How to Get to Zandalar

how to get to zandalar

Zandalar is a continent home to the Zandalari Trolls and the Zandalari Empire ruled by King Rastakhan until his death at the end of the Fourth War. The Zandalari are a people with close ties to the wild gods called Loa and the spirits, but are also technologically advanced and value knowledge as a commodity above all else. On the continent of Zandalar is the capital city, Dazar’alor – the main base of operations for the Horde during Battle for Azeroth (BFA).

Getting to this zone is the first step to starting your journey to unlock both the Mag’har Orcs and the Zandalari Trolls. So, if you’re interested in the Horde’s new allies during the BFA expansion and would like to unlock them as playable races check out the: How to Unlock the Zandalari Troll Allied Race & How to Unlock the Mag’har Orc Allied Race guides for a step-by-step process!

There are a variety of ways to get to Zandalar:

  1. The Horde BFA introductory quests
  2. Portal from Orgrimmar
  3. Teleport: Dazar’alor / Portal: Dazar’alor from Horde Mages
  4. The boat from Echo Isles, south of Orgrimmar
  5. Sailing from The Wind’s Redemption boat, docked in Boralus (Alliance only)

How to Start the BFA Introductory Quests for Horde/Alliance

If this is your first time heading over to Zandalar, then the introductory quests for BFA are going to be your best bet for travel. Not only with the quests get you to your location, they’ll also open a path of travel to easily get to and from Zandalar once completed. For Horde players this will mean completing the introductory scenario that starts in Orgrimmar. For Alliance players this will be a necessity to get to Zandalar, as the only way is to arrive on the island is through the start of your Alliance war campaign to establish footholds.

To start the quest chain that will get you to Dazar’alor, speak to the guard next to the “Warchief’s Command Board” who will offer you the beginning quest.

orgrimmar warchiefs herald quest start
The Warchief’s Herald NPC right outside the Warchief’s hut in Orgrimmar

All the introductory quests start in the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar. You’ll go directly into the warchief’s hut and get a cutscene where you speak to Sylvanas about helping the Horde’s war effort against the Alliance. After that, a small hut nearby will have Nathanos with a couple of other conspirators to get you started on your journey into the Horde intro scenario. Try not to tell Nathanos what happens in his future, it’ll just stress out the poor guy!

meeting the team
Make sure to get the silver flask on the table!

The scenario is sort of the opposite of the Alliance one and involves you breaking into a prison to break out some political prisoners. Again, the scenario is very straightforward and should be easy enough — just follow the directions and keep moving forward.

Once you get to Dazar’alor there will be a few introductory quests that involve you speaking to the king of the Zandalar Trolls and setting up the Horde embassy. Once you reach the quest “Speaker of the Horde,” you’ll open up the portal room and have the war campaign available.

summon the horde to make embassy
Plant the flag at the yellow outline to summon the Horde

To begin the quest chain that leads into the scenario, see the guard next to the “Hero’s Call Board” in the Trade District of Stormwind who will offer you a quest.

stormwind tides of war quest start
Hero’s Herald, highlighted, is the questgiver

From there you’ll report to Stormwind Castle and spectate a meeting between King Anduin and his war council to see how best to proceed with the war against the Horde. At a certain point it will be brought up that the naval fleet of the Kul Tirans is thought to be necessary, of which Jaina Proudmoore has close ties to in the past.

She asks you to accompany her to Kul Tiras to ask for an Alliance, and you meet her at the Stormwind docks to begin the intro scenario that will get you to Boralus. You’ll need to get to Boralus first, as an Alliance character, in order to unlock your war campaign and use The Wind’s Redemption to travel to Zandalar.

speak to jaina at the harbor sw map emphasized 1

If you have already completed this scenario on another character on your account you will get the option to skip the scenario by saying something to the likes of “I’ve heard this tale before” in the dialogue options when speaking to Jaina at the harbor.

The scenario itself is straightforward enough and will have you breaking out of jail in Boralus and getting acquainted with the city and the main players for the expansion’s story. Once you’ve reached the quest “Sanctum of the Sages” you’ll escort some alliance mages to open up the portal room in Boralus. This will open the Boralus portal room for your use, but, more importantly, it’ll allow you to begin the Alliance war campaign.

boralus portal room

Right across from the portal room you’ll see a ship docked — the Wind’s Redemption — which is where you’ll need to go to start your alliance war campaign efforts. You’ll get your introductory quests asking you to get some resources and use the command table to pick your first foothold in Zandalar. Once you’ve chosen a foothold, to sail to it you’ll need to speak to Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth at the helm.

At this point you’ve successfully started the Alliance war campaign and if you were interested in the new Dark Iron Dwarves or Kul Tiran Humans as potential playable characters you’ve already completed part 1! While you’ve started down the path, it can be a bit less than straight-forward, so check out our How to Unlock the Dark Iron Dwarf Allied Race & How to Unlock the Kul Tiran Allied Race guides to make the process easy.

Where Are Portals to Zandalar or Dazar’alor?

If you have access to Orgrimmar there is a portal room near the entrance of the city that should give you an easy route straight to Dazar’alor.

Simply walk straight down the main corridor of the portal room to get to the portal for Dazar’alor.

For the benefit of mages themselves, you have the Teleport: Dazar’alor spell. This will send you directly to Dazar’alor. Teleportation and Portal spells can be learned in the Cleft of Shadows within Orgrimmar, by speaking to Rundok.

For the class of Mages that are Mages with class, you can learn a spell to open a portal to Dazar’alor for others within the same group, and faction from Rundok as well — Portal: Dazar’alor is the spell you’d be looking to learn.

Where Are the Boats to Zandalar or Dazar’alor?

There are two boats that can reach the island of Zandalar, but access to them is dependent upon your faction. For Horde there is a boat to the south of Orgrimmar at the docks of the Echo Isles that will take you to Dazar’alor. For the Alliance the only way to get to Zandalar would be through use of The Wind’s Redemption boat, docked in Boralus, after you’ve unlocked the start of your Alliance war campaign and chose a foothold to establish.

To the south, outside of Orgrimmar, there is a small dock at the Echo Isles. The boat that arrives at this dock will take you to Dazar’alor, although keep in mind that, if it’s not docked there currently, it’ll take several minutes to arrive.

You can speak to the dockmaster and she’ll tell you where the boat is currently to give you a rough ETA, although it is definitely one of the longer waits for boats in the game.

For those of the Alliance who want to get to Zandalar it’ll be a bit more inconvenient, as the island is primarily under Horde control since the Zandalari Troll people have joined under the Warchief’s banner.

Make sure you’ve unlocked the Alliance war campaign and have gotten it to a point where you can choose your first foothold in Zandalar. From there The Wind’s Redemption, docked in the center of Boralus, can take you to Zandalar for whatever purpose you might need.

When you’re at the point where you’re ready to set sail to Zuldazar speak to Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth at the helm to choose a zone to head to.


About the Author


I've been playing WoW since beta with some breaks here and there. I'm a semi-hardcore to hardcore raider that focuses on retail mainly. I'm a big fan of giant dragons and am excited for all that Dragonflight will have to offer.
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9 months ago

how do you know when you’ve gotten the Alliance War campaign far enough to choose your foothold? also there has GOT to be an much faster and easier way to get to Zandalar without having to go make a horde character. mainly asking cause all i wanna do is tame a dino, that’s it, having to start a war is retarted just to go to an island to tame a dinosaur

Last edited 9 months ago by Phil
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