- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: April 2, 2023
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Within this guide, the steps to unlock the Kul Tirans as an allied race will be covered in such a way as to make it simple and understandable for anyone — even if they have no relevant experience within the Battle for Azeroth expansion. This is one of the lengthier races to unlock, but the good news is that on the way to meeting the requirements for Kul Tirans, you’ll also unlock the pre-requisites for Dark Iron Dwarves as well.
Starting off with a full list of requirements to unlocking this race:
- The Loremaster of Kul Tiras achievement
- This involves completion of the main story quests in all 3 zones of Kul Tiras
- Level 60 or higher is recommended for pre-requisites outside of the Loremaster of Kul Tiras
- Many parts of the war campaign will start level gating you, including the required Uniting Kul Tiras quest, which has a level-60 requirement as of Dragonflight launch.
- Completing the quest chain to attain your Heart of Azeroth legendary neck-piece
- Make sure to use our How to Get the Heart of Azeroth guide for a step-by-step
- The first part of the war campaign, up to and including the achievement Ready for War
- The completion of the war campaign and acquisition of the Tides of Vengeance achievement
- The Pride of Kul Tiras storyline quest chain up until the achievement is acquired
- The A Nation United storyline quest chain
- The recruitment quest chain from the Stormwind Embassy
How to Unlock the Loremaster of Kul Tiras Achievement
Essentially, to do this you must complete the main story quests within each of the three zones in Kul Tiras. This can be done in any order you’d like, and you can choose which zone to get started in after completing the introduction to BFA by using the scouting map in the harbormaster’s office. It should be noted that if you have completed the Loremaster of Zandalar on a Horde character you will receive credit for the Loremaster of Kul Tiras achievement as well. So make sure to check if you’ve already unlocked the achievement without realizing!

If you’re wondering how to get to Boralus, check out our How to Unlock the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign & Portal Room guide, which will get you started on your journey.
There is one achievement for each zone once you have completed the relevant storyline quests that will indicate you can move onto the next zone as far as the Loremaster of Kul Tiras achievement is concerned:
- A Sound Plan – Tiragarde Sound
- Stormsong and Dance – Stormsong Valley
- Drust Do It – Drustvar
Once you’ve decided on a starting point, and have begun the breadcrumb quest from the scouting map that will take you to said zone, it’s a fairly linear path through the quests. To avoid any confusion I’ll list only the required quests for each zone below:
How to Complete the Alliance War Campaign
There are three distinct parts to the war campaign:
- Securing the three footholds in Zuldazar, Vol’dun, and Nazmir for the Alliance.
- After having secured the footholds, continue the main story quests for the war campaign up until you unlock the Ready for War achievement.
- Once the Ready for War achievement has been unlocked, a further set of story-based quests will unlock for the war campaign, and their completion will give you the Tides of Vengeance achievement. This signifies you’re finished the Alliance War Campaign.
How to Unlock the Zandalar Footholds
There are three footholds to choose from, and the order in which you complete them is up to you. It should be noted that after the second foothold is established, you will need to do the introduction for Island Expeditions with the quest The Azerite Advantage, available on The Wind’s Redemption. Only the tutorial quest for expeditions is required, and after completing that, the third foothold will be available to pursue.

Can’t Unlock the Foothold?
If you’re having trouble getting the option to start a foothold, it has been reported that some characters may need to complete The War Cache quest first, which simply requires you to gather 100 War Resources. Halford Wyrmbane offers the quest, as well as the quests to start the Zandalar campaign, aboard The Wind’s Redemption.
The currency, introduced in BFA, should be abundant enough to scrape together 100 of by finding some treasure chests spread throughout Kul Tiras (or, if you have world quests unlocked, they also offer the currency). For hunting down treasure chests with ease, I’d recommend the Handynotes addon and the BFA Treasures plugin for it. Your map will now display the locations of all static treasures and even include notes if there are special ways of opening or getting to them!
Below are the quests for each foothold:
How to Get the Ready for War Achievement
If at this point in time you have not gotten your Heart of Azeroth yet, you should — it will be necessary to proceed. We have a guide on how to easily get it in just a few minutes: How to Get the Heart of Azeroth.
After you have your Heart of Azeroth and all three footholds are completed, two things will happen:
- The Uniting Kul Tiras quest will be available to pick up now.
- The main war campaign chapter, “Blood on the Sand,” will lead off with the quest Overseas Assassination.
Is Uniting Kul Tiras Required?
It is required to continue on to the next set of quest chains. How it functions has changed since the launch of Dragonflight, with a couple of requirements:
- You must be level 60 to have this quest show up or to turn it in if you had it in your quest log already.
- The requirements for it are account-wide, so completing it on one character will complete it for any alternate characters.
Continuing the War Campaign
At this point you should have your Heart of Azeroth, Uniting Kul Tiras should be finished, and all 3 footholds should be completed.
Your Ready for War achievement should look something like this:

Overseas Assassination is going to be the starting point to the rest of the War Campaign, so make sure to check The Wind’s Redemption for the breadcrumb quest to move forward. Then you’ll need to sail to Vol’dun and continue with The Vol’dun Plan. There will be several side quests along the way, but make note that only the quests with an orange exclamation point are part of the main story for the war campaign.

Each quest from here on out should cleanly lead into the next, so I’ll list all required quests in order divided by their chapter:
- ! Operation: Heartstrike
- ! Bringing Down the Fleet
- ! How to Sink a Zandalari Battleship
- ! Under the Cover of Swiftwing
- ! Ship Logs
- ! Sabotaging the Pa’ku
- For this quest, after you’ve killed enough mobs to get the required Naval Records, the places to plant the bombs will be under the water, below the ship on its hull. There will be 4 glowing places to click to plant these bombs.
- ! The Enlarged Miniaturized Submarine
- ! My Enemy’s Enemy is My Disguise
- ! Intelligence Denial
- ! Right Beneath Their Nose
- Much like the sabotage quest previously, the bombs are under the water on the boat’s hull.
- ! Void Vacation
- ! Victory is Assured
- ! Victory Was Assured
- ! Leave None Alive
- ! Silencing the Advisor
- ! An End to the Killing
- ! Champion: Shandris Feathermoon
After handing in An End to the Killing to Anduin in Stormwind, you’ll have your Ready for War achievement completed. You’re ready to move on to the next section of the war campaign!
How to Get the Tides of Vengeance Achievement
This is the final part of the Alliance war campaign and unlocks once you have Ready for War completed. The first quest is The Calm Before, given by Mathias Shaw on the Wind’s Redemption in Boralus. Once you’re at this point and have started this quest chain, it’s just a matter of following each quest to the next.
Here is a full list of the required quests divided into their campaigns:
This part of the campaign involves a solo instanced scenario, and while it will likely only take you 10 minutes or so, there are a couple of tips to keep in mind:
- Do not engage the raid boss, Opulence, or you’ll quickly find out why it takes a full raid team to take them down! Even as a max level character you’ll find it not only exceedingly difficult, but unnecessary to complete the scenario.
- You might want to turn certain effects down in the settings, as there is a glitch that makes the trap rooms you need to run through insanely bright. A warning for those doing some grinding at three a.m. with the lights off!
With the turn in of He Who Walks in the Light to Halford Wyrmbane on the Wind’s Redemption you’ll have earned your Tides of Vengeance achievement and completed all the necessary steps for the Alliance war campaign.
How to Unlock the A Nation United Achievement
This is essentially the closing chapter of the story for Battle for Azeroth, and our last step before being eligible to start the recruitment quests for Kul Tirans at the Stormwind Embassy. There are two parts to finalizing the story:
- The Pride of Kul Tiras achievement, which involves about two dozen quests
- There are four quests in this chain that would have required you to complete BFA dungeons and a raid, but during Shadowlands these were patched to allow you to talk to the quest giver and select a dialogue option to skip them
- The A Nation United quest, which involves a few small story-focused quests
- This chain will unlock once The Pride of Kul Tiras is achieved
How to Unlock the Pride of Kul Tiras Achievement
This quest chain starts off with What You May Regret given by Cyrus Crestfall in the Harbormaster’s Office in Boralus. You must have the Loremaster of Kul Tiras achievement already, as this is a continuation of the main story for the expansion. This is a chain of 24 quests that all easily lead into one another, and then a 25th quest asking you to complete a BFA raid (which you can now skip by talking to the NPC that gives you this quest).
It should be noted that if you have faction swapped the character you’re doing this on from Horde to Alliance, Cyrus will not show up until you complete the introduction quests and scenario for Boralus. Here’s a link to our How to Unlock the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign & Portal Room guide for an easy way to get that done!

The quests to complete this chain are as follows:
After having completed Thros, the Blighted Lands, you’ll have unlocked The Pride of Kul Tiras achievement. But you still need to go to Katherine Proudmoore for the Siege of Boralus: Lady Ashvane’s Return quest and complete that (again, by using the dialogue option to skip it) so you can move onto the next part.
How to Complete the A Nation United Quest
This is only a single quest that you pick up from Genn Greymane in the Harbormaster’s Office called A Nation United once you have turned in Siege of Boralus: Lady Ashvane’s Return to Taelia, also in the office.

This quest is as simple as heading over to Unity Square in the south of Boralus and just listening to the speech given. Then, once the speech is done, you can turn in the quest to Katherine Proudmoore right there and you’re done! With the completion of this quest, you’re ready to head to the Stormwind Embassy and start the recruitment quests.
Having Problems Getting A Nation United to Show Up?
There are certain phasing issues that may make Genn Greymane not appear in the Harbormaster’s Office when he should. Some of these situations are:
- Make sure you have turned in Siege of Boralus: Lady Ashvane’s Return to Taelia at the Harbormaster’s Office.
- If you have the quest The Wolf’s Offensive in your quest log, make sure to complete it first by simply talking to Genn on the Wind’s Redemption. But don’t accept any further quests.
- If you have the quest Send the Fleet in your quest log, you need to either abandon it or continue the intro to Nazjatar until you’ve unlocked the portal to teleport back to Boralus.
Recruiting the Kul Tirans
So you’ve made it this far, eh? You’ve tirelessly and painstakingly gone through every quest and solved every issue? Well, your reward is another batch of 20 quests for the recruitment. I can hear the collective sigh, but I promise this batch is different! Sort of. Most of it is fairly easy and just requires you to travel through Kul Tiras talking to people, with some basic kill quests peppered in. So head on over to the Stormwind Embassy and pick up Made in Kul Tiras to begin.

While any lv 50 or above Alliance character can begin this quest chain, I’d recommend doing it on a character that has the flightpaths for Kul Tiras unlocked, as it will require a fair bit of traveling around on the island. That being said, there are also some quests in this chain that require you to kill mobs, and ever since Chromie time was introduced, the BFA expansion is considered the default and will scale mobs to your level. So make sure to either bring a powerful friend or make sure the character you’re on can handle their own in the damage dealing category.
Below are the quests for this chain that should cleanly lead into one another with The Master Shipwright starting in Boralus at the Harbormaster’s Office:
And with the completion of the last quest you’ll have attained the Allied Races: Kul Tiran achievement and thus unlocked the Kul Tiran race for your account! You can now make a brand new Kul Tiran character that starts at lv 10, or race change one of your pre-existing characters to Kul Tiran if the class is eligible. The last step is going to be taking a well-deserved nap for all that hard work!