Hallowfall World Quests Guide

Hallowfall World Quests Guide

Completing the main storyline in Khaz Algar and reaching level 80 unlocks World Quests for your character on the continent. These quests are special time-limited activities that offer a variety of rewards as well as some reputation with the Hallowfall Arathi for your Warband. In this guide, we’ll tell you where to go and what you need to do to complete each of these quests.

World Quests

This section lists the standard world quests in Hallowfall that do not have a special quest type (PvP, pet battle, Skyrider racing, or Special Assignment).

  • 12 Kobyss attackers slain

Kill kobyss around the two northern islands that make up Velhan’s Claim. Mobs that count for the quest are Bristlespine, Droopfin, Kobyss Fighter, Kobyss Trickster, Murkfin Depthstalker, Murkfin Ravager, Murkfin Sciomancer, and Sharpfang.

hallowfall world quests murkfin

Beledar’s Blessing
  • Climbing Gear acquired
  • Find a handhold on the cliff
  • 7 Collect Radiant Clusters

Click on the Climbing Gear at the bottom of the rockface to equip it. Then click on the Handholds to start climbing. Make use of the special abilities to maintain your grip and navigate the cliff. Click on the Radiant Clusters you encounter along the way to loot them and complete the quest.

hallowfall world quests climbing gear

Burrow Burial
  • 5 Nerubian Burrow Destroyed

All you need to do is click on the Nerubian Burrows on the ground to collapse them.

hallowfall world quests nerubian burrow

Documenting: Field Manual Edition
  • Ride the Cataloger’s Disc
  • Take Pictures of Wildlife

You’ll need to mount the stealthed Cataloger’s Disc down the cliff from Light’s Redoubt (39.9, 74.7). Then you’ll be taking pictures of wildlife to fill the progress bar. Common pictures will give you 3% progress each, Rare pictures are worth 5%, Epic pictures give 10%, and a Legendary picture gives 20%. To get a Legendary shot, keep an eye out for The Puppetmaster (38.8, 83.0).

hallowfall world quests cataloger's disc

Feline Frenzy
  • Ride the Imperial Lynx
  • 100 Scare Locals

The Arathi cats have the zoomies and it’s your job to help them get some exercise. Mount the Imperial Lynx at the stable on the south side of Mereldar (42.0, 58.0). Ride it around the town and run through the piles of Lynx Treats along the way for a speed boost. You can use the Growl and Pounce abilities to speed up your route as well. Avoid the Catnip bushes as they will stun your lynx with the 15-minute Lynxnip debuff. If you do get this debuff, you can use the Shake ability to try to remove it.

hallowfall world quests imperial lynx

Igniting the Fire Within
  • 1 Torch lit
  • 6 Arathi groups rallied

Interact with the Torch that is resting near Faerin at Sina’s Yearning (55.2, 32.7). Once it’s lit, look for groups of Arathi who are fighting nearby. Get close to them and the Rally ability will appear on your screen. Use it to rally the Arathi forces.

hallowfall world quests igniting the fire within

Into Shadows
  • Talk to Venrie to board the skiff
  • 20 Keening Shadows slain

Board the skiff at Dunelle’s Kindness by speaking with Venrie Flitter, who is next to the flight master (67.4, 44.4). Use the Lance of Light and Holy Blast abilities to fire at Keening Shadows to complete the quest.

hallowfall world quests venrie flitter

Kobyss Kibosh
  • Assist the Arathi in driving back the kobyss

To fill your progress bar, you’ll need to either heal Arathi Stalwarts on the Veneration Grounds or kill kobyss in the same area. Enemies who count toward the quest include Darkwater Tidecrusher, Grimslice, Ragefin Carver, Ragefin Executioner, Ragefin Necromancer, and Ragefin Shadowcaster. Each enemy killed or friendly NPC healed counts for about 7% quest progress. You can heal the Stalwarts by simply using any healing spell on them, as long as they don’t have the Helping Hand debuff. This works even if the NPC is at full health. Note that some of the NPCs at the entrance to the area don’t count, only those who have the quest sparkles.

hallowfall world quests kobyss kibosh

Mired in Shadow
  • Clear the Shadowmire

Exterminate the bugs in the Shadowmire (the cavern east of Dunelle’s Kindness). Parasiting Wasps are worth about 3% quest progress, Bloatrot Stingers and Fungal Infestors are worth about about 8%, and Fallowbarb and Sloshmuck are worth about 14% each.

hallowfall world quests shadowmire

Pool Cleaner
  • 15 Kobyss slain

IMPORTANT: Do not tell Alyza Bowblaze to go back to the orphanage when she joins you. This dialogue option currently causes a bug where you are phased to a nearly empty version of Hallowfall. If you have done this by mistake, you can find Alyza inside the Orphanage in Mereldar and tell her to join you again.

Defeat any of the Hungering kobyss around The Hungering Pool to complete the quest: Hungering Necromage, Hungering Shimmerfin, and/or Hungering Slicer.

Recovery Job
  • Smash Arathi Supply crates and recover Airship Tools

Look for Arathi Crates around Tanir’s Ascent and attack them to break them open. Keep in mind that unlike most interactive world quest objects, these are not personal, meaning that any other player can swoop down and take them and they will disappear until they respawn. When smashed, the crates have a chance to reveal one of two lootable objects: Airship Munitions will give you a special ability, Throw Munitions, while Arathi Supplies will give you the Shipyard Tools you need to complete the quest.

the ringing deeps world quests arathi crate

Reserve Rumpus
  • 8 Duel Arathi Recruits

Near the Hallowfall Arathi quartermaster’s tent, challenge 8 of the Arathi Reserve NPCs to a duel and defeat them. Note that you can fight more than one at a time, and you can also fight them alongside other players.

hallowfall world quests arathi reserve

Sieging Siege Weapons
  • 4 Keg of Black Powder
  • 4 Blackpowder Barrel Placed

Interact with Blackpowder Barrels around Tenir’s Ascent to loot 4 Keg of Black Powder. Then place them in the marked locations down the hill to complete the quest.

hallowfall world quests blackpowder barrels

Spore Ender
  • Darkcap Tain slain
  • 30 Fragrant Mirespores

You’ll find Darkcap Tain in the south corner of the Stagnant Mire between some waterfalls (60.9, 65.5). Fragrant Mirespores can be looted from creatures throughout the Stagnant Mire, including Cultivated Mireshroom, Mirehat Fungalmancer, Mirehat Sporedancer, Sludgeborn Shambler, and Darkcap Tain himself.

hallowfall world quests darkcap tain

With Great Pyre
  • Wield the Gift of Pure Flame
  • 6 Hollow Gigantobella slain

In order to “wield” the flame, use the Periapt of Pure Flame that has been added to your bags. This will give you the buff Gift of Pure Flame. Then defeat 6 Hollow Gigantobellas around the Growling Hollow while you have the buff active.

hallowfall world quests hollow gigantobellas

Work Hard, Play Hard
  • 4 Play with orphan

For this quest, you’ll be playing with the kids at The Orphanage in Mereldar (41.9, 55.3). You can speak to any Arathi Orphan in the area to interact with them and complete an unique mini-game. Any 4 games will count, but you may want to try different ones on your alts or on different days so you can earn the Children’s Entertainer achievement.

  • Who is scariest?
    • A group of 3 orphans are upstairs inside the building (41.6, 55.6). Tell them who you think is scarier: Kobyss or Nerubians (either answer completes the game).
  • Tag
    • Two orphans are running around the yard. Interact with one to tag them and complete the objective.
  • Scary Monster
  • Floor is Undersea
    • A lone orphan is under a tree in the yard (42.0, 55.6). Speak with him to begin the game. You’ll be placed on top of the fence and must make your way across the yard without touching the ground. Run along the fence and jump carefully across the gaps to reach the orphan at the other end.
  • Floor is Undersea – Challenge
    • This is the same as the regular version, but with a slightly different layout that requires a lot more jumping.
  • Hit the Target
    • A group of 3 orphans are looking at the targets in the yard (41.9, 55.5). Speak with them, and use the Throw Rock ability to hit one of the targets.
  • Hide and Seek
    • A lone orphan is standing just outside the building entrance (41.8, 55.3). Speak with him to begin the game. You’ll have a special UI element that shows you how close you are to the hiding child. If the green fills in the lines, you’re getting closer. The child will be very hard to see until you’re almost on top of them, like they are in stealth. Interact with them to complete the game.
  • Hide and Seek – Challenge
    • This is the same as the regular version, but the distance indicator won’t work. You’ll have to explore the area and try to find the child on your own.

hallowfall world quests orphans

PvP World Quests

These world quests will not appear on your map unless you have War Mode turned on. To enable War Mode, head to a major city (Dornogal, Valdrakken, or your faction capital) and open your talents window. Click on the circle in the lower right corner so that it lights up. There are ways to complete these quests without killing other players, but you must have War Mode on the whole time.

Bells of the Light
  • Kill Arathi Trainers or Players

To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat Arathi Devout, Arathi Discipline, and/or Arathi Recruit around the Priory of the Sacred Flame. Players count for 14% of your progress bar while Arathi count for 10% each. If you choose to fight enemies on top of the walls, be careful that you stay within the quest area or your kills will not count toward your progress.

hallowfall world quests bells of the light

Fending off Darkness
  • Push back the Kobyss or Kill Players

To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat Fathomless kobyss around The Fangs. Players count for 14% of your progress bar. Fathomless Ambusher, Fathomless Necromancer, and Fathomless Warrior count for 10%. Fathomless Scouts count for 8%.

hallowfall world quests fending off darkness

Pet Battle World Quests

These world quests involve winning pet battles against some challenging opponents.

Miniature Army
  • Defeat Kyrie in a Pet Battle

Kyrie is an Expert Pet Trainer near the small lake just south of Lightspark (52.4, 62.8). Her pets are FlickerMini Airship, and Sir Pounce. Flicker is a Flying type pet who is weak to Magic abilities but resistant to Beast abilities. Mini Airship is a Mechanical type pet that is weak to Elemental abilities and resistant to Magic abilities. Sir Pounce is a Beast type and is weak to Mechanical abilities but strong against Humanoids.

hallowfall world quests kyrie

The Thing from the Swamp
  • Defeat Guttergunk in a Pet Battle

Guttergunk is an Elemental type battle pet who is standing beside the Whispering Pool (61.1, 69.0). It is weak to Aquatic abilities but resistant to Mechanical abilities.

hallowfall world quests guttergunk

Skyrider Racing World Quests

For these world quests, you’ll be tasked with completing one of the Skyriding races that are scattered around the map. To do so, speak with the Bronze Timekeeper at the race location and choose the version of the course you’d like to try. Any version will count as long as you complete the race in time to earn at least Bronze.

Skyrider Racing – Dunelle’s Detour
  • Complete the race

This Bronze Timekeeper is near the top of the waterfall to the northeast of Dunelle’s Kindness (72.8, 38.4).

Skyrider Racing – Light’s Redoubt Descent
  • Complete the race

This Bronze Timekeeper is atop a high stone pillar overlooking Light’s Redoubt (41.4, 67.2).

Skyrider Racing – Mereldar Meander
  • Complete the race

This Bronze Timekeeper is on top of a high stone pillar south of Mereldar (39.0, 61.3).

Skyrider Racing – Stillstone Slalom
  • Complete the race

This Bronze Timekeeper is atop a high hill at Isaec’s Folley (60.4, 26.0).

Skyrider Racing – Tenir’s Traversal
  • Complete the race

This Bronze Timekeeper is on a cliff overlooking the Whispering Pool from Tenir’s Ascent (59.2, 68.9).

Skyrider Racing – Velhan’s Venture
  • Complete the race

This Bronze Timekeeper is on a high hill on the island at the Sunless Strand (54.1, 17.4).

Special Assignment World Quests

These world quests require completing a certain number of other world quests in Hallowfall before they will become available. Until this prerequisite is met, they’ll appear on the map with a lock symbol.

Special Assignment: Lynx Rescue
  • Find and befriend a lost lynx
  • 4 Hunt Vanishing Nightmares

The lost lynx you’re looking for is Twinkle, who you’ll find stealthed in the Sanguine Grasps near the Aegis Wall (66.9, 63.5). Interact with them and they’ll join you, giving you a 10 minute buff, Summon Twinkle, and a special ability, Crush Windpipe. You must use this ability on Vanishing Nightmares, elite aberrations in the Sanguine Grasps, to prevent them from vanishing once you engage them in combat. Defeat four of these elites to complete the quest.

hallowfall world quests twinkle

Special Assignment: Rise of the Colossals
  • Kill Colossal beasts

First, kill mobs with Bleak in their name along the western shore of Bleak Sand, the northeasternmost island. Look for Bleak Beak-Carver, Bleak Beastbreaker, Bleak Claw-Eater, Bleak Flesh-Taker, and Bleak Seatamer and loot 3 Bleak Chum from them. Then look for a pool of Frothing Waters and throw the Bleak Chum into it to summon a Colossal mob. Defeat 3 of these Colossals to complete the quest.

Worldsoul Memories World Quests

You won’t be able to see these quests unless you have at least one Radiant Echo in your inventory. Worldsoul Memories are unique world quests that must be started by interacting with a Worldsoul Memory orb at the world quest location. You’ll select the difficulty level you’d like to attempt. Each difficulty grants better rewards and costs more Radiant Echoes to start. Once the event starts, your goal is to increase the Worldsoul Memory Score at the top of your screen by defeating enemies, mining Azerite, and interacting with objects in the area. Each quest also requires defeating a special named enemy. These quests do not award any reputation.

Worldsoul Memory: Descendant of Distant Waters
  • Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
  • Zin’ghas the Brute slain
Worldsoul Memory: Reign of the Old Gods
  • Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
  • Thystoria slain


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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