- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 9, 2024
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
When you’ve completed the main storyline in Khaz Algar and reached level 80 on your character, you’ll be able to access World Quests across the continent. These special rotating, time-limited quests offer a variety of rewards along with some reputation with Council of Dornogal for your Warband. This guide will tell you where to go and what to do to complete these quests and earn your rewards.
World Quests
This section lists the standard world quests in the Isle of Dorn that do not have a special quest type (PvP, pet battle, Skyrider racing, or Special Assignment).
A Floral Flair for Every Ram
- 5 Crimson Charmer collected
- 3 Amber Blooms collected
- 1 Ram decorated
In the hills east of Freywold Village, pick the Crimson Charmer and Amber Blooms on the ground. Then look for a nearby Moss-Draped Ramolith or Vinechewer Ramolith that does not have the Floral Decoration buff. Interact with it to decorate it and complete the quest.

Arcane Riddles
- Flow of Magic Fixed
Click on the glittering purple Arcane Crystal at the Tranquil Strand (29.9, 52.5). This will bring up a puzzle interface directing you to “Open the arcane lock!” To do so, click on the glowing blue orbs to swap them around and untangle the pink lines. You’ll need to solve 4 of these mini-puzzles to complete the quest. Note that you do not need to swap orbs that are right next to each other – they can be swapped from any position in the puzzle.

Artifacts Galore
- 7 Titan Artifact
You just need to click on the Titan Artifacts around the easternmost island of the the Three Shields (79.8, 29.8). They look like little white orbs.

Book It to the Library
- 6 Lost tomes collected
- Babbling Book slain
You’ll find the Babbling Book among the Dalaran rubble on the Tranquil Strand (30.4, 57.4), and the Arcane Tomes lying around on the ground nearby.

Chew On This
- Hungry Ramolith mounted
- 25 Scrumptious Grass consumed
Click on a Hungry Ramolith in the open fields southwest of Crossroads Plaza to mount it. Then guide it through glittering patches of Scrumptious Grass to consume them. Each one will give you a stacking 7-second Munchies buff that increases your movement speed so you can complete the quest faster.

Drop and Go
- 6 Opal-Mining Tools
- 10 Nerubians Slain
You’ll have to head inside the The Opalcreg caves to find the Opal-Mining Tools, and you can kill the nerubians inside too. You can enter through the mine entrance in the western clifface (46.2, 62.1) or the chasm to the east (47.6, 61.7). the Opal-Mining Tools appear appear as toolboxes on the ground throughout the cave which you can loot directly. For the kill objective, you can defeat Nerubian Kinslayers, Skirmishers, Swarmites, or Webspinners.

Excavation Extravaganza
- Excavation Efforts Supported
To fill the progress bar, defeat elemental enemies and interact with Titan Artifacts around Golgrin’s Reach (62.0, 71.2). Titan Artifacts will fill your progress bar by about 7%. Unbound Peblets are worth 2% each. Condensing Sprites, Quaking Ragers, Rising Tidebounds, and Swarming Sandwhispers will net you 5% each. Sargassum Guardian is worth 14% while the rare Sandres the Relicbearer is worth 20%.

Honey Thieving Nerubians
- 10 Faithful of Zirix slain
- 8 Small Glob of Fire Honey
- 1 Sazh’kel slain
This quest takes place in the Sunrise Shadow area north of The Meadyard outside Cinderbrew Meadery. You’ll find Sazh’kel at the back of the tunnel at the end of the Meadyard path (75.1, 38.6). Faithful of Zirix nerubians can be found inside the tunnel as well as above ground. Small Glob of Fire Honey can be looted from Spilled Fire Honey on the ground.

Mead for the Catalog
- Ride the Cataloger’s Disc
- Take Pictures of Wildlife
You’ll need to mount the Cataloger’s Disc on the cliffs south of Cinderbrew Meadery (77.6, 47.9). Then you’ll be taking pictures of wildlife to fill the progress bar. Common pictures will give you 3% progress each, Rare pictures are worth 5%, Epic pictures give 10%, and a Legendary picture gives 20%. To get a Legendary shot, keep an eye out for a stormrook named Shraubendre on the west side of the mountain (78.0, 40.2).

No More Bread
- Sea Gull habitat cut back
You’re tasked with clearing out some of the gulls that have taken up residence on the islands in the southern part of the bay (40.4, 61.7). To fill up the progress bar, you can kill Bloated Sea Gulls for 8% each or interact with Salty Bread or Sea Gull Egg on the ground for 2% each.

Preserving Plush Pals
- 8 Singed Plush
Look for Singed Plushes, little blue elekks, on the ground in the Dalaran rubble at the Tranquil Strand. Bring them to the Kirin Tor Mage on the nearby cliffs and click on the Elekk Pile to turn them in (29.1, 56.1).

Props and Incense
- 2 Pristine Horn
- 6 Ashenfold
Pristine Horns can be looted from Shalehorn Impalers in the area just south of Ironwold (66.4, 56.1). Ashenfold can be found on the ground in the same place.

Rising the Falls
- Climbing Gear acquired
- Find a handhold on the cliff
- 6 Sparkrubble Ore collected
Click on the Climbing Gear at the bottom of the rockface to equip it. Then click on the Handholds to start climbing. Make use of the special abilities to maintain your grip and navigate the cliff. Click on the Sparkrubble Ore you encounter along the way to loot them and complete the quest.
Rocks, Water and Elemental Fodder
- 20 Living Coalesced Silt
Living Coalesced Silt drops from Frenzied Tidecore and Scornful Sandshoal elementals at the Restless Estuary (70.4, 53.6).

Tunnels Be Gone!
- 3 Kobold Tunnels Destroyed
You’ll have some Explosive Sticks added to your bag, which you can also access from the Objective frame in your interface. Throw these so they land on the three kobold tunnel entrances marked on your map around the Mourning Rise (63.5, 44.4) (62.9, 44.8) (64.2, 43.0).

Water the Sheep
- 8 Mosswool Sheep watered
- 10 Pests pruned
This quest actually takes place inside the city of Dornogal, although it may only appear on the broader Isle of Dorn zone map. It’s located in the Stoneshaper’s Atrium in the northeast corner of the city (57.5, 28.0).
You’ll have a Globe of Nourishment added to your bag, which you can also access from the Objective frame in your interface. Use it to water the Parched Mosswools that can be found grazing around the atrium. You should be able to do this by just getting close and clicking on them. You can also click on the Stone Borers in the same area to punt them – they look like little cobras.

Wick Points
- 15 Kobolds Slain
Kill Candlelit kobolds on the middle tiers of Mourning Rise (64.0, 43.6). Candlelit Boomer, Candlelit Big-Boomer, Candlelit Hexthrower, Candlelit Lootsnatcher, Candlelit Ouchpatcher, and Candlelit Blind-Hound all count toward the quest. Other kobolds on the other tiers don’t count.

PvP World Quests
These world quests will not appear on your map unless you have War Mode turned on. To enable War Mode, head to a major city (Dornogal, Valdrakken, or your faction capital) and open your talents window. Click on the circle in the lower right corner so that it lights up. There are ways to complete these quests without killing other players, but you must have War Mode on the whole time.
Along for the Ride
- Kill Players or Subdue Creatures
To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat nearby Wild Ramoliths and Enraged Shalehorns. Players count for 14% of your progress bar while Moose and Rams count for 10% each. Defeating a Wild Ramolith will allow you to mount it and gain the Ram Charge special ability. Doing the same with an Enraged Shalehorn will give you Moose Charge.

Elemental Excavation
- Kill Elementals or Players at Dhar Bandar
To fill up the progress bar, you must either defeat players or nearby elementals along the beaches of Dhar Bandar island. Players count for 14% of your progress bar each. Elementals that count toward the quest are Raging Dunecore and Tidal Hydrocore (8% each), Briney Kelpcore (11% each), and Elite Raging Dunecore (20% each). While you’re on this quest, you’ll have access to an Element Extractor that you will use when you fight the elementals, granting you special abilities based on the elemental you use it on: Aquatic Extraction, Sand Extraction, and Sea Extraction.

Pet Battle World Quests
These world quests involve winning pet battles against some challenging opponents.
Robot Rumble
- Defeat the Awakened Custodian in a Pet Battle
Awakened Custodian is a Mechanical type battle pet in the mountains north of Dornogal (48,2, 32). It is weak to Elemental abilities but resistant to Magic abilities.

Rock Collector
- Defeat Collector Dyna in a Pet Battle
Collector Dyna is a Master Pet Trainer in the hills south of Freywold Village (38.3, 78.8). Her pets are Ridge, Stratus, and Tiny Cragling, and all three are Elemental types, so they are weak to Aquatic abilities but resistant to Mechanical abilities.

Skyrider Racing World Quests
For these world quests, you’ll be tasked with completing one of the Skyriding races that are scattered around the map. To do so, speak with the Bronze Timekeeper at the race location and choose the version of the course you’d like to try. Any version will count as long as you complete the race in time to earn at least Bronze.

Skyrider Racing – Basin Bypass
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is near the top of the cliff overlooking Boskroot Basin (53.4, 64.2).
Skyrider Racing – Orecreg’s Doglegs
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a hill west of Freywold Village (32.8, 74.8).
Skyrider Racing – Storm’s Watch Survey
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is a top a rock pillar on the south side of Storm’s Watch (38.4, 43.4).
Skyrider Racing – The Wold Ways
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a cliff just south of the Mourning Rise (62.0, 46.0).
Skyrider Racing – Thunderhead Trail
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a rock outcropping on the south side of Thunderhead Peak, about halfway up the mountain (58.2, 24.8).
Special Assignment World Quests
These world quests require completing a certain number of other world quests in the Isle of Dorn before they will become available. Until this prerequisite is met, they’ll appear on the map with a lock symbol.
Special Assignment: Cinderbee Surge
- Cinderbees subdued
This quest requires killing Cinderbees and Honeyslimes in the Cinderwold (72.2, 39.4). You can kill the non-Elite Cinderbee Buzzers for 3% progress each. Everything else that counts is Elite. Cinderbee Knights and Garganutaun Honeyslime count for 10-11% while Cinderbee Forager, Cinderbee Worker, and Amber Honeyslime count for 6% and Cinderbee Drones give 5%. The rare Tephratennae gives 14%.

Special Assignment: Titanic Resurgence
- Eroded Titan Construct slain
- Obtain supercharged stormrook
This quest requires defeating the Eroded Titan Construct on one of the shores of the Isle of Dorn. The easiest way to do this is by mounting the nearby Stormrook and using its abilities: Lightning Volley to damage the Construct and Lightning Sheath or Defibrillation to protect the Stormrook and yourself.

Worldsoul Memories World Quests
You won’t be able to see these quests unless you have at least one Radiant Echo in your inventory. Worldsoul Memories are unique world quests that must be started by interacting with a Worldsoul Memory orb at the world quest location. You’ll select the difficulty level you’d like to attempt. Each difficulty grants better rewards and costs more Radiant Echoes to start. Once the event starts, your goal is to increase the Worldsoul Memory Score at the top of your screen by defeating enemies, mining Azerite, and interacting with objects in the area. Each quest also requires defeating a special named enemy. These quests do not award any reputation.
Worldsoul Memory: Ancient Explorers
- Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
- Shellbinder Kiku slain
Worldsoul Memory: The Worldcarvers
- Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
- Commander Artrude slain