- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: February 25, 2025
- Updated: February 25, 2025
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
With the opening of the Siren Isles there are new achievements to hunt down and the Treasures of the Storm achievement will have you finding some true-blue booty of your own! While treasure hunting is not new to Azeroth, the way you’ll go about it on the Siren Isles is a bit different than what we’ve done previously.
This guide will go over how to unlock the ability to find this treasure, what to look for, and where to look for it so you can complete this achievement without any issues.
How to Unlock the Runecaster’s Eye
The first part is going to be getting to the Siren Isles itself, and if you’re wondering how to get started on that check out our How to Get to Siren Isle guide!
Once you’re on the Isle you’ll have to complete a relatively quick chain of quests to unlock the Runecaster’s Eye buff being cast on you. This buff will not only let you find where treasure is located, but also give you the ability to interact with it to make it lootable.
- The Expedition Awaits
- To the Siren Isle!
- Friendly Competition
- To Scan a Crystal
- Facet-nating Signals
- The Second Signal
- Cave Barging
- Buried Secrets
- The Radiant Vault
- Reforged Anew
- The Circlet Calls
- Uncovered Mysteries

It should be noted for most special buffs on the Siren Isles you’ll need your Cyrce’s Circlet ring equipped for them to work.
How to Find Treasure Chests on the Siren Isles
Uncovered Mysteries is where you’re going to get your first taste of how the system of finding treasure on the Siren Isle functions, and once you complete it you’ll gain the ability to find these treasure chests in the overworld.
There are general spawns, but not guaranteed spawns. Meaning while these chests can’t appear just anywhere, they’re not guaranteed to be up in every spot they could spawn in at all times.
You’ll notice these chests are nearby by seeing a gust of wind directing you to their location once you’re within a minimum range of them. Once you get very close you’ll see the ghostly outline of a treasure chest. Then, finally, when on top of them you’ll get an extra action button to activate your Runecaster’s Eye to make the chest interactable.

For these spawns they’re generally in relatively accessible locations that won’t require intense jump puzzles or flying unlocked or anything frustrating to get to them. That said you should pick up an Experimental Go-Pack to make traversal much easier. This can be done one of two ways:
- Completing the Peak Precision quest.
- Once you’ve unlocked the ability to, these can also be bought at the main encampment by Sally Boltwrench.

There’s also the possibility of some spawns being in the surrounding waters of the Siren Isle. To aid with this there’s an introductory quest called Dipping a Toe that will have you seek out a few fixed treasure chests and bring back quest items which will give you the Blessing of the Seadweller buff allowing you to breathe underwater, swim much faster, and walk on the bottom of the sea floor.

Siren Isles the Storm / Tempest Phase
The achievement requires you to find 10 chests total in the Siren Isles. There is a catch, though, where only 7 of the 10 can be found in the calm version of the Siren Isle that you find yourself in at first. The last 3 will need to be acquired within The Storm. When you complete the weekly zone quest you unlock the ability to phase into a version of the isles under assault from a heavy storm.
There’s a few key differences between the calm and the storm:
- You cannot use flying mounts in the storm.
- The mobs are a bit tougher, and it might be wise to group up if you’re not well geared.
- Different rares and types of mobs spawn in.
- You can choose one of a few special equipment which are powerful damage tools that can make soloing in the storm a much more feasible prospect.
To get to the storm you’ll need to complete the weekly Tempest – Special Assignment quest. This quest is just a progress bar that fills with any major interactions with the Siren Isles such as completing quests, killing rares, finding treasure, etc. It’ll change names depending on what faction is assaulting the Siren Isles that week, but you’ll automatically have it as it’s a zone quest.
Once the quest is completed you’ll have the option to summon the Tempest and phase into it by talking to Suzie Boltwrench.

Finding chests within the storm will be much the same as it is outside the storm, just with the added difficulties of impeded movement and tougher enemies. And with that you should be able to take the Siren Isles to the cleaners and get this achievement done no problem!