- Author: Astrael
- Date: January 21, 2023
- Updated: January 31, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Near the beginning of each year, the light of the Lunar Festival descends upon Azeroth. The druids of Moonglade hold a celebration, welcoming in travelers to see spectacular displays of fireworks, gather for feasts, and honor the ancestral spirits of the elders. All the while, the demon Omen begins to stir beneath Lake Elune’ara…
When: Jan. 28 – Feb. 11, 2025
Where: Moonglade, with camps in Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, and the Undercity
Recent updates:
- 2025: Elders added across Khaz Algar; Lunar Launcher mount added, sold by Valadar Starsong in Moonglade for 75 Coins of Ancestry.
- 2024: Winding Slitherdrake: Lunar Festival Armor added, sold by Valadar Starsong in Moonglade for 50,000 gold.
To get started, speak with a Lunar Festival Herald (H) or Lunar Festival Emissary (A) in one of the major capital cities to pick up the introduction quest. Complete it to receive an invitation to make your way to Moonglade and enjoy the festivities.

Vendors and Rewards
During the Lunar Festival, players are able to earn Coin of Ancestry by visiting Elders located throughout Azeroth and completing quests. Up to 109 coins can be obtained per character each year. Unlike most holiday currencies, Coins of Ancestry remain in your inventory after the Lunar Festival ends, so extras can be saved for next year.
Coin of Ancestry are used at vendors located in Moonglade. Valadar Starsong can be found at Nighthaven (54, 35), selling Lunar Festival-exclusive attire plus Horde and Alliance battle pets. Fariel Starsong is next to Valadar in Moonglade selling toys and profession schematics/recipes for festival items. Additionally, Lunar Festival Vendors can be found in major cities for all of your fireworks needs!

Mount (Valadar)
Item Name | Cost |
Holiday Apparel (Valadar)
Item Name | Cost |
Battle Pets, Pet Toys, and Fireworks (Valadar)
Item Name | Cost |
10 ![]() |
Toys and Heirloom Upgrades (Fariel)
Item Name | Cost |
Profession Patterns, Schematics, and Recipes (Fariel)
Item Name | Cost |
Cluster Rocket Recipes (Contains three recipes; blue, green and red rocket clusters) | |
Large Cluster Rocket Recipes Contains three recipes; blue, green and red rocket clusters) | |
Large Rocket Recipes (Contains three recipes; blue, green and red rockets) | |
Small Rocket Recipes (Contains three recipes; blue, green and red rockets) | |
With so much to do and see, it can be overwhelming – we’ve got your back! The primary activities are defeating the raid boss Omen, quests to honor the elders, and collecting Coins of Ancestry to spend on different rewards.

Omen (Seasonal Boss)
Players are able to awaken and fight Omen, a demon found in Moonglade. Slumbering below Lake Elune’ara after being corrupted by the Burning Legion and defeated by heroes of Azeroth once before, the noise of celebration awakens him again.
Pick up the quest Elune’s Blessing from Valadar Starsong in Moonglade, then summon Omen by shooting off the event fireworks at the cluster launchers in Moonglade (64,61), or by shooting Elune’s Candle at the Minions of Omen who are roaming around near the same area. Upon defeat, celestial light will shine on Omen’s body. Receive Elune’s Blessing by standing in the pool of light, then return to Valadar to complete the quest and receive the toy Elune’s Lantern.
Note: You don’t need to be part of the raid group that slays him; standing in the light that appears will grant credit for the quest.

Honoring the Elders
There are 100 elders spread across Azeroth, each surrounded by a beam of light and accompanied by a quest marker. In addition to achievement progress and some gold, finding and honoring each will award:
- 1 Coin of Ancestry
- 75 reputation with the major city factions
- 1 Lucky Red Envelope, which contains a Lucky Rocket Cluster or Elder’s Moonstone
- Characters will be granted experience based on their level

Zone Phasing
With the introduction of zone phasing during newer expansions, you may find some elders aren’t visible in their expected location. If this occurs, speak with Zidormi in each zone to be taken to the required timeline. She can be found in the following places:
- Undercity: Ruins of Undercity (69, 62)
- Blasted Lanes: North entrance (48, 7)
- Teldrassil, Darkshore, and Darnassus: Outside Lor’danel (48. 24)
- Silithus: Valor’s Rest (78, 22)
Helpful Addons
In 2021, the TomCat’s Tours: Lunar Festival addon became part of the main TomCat’s Tours addon. It includes drawn pathways on the map for hard-to-spot elders, icons for portals and elders on both the flight map and zone minimaps, plus a reminder to visit Zidormi for elders in phased zones.
TomTom is a simple addon that provides in-game navigation when the user inputs a set of coordinates (waypoints). In our charts, the coordinates for each elder are listed with each location.
Locations of the Elders
The elders are organized by continent. See the bottom of each tab for a screenshot of the locations marked by a Coin of Ancestry.
To complete Elders of Eastern Kingdoms, you’ll need to honor 17 elders. While you’re here, you can also make progress on these achievements:
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Bellowrage | Blasted Lands | Dark Portal (54, 49) |
Elder Dawnstrider | Burning Steppes | Flame Crest (53, 24) |
Elder Goldwell | Dun Morogh | Kharanos (53, 49) |
Elder Graveborn | Tirisfal Glades | Brill (61, 53) |
Elder Highpeak | The Hinterlands | Creeping Ruin (50, 48) |
Elder Ironband | Searing Gorge | Blackchar Cave (21, 79) |
Elder Meadowrun | Western Plaguelands | Weeping Cave (63, 36) |
Elder Moonstrike | Western Plaguelands | Outside Scholomance (69, 73) |
Elder Obsidian | Silverpine Forest | The Sepulcher (45, 41) |
Elder Rumblerock | Burning Steppes | Dreadmaul Rock (70, 45) |
Elder Silvervein | Loch Modan | Thelsamar (33, 46) |
Elder Skychaser | Westfall | Sentinel Hill (56, 47) |
Elder Snowcrown | Eastern Plaguelands | Light’s Hope Chapel (75, 54) |
Elder Starglade | Northern Stranglethorn | Outside Zul’Gurub (71, 34) |
Elder Stormbrow | Elwynn Forest | Goldshire (39, 63) |
Elder Windrun | Eastern Plaguelands | Crown Guard Tower (35, 68) |
Elder Winterhoof | The Cape of Stranglethorn | Booty Bay (39, 72) |
The following three Elders are located in Alliance and Horde capital cities, and criteria for Elders of the Horde/Elders of the Alliance.
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Bronzebeard | Ironforge | Mystic Ward (29,16) |
Elder Hammershout | Elwynn Forest | Stormwind City Gates (34, 50) |
Elder Darkcore | Undercity | Ruins of Lordaeron Throne Room (67, 38) |
The following four Elders are located inside Eastern Kingdoms dungeons and criteria for Elders of the Dungeons.
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Farwhisper | Eastern Plaguelands | Stratholme |
Elder Morndeep | Searing Gorge | Blackrock Depths |
Elder Starsong | Swamp of Sorrows | Sunken Temple |
Elder Stonefort | Burning Steppes | Lower Blackrock Spire |

To complete the achievement Elders of Kalimdor. you’ll need to honor 21 elders. While you’re here, you can also make progress on these achievements:
- Elders of the Alliance (1)
- Elders of the Horde (2)
- Elders of the Dungeons (2)
- Elders of Cataclysm (4)
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Bladeleaf | Teldrassil | Dolarnaar (57,53) |
Elder Bladesing | Silithus | Cenarion Hold (53,35) |
Elder Bloodhoof | Mulgore | Bloodhoof Village (48, 53) |
Elder Brightspear | Winterspring | Lake Kel’Theril (53,56) |
Elder Dreamseer | Tanaris | Gadgetzan (51, 27) |
Elder Grimtotem | Feralas | Lariss Pavilion (76, 37) |
Elder High Mountain | Southern Barrens | Vendetta Point (41, 47) |
Elder Mistwalker | Feralas | The Maul (62,31) |
Elder Moonwarden | Northern Barrens | The Crossroads (48, 59) |
Elder Morningdew | Thousand Needles | Fizzle & Pozzik’s Speedbarge (77,75) |
Elder Nightwind | Felwood | Jaedenar (38, 52) |
Elder Primestone | Silithus | Crystal Vale (30, 13) |
Elder Ragetotem | Tanaris | Ruins of Uldum (37, 79) |
Elder Riversong | Ashenvale | Astranaar (36, 48) |
Elder Runetotem | Durotar | Razor Hill (53,43) |
Elder Skygleam | Azshara | Ravencrest Monument (64, 79) |
Elder Skyseer | Thousand Needles | Freewind Post (46, 51) |
Elder Starweave | Darkshore | Near Lor’danel (49, 19) |
Elder Stonespire | Winterspring | Everlook (60, 49) |
Elder Thunderhorn | Un’Goro Crater | Slithering Scar (50, 76) |
Elder Windtotem | Northern Barrens | Ratchet (68. 70) |
The following three Elders are located in Alliance and Horde capital cities, and criteria for Elders of the Horde/Elders of the Alliance.
Elder | Zone | Location |
(A) Elder Bladeswift | Darnassus | Cenarion Enclave (39, 32) |
(H) Elder Darkhorn | Orgrimmar | Near Flight Master (52, 60) |
(H) Elder Ezra Wheathoof | Thunder Bluff | Elder Rise (73, 23) |
The following two Elders are located inside Kalimdor dungeons and criteria for Elders of the Dungeons.
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Splitrock | Maraudon | Near Princess Theradras |
Elder Wildmane | Zul’Farrak | Gahz’rilla |

To complete the achievement Elders of Northrend, honor 18 elders. While you’re here, you can also make progress on Elders of the Dungeons (7).
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Arp | Borean Tundra | D.E.H.T.A (57, 43) |
Elder Beldak | Grizzly Hills | Westfall Encampment (60, 27) |
Elder Bluewolf | Wintergrasp | Wintergrasp Fortress (49, 14) |
Elder Fargal | Storm Peaks | Frosthold (28, 73) |
Elder Graymane | Storm Peaks | K3 (41, 84) |
Elder Lunaro | Grizzly Hills | Ruins of Tethys (80, 37) |
Elder Morthie | Dragonblight | Star’s Rest (29, 56) |
Elder Muraco | Storm Peaks | Camp Tunka’lo (64, 51) |
Elder Northal | Borean Tundra | Transitus Shield (34, 34) |
Elder Pamuya | Borean Tundra | Warsong Hold (43, 50) |
Elder Sandrene | Sholazar Basin | River’s Heart (50, 63) |
Elder Sardis | Borean Tundra | Valiance Keep (59, 65) |
Elder Skywarden | Dragonblight | Agmar’s Hammer (35, 48) |
Elder Stonebeard | Storm Peaks | Bouldercrag’s Refuge (31, 37) |
Elder Tauros | Zul’drak | Zim’Torga (59, 56) |
Elder Thoim | Dragonblight | Moa’ki Harbor (49, 78) |
Elder Wanikaya | Sholazar Basin | Rainspeaker Rapids (64, 49) |
Elder Whurain | Grizzly Hills | Camp Oneqwah (64, 47) |
The following seven Elders are located inside Northrend dungeons and criteria for Elders of the Dungeons.
Elder | Zone | Location |
Elder Chogan’gada | Howling Fjord | Utgarde Pinnacle, after Skadi the Ruthless |
Elder Igasho | Borean Tundra | The Nexus, near Ormorok the Tree-Shaper |
Elder Jarten | Howling Fjord | Utgarde Keep, after Prince Keleseth |
Elder Kilias | Grizzly Hills | Drak’Tharon Keep, King Dred |
Elder Nurgen | Dragonblight | Azjol-Nerub, after Hadronox |
Elder Ohanzee | Zul’drak | Gundrak, behind Drakkari Colossus |
Elder Yurauk | The Storm Peaks | Halls of Stone, near Krystallus |

The achievement Elders of the Dragon Isles can be earned by honoring the eight Elders located across the Dragon Isles. The locations and coordinates for these elders are listed below.
Note: Most of these elders take advantage of Dragonriding. If you get to a location and don’t see the elder or beam of light they stand in, look up!
Elder | Zone | Location |
Aylaag Elder | The Waking Shores | Obsidian Observatory (44, 63) |
Elder Dekidig | The Azure Span | Lost Ruins (67, 49) |
Elder Razlok | Thaldraszus | Above Gelikyr Post (50, 66) |
Iskaara Elder Nemaglek | The Azure Span | Iskaara (12, 49) |
Iskaara Elder Shomkol | The Waking Shores | Crumbling Cliffs (46, 31) |
Iskaara Elder Sik’ek | Thaldraszus | Algeth’ar Academy (54, 43) |
 Ohn’ir Elder | Ohn’ahran Plains | Shikaar Highlands (84, 48) |
 Shikaar Elder | Ohn’ahran Plains | Ohn’ahra’s Roost (58, 31) |
The achievement Elders of Khaz Algar can be earned by honoring the Elders located across the continent of Khaz Algar. The locations and coordinates for these elders are listed below.
Elder | Zone | Location |
Archivist Coppermoss | The Isle of Dorn | North of Thunderhead Peak (48.6, 14.0) |
Archivist Rubbleglint | The Isle of Dorn | South of Freywold Village (40.9, 87.4) |
Archivist Farolt | The Ringing Deeps | Obsidian Hollow (48.9, 67.3) |
Archivist Silsigra | The Ringing Deeps | The Living Grotto (67.3, 53.0) |
Elder Knythall | Hallowfall | West of Veneration Grounds (25.9, 52.0) |
Elder Swornvow | Hallowfall | Rumshackle (66.3, 46.3) |
Elder Ikk’xataz | Azj-Kahet | Twitching Gorge (46.8, 57.2) |
Elder Ikk’zivan | Azj-Kahet | The Maddening Deep (66.9, 85.5) |
After traveling Azeroth to honor the elders, slaying the dangerous demon Omen, and shooting off fireworks while donning the most festive of wardrobes, players can earn these achievements and one meta-achievement that rewards the title of Elder [Name].
- Holiday meta: To Honor One’s Elders
- Complete the achievements listed on the in-game tooltip (and marked with (*) below), including honoring the elders on each continent.
- Tip: This meta is included in What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been which rewards the Violet Proto-Drake
- Collecting Coins of Ancestry: Receive a coin of ancestry, then keep going! If you’re participating in the event and honoring elders, these will happen naturally. Continue collecting to achieve the following:
- Honoring the Elders: Travel to each of the continents to honor the elders there. These all are required for the event meta achievement except for Dragon Isles and Khaz Algar. Check out the section, “Locations of the Elders” for details and tips on completing this one.
- Elune’s Blessing (*)
- Complete the Elune’s Blessing quest by defeating Omen.
- Upon defeat, celestial light will shine on Omen’s body. Receive Elune’s Blessing by standing in the pool of light. For more details including where to pick up the required quest, see the “Omen (Seasonal Boss)” section above.
- The Rocket’s Red Glare (*)
- Shoot off 10 Red Rocket Clusters in 25 seconds or less.
- Red Rocket Clusters can be purchased from Lunar Festival Vendors for 1
each, and shot off using cluster launchers in Moonglade or in capital cities near holiday vendors.
- Frenzied Firecracker (*)
- Shoot off 10 Festival Firecrackers in 30 seconds or less.
- Festival Firecrackers can be purchased from Lunar Festival Vendors for 3
each, and shot off using cluster launchers in Moonglade or in capital cities near holiday vendors.