hearthkeeper Berulan inside the inn. Then speak with Getseng on the other side of town (58.5, 39.7). Head up the mountain to find a Chew Toy on the ground among some Teerakai Burial Bones, just below the giant statue (57.9, 31.7).

Fly to Teerakai and use the Toy Box you find on the central mound (39.6, 58.3). Then click on the Bush nearby to hide and watch as a Bakar Pup appears and steals the toy you left. Follow him to his cave (entrance: 38.4, 55.3) to discover his massive Toy Pile, where you’ll find Maru’s Toy on the ground (38.8, 56.0). Loot it for a Miniature Tuskarr Boat.

Return the toy to Maru at the celebration grounds to complete Chapter 2 and collect your 8 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
Chapter 3
This chapter became available on November 13th.
A Pirate Predicament
You cannot complete this quest if you are Hostile with the Booty Bay faction, because you will be dealing with NPCs who are part of that faction.
Back we go to Alyx for another quest! This time she has A Pirate Predicament for us. Head north to find a camp of pirates on the beach and speak with Bonenose (60.9, 44.7). He’ll offer the next quest, Pirate Foods and Superstitions.

Pirate Foods and Superstitions
Travel to Booty Bay in the Cape of Stranglethorn. Alliance can fly there from Stormwind while Horde can take a zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Northern Stranglethorn and fly from there. Enter The Old Port Authority, the large building on the north side of the lower semi-circle, and speak with Kelsey Yance (42.8, 69.0). He’ll point you to Mrs. Gant, the Cooking trainer who is on the bottom floor of another building. You can talk to her, or you can skip to looting the Property of Cooktholemew barrel behind her for a Boonful Banquet (42.9, 72.8).

Next you’ll need to speak with Scowling Rosa. She patrols the entire lower semicircle, pausing at the end where the boat docks (39.3, 67.0). After you talk to her, you’ll be able to hand in the quest to her for 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

A Pirate Missive
Alyx should now offer the quest A Pirate Missive, which sends you right back to Scowling Rosa, the last NPC we spoke with in the last quest. Head back to Booty Bay and get the translated Boonful Banquet note from her to progress to the next quest, Pirate Gastronomy.
For this quest, you will need to collect the following ingredients, all of which can be purchased from the Auction House or gathered in the open world:
- Swiftthistle x2
- Occasionally gathered when picking Briarthorn and Mageroyal nodes with Classic Herbalism. Hillsbrad Foothills is an ideal zone for finding them.
- Witchberries x2
- Drops from many mobs in Pandaria zones, but the easiest way to get them will be to start the cooking questline from Sungshin Ironpaw at Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds. Buy the ingredients from her to make the recipes for the first two quests, and then you’ll be able to purchase Sack of Witchberries from Nam Ironpaw, who is right beside her.
- Small Flame Sac x1
- Drops from mobs in a few Classic zones. The easiest way to farm them is by killing Eldreth Darters (the little fae dragons) inside Dire Maul West.
- Aromatic Fish Oil x2
- Obtained by right-clicking many fish from Battle for Azeroth zones. Just take the portal to your faction’s city and start fishing off the nearest dock (Boralus for Alliance, Dazar’alor for Horde).
- Bloodfin Catfish x5
- Fished from open water in the river in Deadwind Pass.
- Deviate Fish x4
- Fished from School of Deviate Fish pools in Northern Barrens and Wailing Caverns.
- Nettlefish x2
- Fished from Nettlefish Schools in the Sholazar Basin zone in Northrend.
- Furious Crawdad x3
- Fished from Highland Mixed Schools in the Terokkar Forest zone in Outland, primarily the lake at Skettis in the southeast.
Bring all of these items to Bonenose on the beach just north of the celebration grounds (60.9, 44.7) and tell him “I have all the ingredients for your boonful banquet.” He gives you a clue for one more secret ingredient that you need to pick up. If you ask Maru for a (Hint), you will learn that this item can be found in Northrend, so head to your faction’s capital city and take the portal to Dalaran.
Fly out to Hrothgar’s Landing, the island off the coast of Icecrown near the Argent Tournament Grounds. There you’ll find a tuskarr statue called the Lone Watcher (58.1, 14.0 on the Hrothgar’s Landing map). If you use your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap here it will point you to the next spot, or you can just head over there: a bunch of Ice Blocks slightly to the northwest (55.5, 10.5). Click on them until you get a Deep Sea Monsterbelly.

Bring this final item back to Bonenose on the Tanaris beach to get 8 Bronze Celebration Tokens and complete Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
The final chapter of the quest chain opened up on November 20th.
Secret in the Sands
Go visit Alyx again to pick up Secrets in the Sands to start Chapter 4. She’ll ask you to speak with Maru over by Leeroy’s chicken stand to get the next quest, Buried Tweasure.
Buried Tweasure
Maru gives you some Ancient Treasure Notes, which offers the first cryptic clue to where you can find some buried treasure in Tanaris. The clue points to the Ruins of Uldum, so head to the gate marked on the southern part of the map near the Valley of the Watchers (entrance: 37.7, 79.5). You can use your Idol of Ohn’ahra here to more easily spot the next clue, an Ancient Treasure Note that is on the ground near the Antediluvean Chest in the back of the ruins (37.6, 84.1).
Picking up the note adds a new page to your Ancient Treasure Notes. Keep wandering around the ruins and you will find two Ancient Toys in a sand pile (37.4, 82.7 and 37.3, 82.9). Interact with these for another clue.

If you use your Tricked-Out Thinking Cap now, it will point you to the next location, which is near the center of the zone. Head to the hills just east of the Dunemaul Compound to find another Ancient Treasure Note beside a rock outcropping (47.5, 56.5).
Now travel to the entrance of the Zul’Farrak dungeon in the northwest. Just outside the walls, use your Torch of Pyrreth to uncover one more Ancient Treasure Note (38.8, 22.1).

This final clue points to our little friend Yennu, who can be found inside the inn at Gadgetzan (52.7, 26.9). Speak with Yennu, and then head back to Maru at the celebration grounds to turn in the quest for 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.

Festive Reflections
Alyx has one more task for us with the quest Festive Reflections. Head over to where Fiona’s Caravan is located at the entrance to the area to find Athelton Jones (61.0, 50.7). He offers our final quest, A Surprising Investigation.
A Surprising Investigation
This last quest in the storyline directs us to pick out five imposters around the celebration grounds. If you’ve been doing a lot of Anniversary activities around the celebration grounds, it may be easy for you to spot the NPCs who are out of place! Otherwise, here are their locations:
- Jepetto Joybuzz in the Story Time seating area (63.8, 51.8)
- Lorewalker Cho near the ice rink (61.6, 51.1)
- Maru at the Pet Paradise playground (61.9, 49.9)
- Big Kinook beside the Blackrock Depths mole machine (63.0, 49.9)
- Reshad on the Fashion Frenzy stage (63.0, 49.2)

Speak with each of the imposters and tell them “You’re in the wrong timeline. Go find Chromie.” Then return to Athelton Jones and let him know you found all of the imposters. He’ll give you another task to distribute 10 letters. NPCs who are eligible for this task will be highlighted and easy to find. Just right-click the Letters that Athelton Jones gave you and throw them to an eligible character. Then return to Athelton Jones for your final task.
The lucky feast he wants sounds familiar – it’s the Bountiful Banquet we assembled the materials for in Chapter 3. Go and talk to Bonenose on the beach north of the Caverns of Time and tell him “Detective Jones asked me to check on his food order.” Then head east along the beach to where you solved the first murder to tak to Athelton Jones (65.8, 41.8).
Finally, find Alyx nearby (66.2, 40.9) to turn in the quest. You’ll receive 8 Bronze Celebration Tokens as well as two cosmetic items, Bright Ideas Thinking Cap and High-Alert Thinking Cap. Enjoy your hard earned party!
Guest Relations Local Stories
You will need to complete several side quests to earn the achievement Assistant to the Assistant Guest Relations Manager.
Check out our Guest Relations Local Stories guide for info about how to complete each of these additional quests.
Celebration Crates
Locating 6 of these Celebration Crates will earn you the achievement Crate Insurance Agent, and all 11 of them will get you No Crate Left Behind. Each crate gives a quest that can be turned in to Alyx to receive 5 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
Check out our 20th Anniversary Celebration Crates guide for info on how to find all of the crates!