- Author: Luxrah
- Date: March 16, 2023
- Updated: February 27, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Getting started with content from the Legion expansion requires two steps: completing the Broken Isles introductory quests, and unlocking your class’s order hall through a class-specific quest chain. Both of these prerequisites must be done before you can begin questing through zones in the Broken Isles. In this guide, we’ll go through it all in detail.
The Broken Isles Introductory Quests
The first step is to travel to the Broken Isles. To do this, you have a couple of options. If you haven’t reached level 50 on any character yet, you may need to complete the Dragonflight introduction before these options become available. We have a separate guide for that here. Once you have completed the introduction, you should be able to start the Legion quests.
This introductory quest chain will take you through a scenario and a few quests in your capital city before teleporting you to New Dalaran. Demon Hunters get their own separate quest chain, which we’ve given its own section below.
There are two ways to start the Legion story:
- Hero’s Call Board
- Head to the Hero’s Call Board in the center of the Trade District in Stormwind. Clicking on the board, you should see an option for “Broken Shore.” Selecting this option will start the quest chain below.
- Chromie Time
- Find Chromie near the Stormwind Embassy. Speak with her to select a timeline. Select “The Legion Invasion” to start the quest chain below.

Whichever way you choose to start these quests, this is the order you will complete them:
- ! Legion: The Legion Returns
- If you’ve already done this quest chain on another character, you can skip to the end by talking to Recruiter Lee.
- ! To Be Prepared
- ! The Battle for Broken Shore
- This quest leads you through a rather lengthy scenario in which you must fight your way through Burning Legion forces.
- ! The Fallen Lion
- ! Demons Among Us
- ! Illidari Allies
- ! In the Blink of an Eye
There are two ways to start the Legion story:
- Warchief’s Command Board
- Head to the Warchief’s Command Board next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar. Clicking on the board, you should see an option for “Broken Shore.” Selecting this option will start the quest chain below.
- Chromie Time
- Find Chromie near the Orgrimmar Embassy. Speak with her to select a timeline. Select “The Legion Invasion” to start the quest chain below.

Whichever way you choose to start these quests, this is the order you will complete them:
- ! Legion: The Legion Returns
- If you’ve already done this quest chain on another character, you can skip to the end by talking to Holgar Stormaxe.
- ! To Be Prepared
- ! The Battle for Broken Shore
- This quest leads you through a rather lengthy scenario in which you must fight your way through Burning Legion forces.
- ! Fate of the Horde
- ! Emissary
- ! Demons Among Us
- ! Keep Your Friends Close
- ! In the Blink of an Eye
Demon Hunter
Demon hunters have their own unique route to the Broken Isles as part of their class introductory quests. Completing their starting zone quest chain will get you to where you need to be. This quest chain starts automatically when you create a new demon hunter.
Mardum, the Shattered Abyss
- ! The Invasion Begins
- ! Enter the Illidari: Ashtongue
- ! Enter the Illidari: Coilskar + ! Eye On the Prize + ! Set Them Free
- ! Meeting With the Queen
- ! Before We’re Overrun + ! Enter the Illidari: Shivarra
- ! Orders for Your Captains
- ! Give Me Sight Beyond Sight
- ! Hidden No More
- ! Stop the Bombardment + ! Their Numbers Are Legion + ! Into the Foul Creche
- ! The Imp Mother’s Tome
- ! Fel Secrets
- ! Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Illidari! (Havoc) OR ! Vengeance Will Be Mine! (Vengeance)
- ! On Felbat Wings
- ! The Keystone
- ! Return to the Black Temple
Vault of the Wardens
- ! Breaking Out
- ! Vault of the Wardens + ! Rise of the Illidari + ! Fel Infusion
- ! Stop Gul’dan!
- ! Grand Theft Felbat
- ! Forged in Fire + ! Frozen in Time + ! Beam Me Up
- ! All The Way Up
- ! A New Direction
- ! Between Us and Freedom
- ! Illidari, We Are Leaving
Getting to New Dalaran
Whichever route you take, you will finish in New Dalaran, where you will receive your Dalaran Hearthstone. This is an extra Hearthstone specifically for this city, so you don’t need to set your regular Hearthstone here. Once you have earned this Hearthstone on one character, it will be available in the Toy Box section of your Collections interface for all of the characters in your Warband.
You can also get to the city via portal in Orgrimmar or Stormwind. Enter the portal room in your faction’s capital city (Stormwind or Orgrimmar). Look for the one that’s labeled “Portal to Azsuna” when you hover over it. If you open your map, you’ll see the city of Dalaran floating off to the east of your current location. Fly up and eastward to head there.

Unlocking Your Class Order Hall
After you have turned in In the Blink of an Eye, an NPC will appear and follow you around with a class-specific quest. There is a short delay for this NPC to appear, so just give the game a few seconds!
Completing your class quest chain will get you your first artifact weapon. It will also unlock your order hall, which is required to start the zone quests.
Getting to Your Class Order Hall
If you need some help getting back to your order hall once you’ve unlocked it, here is how you can get back to each one: