How to Get Back to the Telogrus Rift

Telogrus Rift - World of Warcraft

Telogrus Rift is the starting area for Void Elves, an allied race in World of Warcraft. After completing the starting quests and leaving you may need to return for any number of reasons and while it’s easy to get back it can be hard to remember with the plethora of portal rooms and transport options available these days.

Since Void Elves are an alliance only race there’s only one portal back to Telogrus Rift and it’s located in Stormwind behind the Stormwind Embassy. The exact coordinates are 50.7, 8.5.

It’s tucked away next to a tree as you can see in the screenshots below.

Telogrus Rift can be a good location to set your hearthstone, having portals to both Stormwind and Dalaran. You might also need to return to it to complete the quest to unlock Heritage Armor once you’ve reached level 50.

void elf heritage armor heitage of the ren'dorei


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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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