How to Get to Nazjatar

how to get to nazjatar

There are a few different reasons you might need to get to Nazjatar. Maybe you want to complete some achievements in the zone, or maybe you need to get there to unlock the Mechagnome allied race. Whatever your reasons, it’s not as simple as just flying there. Nazjatar is located in the middle of the sea, and the only way to get there is by unlocking the quest Send the Fleet (Alliance) / Send the Fleet (Horde). This requires completing a large number of quests in the other Battle for Azeroth zones. But not to worry – we’re here to help!

Here’s what you’ll need to do before you can head to the Nazjatar zone:

Note that the Uniting Kul Tiras (Alliance) / Uniting Zandalar (Horde) quest requires level 60, so that is the level you will need to be to reach Nazjatar.

As you can see, there’s a lot to do – so let’s get started!

Starting Battle for Azeroth

Before you can get to Nazjatar, you’ll have to get to your faction’s main city for the Battle for Azeroth expansion. To do this, you’ll need to do the introductory questline. We have a separate walkthrough for that in our BFA Intro Guide.

If you follow that chain, you should get the achievement Come Sail Away (Alliance) / Welcome to Zandalar (Horde), which will open up the portal to your faction’s capital city and give you access to the Scouting Map, which is needed for the next step.

Getting Friendly With Your 3 Factions

Once you have opened up the Scouting Map, the next step is to quest through each of the zones on your home continent until you reach Friendly with its associated faction.

Alliance: Uniting Kul Tiras

For Uniting Kul Tiras, you’ll need to get to Friendly with the Proudmoore Admiralty, Storm’s Wake, and Order of Embers factions. To do this, you must quest through Tiragarde Sound, Stormsong Valley, and Drustvar respectively.

Each zone’s quests start at the Scouting Map in the Harbormaster’s Office in Boralus. For convenience, we’ve listed enough quests here to get you to Friendly. There are a lot of other quests you can do in these zones, and you can do the zones in any order.

wow mechagnome allied race scouting map alliance
The Scouting Map in the Harbor Master’s Office

Proudmoore Admiralty

Select Tiragarde Sound on the Scouting Map to work on Proudmoore Admiralty reputation.

Storm’s Wake

Select Stormsong Valley on the Scouting Map to work on Storm’s Wake reputation.

Order of Embers

Select Drustvar on the Scouting Map to work on Order of Embers reputation.

Completing The Order of Embers will automatically grant you Friendly reputation with this faction. Follow this path to get to that quest as quickly as possible. Most of these quests don’t give reputation, but are necessary to reach the one that does.

Horde: Uniting Zandalar

For Uniting Zandalar, you’ll need to get to Friendly with the Zandalari Empire, Talanji’s Expedition, and Voldunai factions. To do this, you must quest through Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol’dun respectively.

Each zone’s quests start at the Scouting Map in The Great Seal in Dazar’alor. For convenience, we’ve listed enough quests here to get you to Friendly. There are a lot of other quests you can do in these zones.

wow vulpera allied race scouting map
The Scouting Map in The Great Seal

Zandalari Empire

Select Zuldazar on the Scouting Map to work on Zandalari Empire reputation.

Talanji’s Expedition

Select Nazmir on the Scouting Map to work on Talanji’s Expedition reputation.


Select Vol’dun on the Scouting Map to work on Voldunai reptuation. Reputation is a little slow to gain in this zone, but these quests are also needed to unlock the Vulpera allied race — two birds, one stone!

Establishing Footholds

Alliance: The Zandalar Campaign

Now that you’ve done a whole bunch of quests in your own faction’s zones, it’s time to head over to your enemy zones: Nazmir, Vol’dun, and Zuldazar. Go to your ship, the Wind’s Redemption, which is docked in Boralus. Halford Wyrmbane is on board and offers the quest The Zandalar Campaign. Accept that quest, and then click on the War Table in front of him to select your first zone.

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Halford Wyrmbane and the War Table on board the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus

You can choose to do these zones in any order. When you have completed one, come back to Halford Wyrmbane for a quest to start the next one.
You’ll complete these three quests along the way:

  1. ! The Zandalar Campaign
  2. ! The Ongoing Campaign
  3. ! The Final Foothold

Here are the quests for establishing your footholds:

Horde: The Kul Tiras Campaign

Now that you’ve done a whole bunch of quests in your own faction’s zones, it’s time to head over to your enemy zones: Drustvar, Stormsong Valley, and Tiragarde Sound. Go to your ship, the Banshee’s Wail, which is docked in Dazar’alor. Nathanos Blightcaller is on board and offers the quest The Kul Tiras Campaign. Accept that quest, and then click on the War Table in front of him to select your first zone.

wow mechagnome allied race nathanos blightcaller
Nathanos Blightcaller and the War Table on board the Banshee’s Wail in Dazar’alor

You can choose to do these zones in any order. When you have completed one, come back to Nathanos Blightcaller for a quest to start the next one.
You’ll complete these three quests along the way:

  1. ! The Kul Tiras Campaign
  2. ! The Ongoing Campaign
  3. ! The Final Foothold

Here are the quests for establishing your footholds:

Getting to Nazjatar

You’re almost there! Now you just have to turn in a couple of quests, and you’ll be able to sail to Nazjatar.

Alliance: Getting to Mezzamere

Pick up Uniting Kul Tiras from Halford Wyrmbane on board the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. Turning in this quest will unlock Send the Fleet from Genn Greymane nearby. This quest will take you to Nazjatar! For convenience, here is the first series of quests in the zone, which will unlock the portal to Nazjatar in Boralus.

  1. ! Send the Fleet
  2. ! Upheaval
  3. ! Descent
  4. ! Fortunate Souls + ! Disruption of Power + ! Dark Tides
  5. ! In Deep
  6. ! Up Against It
  7. ! Where the Road Leads
  8. ! A Way Home

You can now get back and forth through the portal in Boralus. You can also set your hearthstone in Mezzamere.

wow mechagnome allied race nazjatar alliance
Mezzamere, the Alliance base in Nazjatar

Horde: Getting to Newhome

Pick up Uniting Zandalar from Nathanos Blightcaller on board the Banshee’s Wail in Dazar’alor. Turning in this quest will unlock Send the Fleet, which is also offered by Nathanos Blightcaller. This quest will take you to Nazjatar! For convenience, here is the first series of quests in the zone, which will unlock the portal to Nazjatar in Dazar’alor.

  1. ! Send the Fleet
  2. ! Upheaval
  3. ! Descent
  4. ! The First Arcanist
  5. ! Fortunate Souls + ! Disruption of Power + ! Dark Tides
  6. ! In Deep
  7. ! Up Against It
  8. ! Stay Low, Stay Fast!
  9. ! A Way Home

You can now get back and forth through the portal in Dazar’alor. You can also set your hearthstone in Newhome.

wow mechagnome allied race nazjatar horde
Newhome, the Horde base in Nazjatar


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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1 year ago

Very concise and helpful, thank you! Love this zone

3 months ago

Where’s the portal in dazar’alor? The only info I need 🙁

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