- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: January 29, 2023
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The allied races Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves require the same prerequisites to unlock their respective scenarios to get them to join the Alliance and become playable. This guide will go over the process of how to unlock the Lightforged Draenei race in a way that is friendly towards brand new players, with no playtime in any of the relevant content. Make sure to refer to our Void Elf guide as well!
First, the unlock requirements are as follows:
- The “Uniting the Isles” quest completed
- The Broken Shore introductory scenario completed
- The “You Are Now Prepared!” achievement
- Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei scenario completed
The hard part is going to be getting to where you need to be and starting the quest chain, due to the content not being current. The quests themselves will be a breeze for any character at or above level 50.
So let’s slash that confusion and cut into the nitty-gritty!
Getting to New Dalaran
If you already have a Dalaran Hearthstone from playing the Legion expansion or leveling through Chromie time in this expansion, then you’re set and can just use that to get to the Broken Isles Dalaran.
If you’ve either misplaced your Dalaran Hearthstone (you surely wouldn’t have deleted it, right?) or never played through the content to have been given one, then it’s easy enough to remedy.
- Find your capital city’s respective portal room — there should be one for “Aszuna” that will take you to the Broken Isles (Or, as of Dragonflight, a portal straight to new Dalaran from the new capital: Valdrakken).
- All characters can now fly in the Broken Isles with no pre-reqs, so if you open your map you’ll find yourself next to the floating city in the sky, Dalaran (Look up!).
- Fly on over and first thing head to the Legerdemain Lounge, an inn, which will have an NPC called Amisi Azuregaze that functions as the innkeeper. If you do not have a Dalaran Hearthstone for whatever reason speaking to this NPC will have a unique dialogue option that will get you one for free!

So you’ve gotten to Dalaran and have a hearthstone for easy travel in case you need to get back, what’s next?
Uniting the Isles
You’re going to need to find Archmage Khadgar, who’s in the Violet Citadel to start, and accept the quest “Uniting the Isles”. This quest requires you to gain a “Friendly” (The second you interact with these factions in any way you’ll start at “Neutral” standing with them. Friendly is the next level up) reputation with all the major Legion factions. This is an account bound requirement, so any character on your account having completed this will allow you to continue.

The rep grind for these is going to be fairly simple. You’ll notice if you open up your map of The Broken Isles and click on each of the zones there will be a yellow exclamation mark in a town in each area. You do not need to unlock your class hall to start the questlines for each zone – merely go to that exclamation point and pick up the quest to start your journey towards a Friendly reputation.
Keep in mind that on higher level characters the “new quest” exclamation mark might not appear over the head of the NPC unless you enable tracking of lower level quests on the minimap, but this won’t stop you from just speaking to the NPC and picking up the quest anyways.

For Suramar it’s suggested to start with the opening quest Khadgar gives in Dalaran called “Khadgar’s Discovery”.
Below is a list of which zone corresponds to which faction:
- The Nighfallen – Suramar
- Court of Farondis – Azsuna
- Highmountain Tribe – Highmountain
- Dreamweavers – Val’sharah
- Valarjar – Stormheim
The Broken Shore
When “Uniting the Isles” is completed and turned in Khadgar will give you a new quest: “Armies of Legionfall”. This leads to “Assault on Broken Shore” and will take you through a scenario to unlock the Broken Shore zone. Note that Khadgar’s position might change to Krasus’ Landing rather than the Violet Citadel after completing “Uniting the Isles”.
This was a prelude to the events that led to Argus appearing in the sky above Azeroth and thus must be completed first to go there. It is recommended to do the scenario all in one shot otherwise you’ll need to start from stage 1 of it. The final boss of the scenario only requires being whittled down to 90% health – so don’t stress when you see their health.

When teleported to The Broken Shore and the relevant introductory quest is turned in you may return to Dalaran as it is not required to complete all the story quests in Broken Shore to get to Argus.
From this point Khadgar should offer the quest “The Hand of Fate” which is what will get you started on your Argus journey! The quests at this point are fairly linear, and with the completion of this chain you’ll find yourself on Argus aboard the The Vindicaar. This will open up the Argus storyline from there and it’s suggested to follow the questline until you’ve unlocked the teleportation pads so that you can easily get back from Dalaran using the pad that is setup on Krasus’ Landing.
*If you leave the area before completing the questline up to “Rendezvous” and thus don’t have the portal in Krasus’ Landing you’ll need to go to your respective capital city to be teleported into a phase. Speak to Vereesa Windrunner (Alliance) / Lady Liadrin (Horde) for the dialogue option to be sent back into the introductory questline. Note that you might lose some progress doing it this way.

The Argus Campaign
From here it’s just a matter of completing the full campaign in Argus. There will be a variety of side quests and events you’ll notice, but only the main story quests are required to get the achievement to unlock the Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei. Each quest should lead neatly into the next part of the chain, but if you’re having trouble with which leads to which I’ll include an ordered list below broken into the three sections of the campaign starting with “The Assault Begins”.
- ! The Hand of Fate (A) / ! The Hand of Fate (H)
- ! Two If By Sea (A) / ! Two If By Sea (H)
- ! Light’s Exodus
- ! The Vindicaar
- ! Into the Night
- ! Alone in the Abyss
- ! Righteous Fury + ! Overwhelming Power + ! A Stranger’s Plea
- ! Vengeance
- ! Sign of Resistance
- ! The Prophet’s Gambit
- ! Rendezvous
- This is the quest that must be completed so you get teleportation pads from New Dalaran to Argus
- ! From Darkness
- ! Prisoners No More + ! Threat Reduction
- ! A Strike at the Heart
- ! Return to the Vindicaar
- ! A Moment of Respite
- ! Gathering Light
- ! Crystals Not Included + ! A Grim Equation + ! The Best Prevention
- ! Fire at Will
- ! Locating the Longshot
- ! Bringing the Big Guns
- ! Lightly Roasted
- ! The Light Mother
- ! Light’s Return
- ! The Child of Light and Shadow
- ! Essence of the Light Mother + ! The Vindicaar Matrix Core
- ! An Offering of Light
- ! The Burning Heart
- ! Securing a Foothold
- ! Reinforce Light’s Purchase / ! Reinforce the Veiled Den
- You will get one or the other of these quests. This is simply based on a timed event that happens in Argus that leads to one of these two quests being unavailable because the turn-in location is inaccessible. While there are slight differences in the quests, only one is required to continue the story. If you’re somehow stuck with one where the turn-in is a destroyed camp with no NPC the camp will rotate to being available again after a period of time.
- ! Sizing Up the Opposition
- ! The Speaker Calls
- ! Visions of Torment
- ! Dire News
- ! Storming the Citadel
- ! Scars of the Past + ! Preventive Measures + ! Chaos Theory
- ! Dark Machinations + ! A Touch of Fel + ! Heralds of Apocalypse
- ! Dawn of Justice
- ! Lord of the Spire
- ! Forming a Bond
- ! A Floating Ruin
- ! Mac’Aree, Jewel of Argus
- ! Defenseless and Afraid + ! Khazaduum, First of His Name
- ! Consecrating Ground
- ! The Path Forward
- ! Not-So-Humble Beginnings
- ! Conservation of Magic + ! Invasive Species
- ! The Longest Vigil
- ! Gatekeeper’s Challenge: Tenacity + ! Gatekeeper’s Challenge: Cunning + ! Gatekeeper’s Challenge: Mastery
- ! The Defiler’s Legacy
- ! The Sigil of Awakening
- ! Where They Least Expect It
- ! We Have a Problem
- ! A Non-Prophet Organization + ! Wrath of the High Exarch + ! Overt Ops
- ! Flanking Maneuvers + ! Talgath’s Forces
- ! What Might Have Been
- ! Across the Universe
- ! Shadow of the Triumvirate
- ! The Seat of the Triumvirate
- ! Whispers from Oronaar + ! Arkhaan’s Prayers
- ! The Pulsing Madness + ! Arkhaan’s Pain
- ! Arkhaan’s Plan
- ! Arkhaan’s Peril
- ! Throwing Shade
- ! Sources of Darkness + ! The Shadowguard Incursion
- ! A Vessel Made Ready
- ! A Beacon in the Dark
- ! An Offering of Shadow + ! Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge
Completing the Allied Race Scenarios
You’ve made it! The final step! And don’t worry, this one is easy. Once you’ve gotten the “You Are Now Prepared!” achievement the embassy in Stormwind will have a quest available for a level 50 or above Alliance character to recruit the Lightforged Draenei into the Alliance. This involves a short scenario that’s fun and lore-filled!

Forge of Aeons Scenario
Anduin will give a small speech, and you’ll be able to pick which allied race you’d like to pursue first at this point. No matter which you pick, the other will be available afterwards so there’s no worries. For this guide we’ll take a look at the Lightforged Draenei scenario and get a look into the bravery required to become a Lightforged soldier. Speak to High Exarch Turalyon and pick up the aptly named “The Lightforged” quest to begin the last step.
This scenario will bring you through the trial of making a regular Draenei soldier into one among the ranks of the Lightforged army. You’ll partner up with your quirky companion T’paartos to begin this scenario and see if you both have what it takes! But just in case you need some tips, I got you:
- Make sure to follow T’paartos close – you only need to kill the mobs in the swamp that lie in his path unless instructed to!
- Again, follow close to T’paartos during the “Aspects” phase of the scenario, even if you pull something he’ll run ahead of you. Keep tight with him so that he can help you with the mobs and so you can get to the next phase.
- When fighting the fallen version of T’paartos make sure to stand clear of the Doom Blade ability that shows as a green flame on the ground, and interrupt the Inevitable Fate cast that the boss does!
You’ll earn the Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei achievement once this scenario is completed. From there you’ll have the race available to play for new characters (or race changes if you’re willing to spend money).