- Author: Luxrah
- Date: June 3, 2023
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
In addition to the class-specific artifact weapons added by the Legion expansion, there is also a secret fishing pole artifact that you can earn! The Underlight Angler has its own talent tree and you can spend Artifact Power to give it some incredible buffs, many of which are useful beyond the Broken Isles. The pole itself also grants +15 to your Fishing skill while equipped.
In this guide we’ll walk you through how to unlock and upgrade the Underlight Angler as well as how to unlock additional color tints for this special artifact fishing pole.
How to Get the Underlight Angler
To get the Underlight Angler, you’ll need to complete each of these steps:
- Be at least level 45.
- Level your Legion Fishing skill to 100. (This can easily be done while you work on the other requirements.)
- Complete the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement.
- Complete the ! Luminous Pearl quest chain.

The Bigger Fish To Fry Achievement
The Bigger Fish to Fry achievement is easily the most time-consuming step in this process. It is earned by catching rare fish across the Broken Isles. Each fish requires a special bait that must be caught and used in order to catch the rare fish. Some also have an additional step between catching the bait and catching the rare fish. Here is a table of all the rare fish needed for the achievement as well as the initial bait for each.
Zone | Rare Fish | Bait | Bait ID |
Azsuna | 133701 | ||
Azsuna | 133703 | ||
Azsuna | 133704 | ||
Val’sharah | 133705 | ||
Val’sharah | 133707 | ||
Val’sharah | 133708 | ||
Highmountain | 133709 | ||
Highmountain | 133711 | ||
Highmountain | 133712 | ||
Stormheim | 133713 | ||
Stormheim | 133715 | ||
Stormheim | 133716 | ||
Suramar | 133717 | ||
Suramar | 133719 | ||
Suramar | 133720 | ||
The Great Sea | 133721 | ||
The Great Sea | 133723 | ||
The Great Sea | 133724 |
We’ll walk you through the best way to catch each fish below. But first, let’s go over a few important notes and pointers.
General Tips
You never want to fish from open water for this achievement, only pools. The catch rate is much better from pools and you will save time in the long run, even if you have to move around a lot. The exception is if you already have a special bait applied and don’t want to waste it looking for another pool.
Bring Arcane Lures to speed things up. They can be bought on the auction house or from Conjurer Margoss for 1 Drowned Mana apiece. Conjurer Margoss can be found at Margoss’s Retreat, a floating island northwest of Dalaran. The special baits you’ll use for this achievement don’t override Arcane Lures, so you can use both at the same time.
/way Broken Isles 45 62 Conjurer Margoss
You may also want to bring some Oversized Bobber (or use your Reusable Oversized Bobber if you have one). These can be used at the same time as other lures and baits.

Special Baits
If you already have one of the bait fish in your bags or bank you will not be able to catch it again as each one is considered unique. So if you started working on this achievement before, check your inventory so you don’t wind up wasting a lot of time fishing for nothing! Here is a macro to help you check for each item. You just need to replace the ID number with the ID of the bait item you want to check for from the table above.
/run local id = "133701" local countBags = GetItemCount(id) local countTotal = GetItemCount(id, true) print(GetItemInfo(id)..":", countBags, "(bags)", (countTotal - countBags), "(bank)")
Most of the bait fish that are needed to fish up the rares are not soulbound, so you may be able to get them from the auction house.
Note that you may catch catch a Message in a Beer Bottle which contains an Axefish Lure or a Decayed Whale Blubber containing a Ravenous Fly while fishing in any zone. These are separate baits used for catching fish in The Great Sea. Do not use them while trying to catch rares in other zones.
Now let’s catch some fish!
Rare Legion Fish by Zone
We’ve organized the rare fish for the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement according to the zone where they are caught.
The Luminous Pearl Quest Chain
After completing the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement, you can start the ! Luminous Pearl quest chain. Completing this short chain will reward you with the Underlight Angler artifact.
To start this quest chain, you will need to fish up a Luminous Pearl by fishing in the Broken Isles. Fishing from pools is once again recommended for a higher drop chance. When the item is looted to your bags, the first quest will pop up automatically. You can also right-click the pearl in your bags if you miss it. Here are the quests you’ll need to complete:
! Luminous Pearl
This quest will send you to Khadgar at The Violet Citadel in Dalaran.
! The Dalaran Fountain
This quest sends you to Marcia Chase at the fountain in Dalaran.
! Fish Frenzy
You’ll be able to pick this up from Nat Pagle, who will appear at the fountain after you complete the previous quest. If he doesn’t appear right away, you may need to log out and back in.
Accept the quest and then tell Nat Pagle “I am ready.” He will send you to a scenario on a murloc-infested island in Val’sharah. Here is a walkthrough of the scenario:
- Stage 1: Kill Murlocs
- Kill every last murloc on the island.
- Stage 2: Fishing
- Fish up 15 Gloaming Frenzy from pools. Underlight Deepfeeders will occasionally spawn and must be killed.
- Stage 3: Delivery
- Bring the Gloaming Frenzies to Nat Pagle.
- Stage 4: What’s below?
- Fish from the Roiling Whirlpool to find out what’s down there.
- Stage 5: Mglrrp
- Defeat Mglrrp when it spawns.
When the scenario is complete, click on Nat Pagle’s boat to return to Marcia Chase in Dalaran to get your new fishing pole!

Customizing the Underlight Angler
Once you have obtained your Underlight Angler, you can use the giant pearl floating above the fountain in Dalaran to access its traits and appearance options. To learn new traits you will need to spend Artifact Power.
Artifact Power
Artifact Power can be gained by catching rare fish in the Broken Isles just like you did for the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement. The best way to go about this is to return to a coastal area with a lot of Black Barracuda Schools, similar to The Great Sea section above. Each rare fish that you catch is worth 50 Artifact Power when you throw it back. You can continue to use Arcane Lures to improve your chances.
Artifact Traits
Each trait costs an increasing amount of Artifact Power. To purchase a trait you must first purchase the traits preceding it in the tree. At first Undercurrent will be the only trait visible, costing 100 Artifact Power. Once it has been purchased, the rest of the tree will appear.
The cost of each trait goes up as you make your way through the tree. To take all ranks of all traits, you will need a whopping 358,770 Artifact Power! You can skip over some traits, but some will need to be purchased in order to move further up the tree.

Useful Everywhere:
Broken Isles Only:
- Better Luck Next Time
- Bloodfishing
- Stormray Angling (3 ranks)
- Highmountain Salmon Angling (3 ranks)
- Runescale Koi Angling (3 ranks)
- Black Barracuda Angling (3 ranks)
- Cursed Queenfish Angling (3 ranks)
- Mossgill Perch Angling (3 ranks)
The artifact also has a passive trait that will increase as you upgrade the fishing pole, increasing the duration of Legion lures and baits by 8% for each trait. This will make it progressively easier to catch more rare fish, which will be needed as the costs continue to go up.
Alternate Color Tints
There are two alternate color tints for the Underlight Angler that can be unlocked through the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement. Completing the achievement rewards an Underlight Emerald, which unlocks both alternate color tints when used. You can apply these colors to your pole by using the Luminous Pearl in Dalaran and clicking on the Appearances tab.

The Fisherfriend of the Isles Achievement
Completing the Fisherfriend of the Isles achievement involves catching special items while each Fishing Master is active. There are six Fishing Masters and only one will be active each day. So at a minimum you will need to fish on six different days to earn this achievement. There’s no way to check which Fishing Master is active in the game except to go to their location. However, they do follow a set rotation, so if you know which one is active on one day you can figure out when the others will return. The list below is in the same order as the rotation.
The first time you speak with each Fishing Master, they will be added to your character’s Reputation tab as a Stranger. You will need to gain favor with them all the way through Best Friend status. Each rank requires 8400 reputation and there are five ranks to progress through, meaning you will need 42,000 reputation total. Each item grants 75 reputation, so you will need to turn in 530 items to each Fishing Master. You can only have 100 of these items in your inventory at a time. To turn them in, speak with the NPC. Reputation buffs such as Diplomacy and WHEE! also work for these reputations. Here are the reputation ranks you must progress through:
- Stranger
- Pal
- Buddy
- Friend
- Good Friend
- Best Friend
The items you need to turn in can be caught by fishing in the waters near the associated Fishing Master. You will know you are in the right place when you have the Something’s Fishy buff. You will also periodically catch a special item that can be used to summon an enemy. When this enemy is killed it will increase the drop rate of the special item you need for about 90 seconds. You can only have one of each summoning item in your bags, so it’s worth using it every time you catch it.
Here are the Fishing Masters, their locations, and the items you need to catch for each as well as the special enemy you can summon.
Great guide. I got my angler in about 4-6 hours. Just mildly frustrated that you can’t equip it for the swimming buff. The only way to activate the buffs is to cast fishing first.