- Author: Luxrah
- Date: September 10, 2024
- Updated: February 26, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Completing the main storyline and reaching level 80 unlocks World Quests for your character in Khaz Algar. These quests are special time-limited activities that offer a variety of rewards as well as some reputation with The Assembly of the Deeps for your Warband. In this guide, we’ll tell you where to go and what you need to do to complete each of these quests.
World Quests
This section lists the standard world quests in The Ringing Deeps that do not have a special quest type (PvP, pet battle, Skyrider racing, or Special Assignment).
All Worked Up
- Earthenworks Disruptions Thwarted
To complete this quest, you must kill many mobs in The Earthenworks area in the north of the zone. There are no interactive objects for this one. The Dogmatic humanoid enemies are worth 2% of your progress bar each (Dogmatic Forgecaster, Dogmatic Machine Speaker, and Dogmatic Soot-Seer). Mechanical enemies (Earthenwork Ironstrider and High Speaker’s Construct) are worth 5% each.
Candle Kingbreaker
- Liberate the Warrens
The easiest way to complete this quest is to Skyride through the rings above The Warrens, which will cause you to throw out pamphlets to the kobolds. You can also complete this quest by killing Oppressed Kobolds and Waxtail Scavengers, or by collecting Liberated Scrap from Intriguing Scrap piles on the ground.

Capturing the Cataract’s Creatures
- Ride the Cataloger’s Disc
- Take Pictures of Wildlife
You’ll need to mount the stealthed Cataloger’s Disc beside the Cataract River (52.9, 47.6). Then you’ll be taking pictures of wildlife to fill the progress bar. Common pictures will give you 3% progress each, Rare pictures are worth 5%, Epic pictures give 10%, and a Legendary picture gives 20%. To get a Legendary shot, keep an eye out for Cataract Strider (51.7, 54.5).

Claimed Salvage
- 12 Goblins Slain
- 6 Ancient Titan Salvage
Ancient Titan Salvage can be obtained by looting Salvage Crates around the area. You’ll also need to kill goblins from among Overworked Cook, Thirsty Salvager, and Weary Laborer.
Cloud Farming
- Summon your Skyriding Mount or mount Trained Shalewing (Optional)
- 30 Clouds farmed
Hop on your mount or use the Trained Shalewing nearby (58, 64.4). Then fly through the rings to farm the clouds, avoiding the purple orbs. You can complete this quest with either Steady Flight or Skyriding active.

Construct Containment
- Slow and slay the Lava Laden Crystal Construct
- Skyride through the construct to stun it (optional)
All you need to do for this quest is defeat the Lava Laden Crystal Construct, a level 80 elite that is running around the Shadowvein Extraction Site (57.2, 40.3). This will be easier to do if you stun it first by Skyriding through it. You’ll need to Switch Flight Style for this if you are currently using Steady Flight. Fly through the ring around the mob to stun it.

Courier Mission: Ore Recovery
- Pick up an ore bucket (Optional)
- Deposit a total of 10 ore across the bridge to the west
To get started, pick up the Ore Bucket in the middle of Taelloch Mine (64.6, 64). Then click on lumps of Taeloch Ore on the ground to pick them up. You’ll gain a buff which will allow you to keep track of how many you are carrying. You can’t mount while carrying them, but you can use speed-boosting abilities.
You will have a special ability available during this quest, Stabilize!, which you must use to keep your ore haul balanced. Use this whenever the “Stumbling!” announcement pops up. If you fail to do so, all of the ore you are carrying will be tossed out on the ground around you and you will have to pick it up again. Hold down the button until it reaches the sweet spot on the bar to gain the Perfect Balance buff. To turn in the ores and complete the quest, head to the marked location at the end of the bridge (61, 64).
Depositing all 10 ore at the same time will earn you the I Only Need One Trip achievement. If you bring 20 ores to the Reclamation Machinest, he will construct a contraption which you and other players can use to make the trip easier. Contributing 100 ore to these contraptions will award you the For the Collective achievement.

Deworming Solution
- 12 Worms Slain
You’ll need to kill Deeps Larva and Deeps Spitter to complete this quest. Deeps Spitters can be found wandering around while Deeps Larva will be burrowed beneath the ground nearby. Hunters can use Track Beasts to spot them more easily.

Excavation Liberation
- Defeat hostile creatures and retrieve earthen tools
Earthen Tools can be found lying on the ground throughout the Abyssal Excavation site. You can also choose to fight Feral Hardhead and Invasive Hardhead in the area. Each tool picked up or creature defeated will fill your progress bar about 6%.

Geothermal Gem Treatment
- 12 Dull gems collected
- 12 Gems heat treated
Enter a cave near the Hallowfall Gate (40.4, 17.9) and loot the Dull Gemstones on the ground throughout. Then exit the cave and head to a nearby lava pool. When you get close, you’ll have a special ability: Heat Treatment. Using this ability will cause one of two things to happen. Either a Gem-Jammed Slag Bubble will spawn, and you can kill it to loot the heated gem, or you will drop a gem in the lava that you will automatically loot after a few seconds.

Mineral Buildup
- 12 Destroy excess mineral deposits
You’ll find Mineral Deposits as attackable globs on the ground near the pipes in The Waterworks. Sometimes they will spawn a Mineral Elemental that you will need to kill.

Nothing to Waste
- 12 Skardyn slain
- 6 Abandoned Tools collected
Look for Mining Tools on the ground around The Rumbling Wastes. Along the way, you’ll need to kill 12 Skardyn in the area. These can be Rampaging Blight, Skardyn Degenerator, Skardyn Devastator, Skardyn Reaver, or Voidstone Behemoth.

Pipe Patcher
- 12 Leaking pipes patched
Fly up to the pipes above Gundargaz and look for steam that is leaking out. Fly close and you will automatically patch them.
Reaching for Resources
- Climbing Gear acquired
- Find a handhold on the cliff
- 7 Ancient Celestite collected
Click on the Climbing Gear at the bottom of the rockface to equip it. Then click on the Handholds to start climbing. Make use of the special abilities to maintain your grip and navigate the cliff. Click on the Ancient Celestite you encounter along the way to loot them and complete the quest.
Completing this quest without leaping to more than 25 handholds will earn you the Hanging Tight achievement.
Scrounge that Scrap!
- 6 Useful Scrap located
You can collect scrap by rummaging through Promising Scrap Piles along the water banks in the Chittering Den.

Taelloch Cleanup
- Kill skardyn and collect earthen memory gems
In the town of Taelloch, look for Earthen Memory Gem Fragments that you can loot for about 6% of your progress bar each. You can also kill Skarydyn in the area. Cursed Miner, Corrupted Spellshaper, Skardyn Husk, Unstable Skardyn, and Voidtouched Speaker are worth 6% while Tainted Fragments are worth 1% each. If you’re having trouble finding spawns, try looking inside the inn (64.2, 57.4).

Thieving Snufflers
- 6 Pilfered Cinderbrew recovered
- 12 Sweetsnuffler slain
Loot small pots and barrels of Pilfered Cinderbrew from around Brunwin’s Terrace, and kill the Sweetsnuffler mobs around the area while you’re at it.

Wayward Walkers
- 8 Lost Cogwalker returned
Look for Lost Cogwalkers, little mechanical turtles, on the ground around Shimmermist Falls, and interact with them to send them home. Tip: if you get close without actually landing on the ground, you can interact with them without being dismounted!

You Go Take Candle
- 12 Flickerflame Candle
Flickerflame Candles can be looted from bundles on the ground or from Flickerflame kobolds throughout the Lost Mines. Mobs that drop them include Flickerflame Candleflayer, Flickerflame Candlekeeper, Flickerflame Enforcer, Flickerflame Geomancer, Flickerflame Kobold, Flickerflame Overseer, Flickerflame Scrabbler, and Flickerflame Sticker.

PvP World Quests
These world quests will not appear on your map unless you have War Mode turned on. To enable War Mode, head to a major city (Dornogal, Valdrakken, or your faction capital) and open your talents window. Click on the circle in the lower right corner so that it lights up. There are ways to complete these quests without killing other players, but you must have War Mode on the whole time.
Digging into Trouble
- Subdue Moles or Kill Players
To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat elementals at Abyssal Escavation. Players count for 14% of your progress bar. Feral Hardhead and Invasive Hardhead each count for 10%.

Foggy Faceoff
- Kill Monsters of Players
To fill up the progress bar, you’ll either need to kill players or defeat elementals in Obsidian Hollow. Players and Deathspore Lashroom elites count for 14% of your progress bar. Devouring Fog Beast, Famished Fog Beast, and Voracious Fog Beast elites count for 20%. Caolesced Shadelings count for 2% each and Deathspore Buds count for 1%.

Pet Battle World Quests
These world quests involve winning pet battles against some challenging opponents.
Major Malfunction
- Defeat the Haywire Servobot in a Pet Battle
Haywire Servobot is a Mechanical type battle pet found atop the eastern wall of Taelloch Mine (66.9, 58.1). It is weak to Elemental abilities but resistant to Magic abilities.

The Power of Friendship
- Defeat the Friendhaver Grem in a Pet Battle
Friendhaver Grem is an Expert Pet Trainer (61.6, 37.6). His pets are Rufus, Bubs, and Takey-Take, a Beast and two Critter types. Rufus is weak to Mechanical abilities but resistant to Humanoids. The other two are weak to Beast abilities but resistant to Elementals.

Skyrider Racing World Quests
For these world quests, you’ll be tasked with completing one of the Skyriding races that are scattered around the map. To do so, speak with the Bronze Timekeeper at the race location and choose the version of the course you’d like to try. Any version will count as long as you complete the race in time to earn at least Bronze.

Skyrider Racing – Cataract River Cruise
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a ledge overlooking the Cataract River (52.5, 46.9).
Skyrider Racing – Chittering Concourse
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a cliff overlooking the Chittering Den (67.9, 34.8).
Skyrider Racing – Earthenworks Weave
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a ledge in the western wall of Candleslag Quarry (40.9, 11.3).
Skyrider Racing – Opportunity Point Amble
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a ledge just north of Opportunity Point (63.5, 75.1).
Skyrider Racing – Ringing Deeps Ramble
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on top of the Coreway gate to Isle of Dorn at Ironhaul Station (42.2, 27.4).
Skyrider Racing – Taelloch Twist
- Complete the race
This Bronze Timekeeper is on a high ledge on the southern wall of Taelloch Mine (66.6, 68.7).
Special Assignment World Quests
These world quests require completing a certain number of other world quests in The Ringing Deeps before they will become available. Until this prerequisite is met, they’ll appear on the map with a lock symbol.
Special Assignment: Shadows Below
- Gather fuel (Optional)
- 3 Drills refueled
- 1 Droghung slain
For this quest, you’ll be gathering fuel to refill drills while killing Militia members and Shadelings in Obsidian Hollow. Interact with Trapped Emergency Militia NPCs who are standing in oil pools and pull them out to get Radiant Fuel Crystals. You can also defeat enemies in the area to loot the crystals, or you can interact with Wounded Emergency Militia, who will drop them on the ground as a thank you.
Take these crystals to the Shadowseam Drills that are marked on the map. You’ll need 5 crystals to fuel each drill, so 15 total. When all three drills have been fueled, the Shadowseam they are aimed at will become clickable. Use it to enter the lair of Droghung and slay it. A Portal to the Surface will appear behind him so you can return to The Ringing Deeps.

Special Assignment: When the Deeps Stir
- 4 Awakened Elementals defeated
For this quest, you must kill four elite enemies: Awakened Colossus (53.0, 16.6), Awakened Flamecoil Serpent (49.4, 11.2), Awakened Sulfuric Devastator (56.8, 10.0), and Awakened Volcanic Fury (49.0, 8.4).
Worldsoul Memories World Quests
You won’t be able to see these quests unless you have at least one Radiant Echo in your inventory. Worldsoul Memories are unique world quests that must be started by interacting with a Worldsoul Memory orb at the world quest location. You’ll select the difficulty level you’d like to attempt. Each difficulty grants better rewards and costs more Radiant Echoes to start. Once the event starts, your goal is to increase the Worldsoul Memory Score at the top of your screen by defeating enemies, mining Azerite, and interacting with objects in the area. Each quest also requires defeating a special named enemy. These quests do not award any reputation.
Worldsoul Memory: Elemental Fury
- Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
- Rumblestone slain
Worldsoul Memory: Primal Predators
- Defeat as many hostile visions as possible
- Ton’kei The Fierce slain