- Author: Luxrah
- Date: July 2, 2023
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Warlocks are masters of demons and curses, drawing power from the destructive fel magic of the Twisting Nether, and their artifact weapons reflect this background. In this guide we’ll show you how to unlock the hidden appearances for all three warlock artifact weapons. To unlock the additional color tints for these appearances, see our main Hidden Artifact Weapon Appearances guide.
Weapon: Ulthalesh, the Deadwind Harvester (Two Hand)
Hidden Appearance: Fate’s End
Hidden Effect: Unknown
Unlocked By: Essence of the Executioner

How to Unlock Fate’s End
To obtain Essence of the Executioner you will need to complete the quest ! The Grimoire of the First Necrolyte. To start the quest you must first acquire the item of the same name, Grimoire of the First Necrolyte. The item drops from demons in the Broken Isles and Argus. A great place to farm for it is on the island of Faronaar in western Azsuna. Almost any Eredar in the area has a chance to drop the item. The drop chance is pretty low, so it may take some time. As a bonus, you can do this at the same time as you farm the hidden appearance for Demonology!

Once you have obtained the Grimoire and started the quest, next you must gather 13 Skull of the Executed. These are dropped from DANGER World Quests that target humanoid, demon, undead, and giant elites. Note that these elites do not drop the skulls unless their World Quest is active.
Before you will be able to do these quests, you will need to unlock for the Broken Isles by completing ! Uniting the Isles. This requires earning Friendly reputation with the four major Legion factions. The quickest way to earn reputation with each faction is by completing quests in their associated zones. Here are the factions and their zones:
- Court of Farondis (Azsuna)
- Dreamweavers (Val’sharah)
- Valarjar (Stormheim)
- Highmountain Tribe (Highmountain)
When you have reached Friendly with all four factions, visit Archmage Khadgar in The Violet Citadel in Dalaran to complete the quest ! Uniting the Isles.
Gathering the Skulls of the Executed
Once you have unlocked World Quests, you’ll be able to see them on your map. Look for any that start with the word DANGER. Only one or two of these will spawn at a time and their icons on the map will be blue. Quests that start with WANTED won’t count. The target enemy also needs to be somewhat human-like. The drop rate is very high but not 100%, so you may not get anything from some of them. Here are all of the quests that are known to drop skulls, organized by zone:
When you’ve gathered the skulls, head to the Executioner’s Altar in Deadwind Pass. Use the skills to summon Sataiel. Kill her to get your Essence of the Executioner.

Weapon: Spine of Thal’kiel (Main Hand) and Skull of the Man’ari (Off Hand)
Hidden Appearance: Thal’kiel’s Visage
Hidden Effect: The weapon will sometimes speak to you.
Unlocked By: Visage of the First Wakener

How to Unlock Thal’kiel’s Visage
To obtain Visage of the First Wakener you will need to kill Eredar across the Broken Isles and Argus until you have obtained each of the following in order:
- Damaged Eredar Head
- Deformed Eredar Head
- Malformed Eredar Head
- Deficient Eredar Head
- Nearly Satisfactory Eredar Head
- Visage of the First Wakener
When you loot one of the items, you’ll see a message in your chat from Thal’kiel. The final item that will drop is Visage of the First Wakener, which grants the appearance. A great place to farm for it is on the island of Faronaar in western Azsuna. Almost any Eredar in the area has a chance to drop the items. The drop chance is pretty low, so it may take some time. As a bonus, you can do this at the same time as you farm the hidden appearance for Affliciton!

Weapon: Scepter of Sargeras (Two Hand)
Hidden Appearance: Legionterror
Hidden Effect: Unkown
Unlocked By: The Burning Jewel of Sargeras

How to Unlock Legionterror
To obtain The Burning Jewel of Sargeras, you will need to summon demons using Ritual of Doom until one of them drops the The Burning Jewel of Sargeras. Note that you will need a full party of five (yourself plus four friends) in order to use this ability.
Previously Ritual of Doom required learning the Demonic Offering class order hall trait, but the spell is now learned by default at level 31, so you don’t have to worry about that.