- Author: Luxrah
- Date: March 30, 2023
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The Burning Crusade was World of Warcraft’s first expansion, and it added the lands of Outland to the game. Outland is a shattered version of Draenor, a world that is completely separate from Azeroth and which can only be reached by portal. Most content from the Burning Crusade expansion will require heading to Outland first. We’ll start this guide with the introductory quests that lead to Outland. If you’d like to just jump through a portal and start exploring on your own, you can skip to the last section, “Portals to Outland.”
Starting the Burning Crusade Story
The first step in getting to Outland is to start the Burning Crusade storyline. If you haven’t reached level 50 on any character yet, you may need to complete the Dragonflight introduction before these options become available. We have a separate guide for that here. Once you have completed the introduction, you should be able to start the Burning Crusade expansion. Your character must be at least level 10 to start these quests.
This introductory quest chain will take you through a quest or two in your capital city before sending you off to Outland.
How to Get to Shattrath
Shattrath is the main city of Outland. Getting to Shattrath for the first time used to be a bit of a journey, but now you can simply hop on a flight path from the Dark Portal (or any other connected point in Outland). You have the Shattrath flight point unlocked by default.
You can also take a portal to Shattrath from Stormwind or Orgimmar, or ask a mage to port you to the city.
Inside Shattrath you’ll find a return portal to your capital city (Stormwind or Orgrimmar) to make getting back and forth easy.

Portals to Outland
There are several different ways to get back and forth to Outland.