- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 11, 2024
- Updated: December 18, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Patch 11.0.7 brings a new island to World of Warcraft, the Siren Isle. The Siren Isle is an endgame zone that is only accessible to level 80 characters. The zone features High Winds, an unique debuff that prevents flying without special equipment or training.
If you’re going to the Siren Isle, you’ll most likely want to start by picking up the introductory quests in Dornogal. Beyond that, you’ll be able to access the zone by zeppelin or mole machine. This guide will walk you through the introductory quests and how you can get back and forth between Khaz Algar and the Siren Isle.
How to Start the Siren Isle Quests
To start the main story campaign for the Siren Isle, speak with Dawn inside Foundation Hall in Dornogal (41.9, 26.2). She is against the wall near the door, chatting with another Earthen Dwarf. She’ll point you to the east gate of Dornogal to meet with Skaggit, who will offer the next quest.
Skaggit can actually be found on a zeppelin northeast of the city, not near the gate (55.4, 33.9 in the Isle of Dorn map). Speak with him to pick up To the Siren Isle! Then talk to him again and tell him “I am ready to embark.” You’ll arrive at Flotsam Shoal in the Siren Isle, and can continue the quest chain from there. These quests will introduce you to the zone and unlock Cyrce’s Circlet, a special ring that you can upgrade by completing activities in the zone.

Zeppelin to the Siren Isle
The zeppelin to Siren Isle is accessible at its dock in the Isle of Dorn (55.4, 33.9) regardless of whether you have started the quests or not. After speaking with Skaggit initially, you will be dealing with Sky-Captain Cableclamp if you want to be transported across. You’ll also find the Sky-Captain on the zeppelin at Flotsam Shoal at the other end (70.5, 53.0), but you may have difficulty boarding it if you have not unlocked a way to fly in the Siren Isle yet.

Mole Machine to the Siren Isle
As well as the zeppelin, you can get to and from the Siren Isle via a Mole Machine Transport at Gundargaz in the Ringing Deeps. You’ll find it just a little northwest of the town at an intersection in the road leading to Ironhaul Station (46.1, 30.1). You’ll arrive at another Mole Machine Transport on the other end at Flotsam Shoal in the Siren Isle (68.0, 38.6), very close to where the zeppelin waits.