- Author: Spannah
- Date: October 11, 2021
- Updated: October 14, 2021
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The Lorewalkers reputation is not acquired through daily quests, raids, dungeons, and you can’t really grind for it. Instead, the emphasis is put on exploration: you will have to explore Pandaria in order to find lore objects. By interacting with these objects, you will complete achievements which will in turn reward you with reputation. On top of that, every completed achievement will result in Lorewalker Cho sending you a scroll through mail, which will begin a quest that also awards reputation.
There are two types of lore objects to be found:


All of the Pandaria zones have these lore objects, with the exception of the Isle of Giants and the Timeless Isle.
There are no requirements to begin working on this reputation, you can simply follow the maps bellow to find these objects. It is highly recommended however to have a flying mount, as it will still take you a couple hours even when you don’t have to find them yourself. You can also check out the Addons section of the guide for additional help.
Lore Objects Locations
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
For the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, you will have to make sure to be in the Mists of Pandaria timeline. If you are in the current timeline, you will not be able to find the lore objects. To change phases, speak to Zidormi in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

One thing to note is that in the Mists of Pandaria timeline, you may not be able to view the Vale of Eternal Blossoms map unless you are already in the zone.
Isle of Thunder
To access the Isle of Thunder, you will have to complete the quest The Storm Gathers in Townlong Steppes. This quest is given by Scout Captain Elsia in the Shado-Pan Garrison.

After accepting the quest, speak to her again to be sent to the Isle of Thunder. Once the quest is completed, you can find a portal for the Isle of Thunder next to her tent.
TomTom and Paste addons can greatly speed up the process of finding and interacting with the lore objects. TomTom enables you to use coordinates and have map markers and an arrow guiding you, while Paste gives you the ability to write several “/” commands simultaneously.
Once both addons are installed and enabled, open Paste by writing “/paste show”, paste the coordinates below and press “Paste and Close”.
If you want to set the arrow to a specific TomTom location, right click on any of the green dots on the map and select “Set as waypoint arrow”. All that’s left is to interact with all of the lore objects, and complete your achievements.
Lorewalker Cho
While interacting with lore objects, you will end up completing several achievements that award you reputation with The Lorewalkers. For each completed achievement you will receive in-game mail from Lorewalker Cho, containing an item that starts a quest. In order to reach Exalted, you will also need to complete those quests.
For each of those quests, the goal is simply to find Lorewalker Cho and turn the quest in. You can find him in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, on top of Mogu’Shan Palace.

Whenever you turn a quest in, you will need to wait for Lorewalker Cho to finish talking until you can turn the next one in. If you want to skip the dialogue, you can go out to the balcony or fly a small distance away from the palace, which will make you able to turn the next quest in, all while there is another Lorewalker Cho talking nearby.
Once you reach Exalted, the Lorewalkers Quartermaster located in the same room as Lorewalker Cho, will sell you several items: