- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 12, 2024
- Updated: September 12, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The Great Vault offers weekly rewards for completing endgame content in World of Warcraft. Each week you’ll be able acquire an extra piece of equipment from the Great Vault, choosing from a selection of options based on the amount and difficulty of the content you completed during the previous week. This guide will cover where to find the Great Vault and how to unlock its rewards in The War Within.
Where to Find the Great Vault
The Great Vault has a new location in The War Within. You’ll find it in the city of Dornogal on the new continent of Khaz Algar. It’s inside the Council’s Treasury building near the center of the city (entrance: 52.2, 45.8). You’ll see it marked on the map with a lock icon.
You can also view The Great Vault from the Delves tab in your Group Finder window, although you will not be able to access rewards there.

Unlocking Rewards for the Great Vault
There are three rows in the Great Vault each with three columns, offering rewards for different types of content. In The War Within, the PvP row has been replaced by a World row, which gives rewards for delves and world activities. There are two other rows, one for Raids and one for Dungeons.
You will only be able to choose one reward from the Great Vault each week, regardless of how many options you unlock. But having more options can make it more likely that you will be able to get a piece you really want, since each slot’s reward is randomly chosen from the appropriate loot table. If none of the choices are appealing, you also have the option of picking an Algari Token of Merit.

To earn reward options in the top row of the Great Vault, you’ll need to defeat bosses in the current season‘s raid. The difficulty on which you defeat each raid boss will determine the loot tables your rewards are drawn from. If you clear the entire raid on Raid Finder difficulty, you will receive Raid Finder level loot in each slot. But if you also kill two or three bosses on Normal difficulty, the first slot will offer Normal level loot while the remaining slots will still offer Raid Finder loot.
- Slot 1: Defeat 2 raid bosses
- Slot 2: Defeat 4 raid bosses
- Slot 3: Defeat 6 raid bosses
Unlocking reward options in the middle row of the Great Vault requires completing dungeons on Heroic, Mythic, or Timewalking difficulty (no Normal or Follower Dungeons). Like with raids, the rewards you earn are based on the highest level of difficulty you complete for the given objective. Timewalking dungeons offer the same rewards as Heroic dungeons, while Mythic+ offer a reward one key level higher than the highest completed. If you complete 8 dungeons, but only 3 are completed on Mythic difficulty while the rest are Heroic, only the first slot will offer Mythic level rewards.
- Slot 1: Complete 1 dungeon
- Slot 2: Complete 4 dungeons
- Slot 3: Complete 8 dungeons
The new bottom row of the Great Vault has replaced the old PvP objectives with World objectives. These include Delves and world activities. World activities are world events such as the Theater Troupe event in Isle of Dorn, Awakening the Machine in The Ringing Deeps, or Spreading the Light in Hallowfall as well as weekly quests and Special Assignments. Regular world quests don’t count toward this row.
The level of loot you receive is determined by the difficulty tier of the delves you complete. World events automatically count as Tier 1, the lowest difficulty, so you’ll want to focus on delves instead if you want to get better rewards. Note that Tier 9-11 delves do not offer any better loot than Tier 8, so you can max out this row if you complete 12 Tier 8 delves.
- Slot 1: Complete 3 delves or world activities
- Slot 2: Complete 6 delves or world activities
- Slot 3: Complete 12 delves or world activities
Algari Token of Merit Rewards
If you’re not happy with any of your options in the Great Vault, you can choose to pick up some Algari Token of Merit instead. You’ll get 2 for every slot you’ve unlocked in the vault, maxing out at 6 if you have unlocked at least three slots. These tokens can be traded to Ardgaz, who is standing right next to the vault, for the following rewards.
Reward | Cost |