Khaz Algar Lore Hunter Achievement Guide

Khaz Algar Lore Hunter Achievement Guide

Scattered across the continent of Khaz Algar, you’ll stumble upon a number of interactive lore objects that will be marked with a special spyglass symbol on your minimap when you get near them. There are five in each zone, and you’ll need to find all 20 of them if you want to earn the Khaz Algar Lore Hunter achievement. In addition to the achievement, you’ll also get some reputation with the zone’s major faction when you discover them.

To help you out, we’ve mapped them all out for you in this guide! If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you’ll also find a video guide to help you with any tricky locations.

Isle of Dorn

Five of the lore objects can be found on the Isle of Dorn. Each of these five discoveries grants 250 reputation with Council of Dornogal when clicked.

  • Galan’s Edict (37.4, 52.7) (underwater)
  • Stone of The Unbound (44.1, 30.2)
  • Titan Console (78.1, 27.9)
  • Watcher of the North (57.2, 20.0)
  • Watcher of the South (42.1, 80.3)
council of dornogal renown guide isle of dorn lore objects the war within

/way Isle of Dorn 37.4, 52.7 Galen's Edict
/way Isle of Dorn  44.1, 30.2 Stone of The Unbound
/way Isle of Dorn 78.1, 27.9 Titan Console
/way Isle of Dorn 57.2, 20.0 Watcher of the North
/way Isle of Dorn 42.1, 80.3 Watcher of the South

The Ringing Deeps

Five of the lore objects can be found in The Ringing Deeps. Each of these five discoveries grants 250 reputation with The Assembly of the Deeps when clicked.

  • A Skull on a Sign (39.3, 17.4)
  • Kobold Warning Sign (64.9, 56.1)
  • Submerged Sign (51.5, 72.4)
  • Warning: Collapsed Tunnel (71.4, 42.4)
  • Wax-Drenched Sign (50.2, 58.3)

the assembly of the deeps renown guide the ringing deeps lore objects the war within

/way The Ringing Deeps 39.3, 17.4 A Skull on a Sign
/way The Ringing Deeps 64.9, 56.1 Kobold Warning Sign
/way The Ringing Deeps 51.5, 72.4 Submerged Sign
/way The Ringing Deeps 71.4, 42.4 Warning: Collapsed Tunnel
/way The Ringing Deeps 50.2, 58.3 Wax-Drenched Sign


Five of the lore objects can be found in Hallowfall. Each of these five discoveries grants 250 reputation with Hallowfall Arathi when clicked.

  • A Scout’s Journal (62.2, 45.6)
  • A Tattered Note (71.4, 36.7)
  • A Weathered Tome (78.2, 40.4)
  • A Worn Down Book (25.1, 53.7)
  • Captain’s Chest (25.7, 38.5)
hallowfall khaz algar lore hunter achievement guide the war within

/way Hallowfall 62.2, 45.6 A Scout's Journal
/way Hallowfall 71.4, 36.7 A Tattered Note
/way Hallowfall 78.2, 40.4 A Weathered Tome
/way Hallowfall 25.1, 53.7 A Worn Down Book
/way Hallowfall 25.7, 38.5 Captain's Chest


Five of the lore objects can be found in Azj-Kahet and the City of Threads. Each of these five discoveries grants 85 reputation with each of the three Pact leaders for The Severed Threads when clicked.

  • Forgotten Shadecaster (Azj-Kahet 58.4, 89.5)
  • Kah’teht (Azj-Kahet 75.4, 33.3)
  • Mad Nerubian (Azj-Kahet 54.1, 18.9)
  • Neglected Shadecaster (City of Threads 8.5, 30.6)
  • Weathered Shadecaster (Azj-Kahet 71.1, 62.3)

/way Azj-Kahet 58.4, 89.5 Forgotten Shadecaster
/way Azj-Kahet 75.4, 33.3 Kah'teht
/way Azj-Kahet 54.1, 18.9 Mad Nerubian
/way City of Threads 8.5, 30.6 Neglected Shadecaster
/way Azj-Kahet 71.1, 62.3 Weathered Shadecaster

Video Guide

If you want to actually see where these objects are located in-game, we’ve got you covered in this video!


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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