Skyriding Glyph Locations & Achievements Guide

Skyriding Glyph Locations & Achievements Guide

The Dragonriding Glyphs from Dragonflight make their return in The War Within as Skyriding glyphs. Unlike in the previous expansion, these glyphs are no longer required to improve your flying abilities. Instead they are required for the Glyph Hunter series of achievements for each zone. The meta achievement in this series, Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter, awards the Swarmite Skyhunter mount when completed.

This guide will provide you with the location of every Skyriding glyph in Khaz Algar. If you scroll all the way to bottom, you’ll find a handy video guide in case you have trouble spotting any of these glyphs!

Here are the achievements you can earn by Skyriding Glyphs in The War Within:

skyriding glyphs guide

Isle of Dorn Skyriding Glyph Locations

To get the Isle of Dorn Glyph Hunter achievement, you’ll be collecting the following 10 Skyriding Glyphs in the Isle of Dorn zone.

isle of dorn skyriding glyph locations

/way Isle of Dorn 75.8, 22.2 The Three Shields Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 23.2, 58.5 Dhar Oztan Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 38.1, 40.8 Storm's Watch Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 44.6, 80.0 Dhar Durgaz Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 68.2, 71.7 Sunken Shield Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 47.8, 27.2 Thul Medran Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 56.3, 17.7 Thunderhead Peak Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 78.2, 42.7 Cinderbrew Meadery Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 62.1, 44.8 Mourning Rise Skyriding Glyph
/way Isle of Dorn 72.0, 47.2 Ironwold Skyriding Glyph

The Ringing Deeps Skyriding Glyph Locations

To get the The Ringing Deeps Glyph Hunter achievement, you’ll be collecting the following 9 Skyriding Glyphs in The Ringing Deeps.

the ringing deeps skyriding glyph locations

/way The Ringing Deeps 48.7, 31.9 Gundargaz Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 46.9, 9.9 The Stonevault Exterior Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 57.2, 31.3 Lost Mines Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 69.4, 34.2 Chittering Den Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 56.1, 56.1 The Rumbling Wastes Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 49.9, 66.1 The Living Grotto Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 63.8, 95.4 Abyssal Excavation Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 62.9, 66.1 Taelloch Mine Skyriding Glyph
/way The Ringing Deeps 46.4, 51.8 The Waterworks Skyriding Glyph

Hallowfall Skyriding Glyph Locations

To get the Hallowfall Glyph Hunter achievement, you’ll be collecting the following 10 Skyriding Glyphs in the Hallowfall zone.

hallowfall skyriding glyph locations

/way Hallowfall 62.9, 51.8 The Fangs Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 57.2, 32.4 Sina's Yearning Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 63.7, 65.5 Sanguine Grasps Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 70.0, 44.2 Dunelle's Kindness Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 62.8, 7.2 Bleak Sand Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 43.4, 52.9 Mereldar Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 35.5, 34.0 Priory of the Sacred Flame Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 30.9, 51.6 Fortune's Fall Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 45.7, 12.4 Velhan's Claim Skyriding Glyph
/way Hallowfall 57.6, 64.9 Tenir's Ascent Skyriding Glyph

Azj-Kahet Skyriding Glyph Locations

To get the Azj-Kahet Glyph Hunter achievement, you’ll be collecting the following 11 Skyriding Glyphs in the Azj-Kahet zone. Watch out in this zone for anti-flying devices scattered around the zone – they look a bit like balloons and will knock you off your mount if you get too close! Note also that there is one glyph that has its coordinates on the City of Threads map, not the Azj-Kahet map.

azj kahet skyriding glyph locations

/way Azj-Kahet 63.5, 13.9 Arathi's End Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 46.7, 21.3 Siegehold Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 24.7, 41.6 Ruptured Lake Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 43.0, 57.3 Eye of Ansurek Skyriding Glyph
/way City of Threads 13.9, 33.9 Old Sacrificial Pit Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 58.5, 89.7 Deepwalker Pass Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 66.4, 84.6 The Maddening Deep Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 73.3, 84.4 Rak-Ush Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 57.6, 57.5 Silken Ward Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 70.5, 25.5 Trickling Abyss Skyriding Glyph
/way Azj-Kahet 65.5, 51.8 Untamed Valley Skyriding Glyph

Video Guide

If you want to see where these glyphs can be found in-game, this video can help.


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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5 months ago

Great guide, very helpful!

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