- Author: Furious
- Date: August 19, 2024
- Updated: September 12, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
Visions of Azeroth is the storyline and first chapter of The War Within expansion. This walkthrough will walk you through the requirements and steps to complete it. Note that certain quests might be skipped on your character depending upon what you’ve completed on your other characters.
Requirements & Prerequisites
In order to start the Visions of Azeroth questline you’ll first need to be level 70 and to complete the Dragonflight storyline Hunt for the Harbinger. The first quest in this storyline should have automatically opened when you reached level 70.
Hunt for the Harbinger
- The Harbinger – Head to Dalaran and talk to Khadgar
- Door to the Ren’dorei – Follow Alleria into the Void Rift and play through until completion
- Riftwalker Reports – Talk to some NPCs to gather reports
- Cracks in the Void – Click on some unstable void rifts as you travel to the turn in area
- Galakrond’s Unrest – Travel through a nearby rift to go to Northrend and turn in the quest
- Walk a Mile in Her Shadows – Travel north to Ulduar in Stormpeaks. When you’re near a void rift you will get a special action button
- Dark Descension – Confront the Riftwalker
- Legacy of the Void – Take the void portal
- The Path Taken – View Alleria’s memories
- And Be One Traveler, Long I Stood – Confront Turalyon, then follow him
- Defend Telogrus Rift – Defend as you head to the middle island, turn in near the bottom
- Null and Void – Head to the bottom island, defeat Turalyon, then talk to Alleria
- Radiant Warnings – Head back to Dalaran, talk to Khadgar
Notes & Troubleshooting
- If you boosted a character to level 70 you’ll automatically get the first quest in the storyline, The War Within, and can directly proceed with it.
- If you have completed the Hunt for the Harbinger storyline on another character you shouldn’t have to do it again.
- If you previously abandoned The Harbinger quest you can go to Suggested Content in your Adventurer’s Guide or from a floating scroll named Khadgar’s Summons in either Stormwind Keep for Alliance or Orgrimmar for Horde to reacquire it.
- If you were previously part way through one of the quests you can return by going to Dalaran (Legion version) and then to the Chamber of the Guardian.
Visions of Azeroth Questline
The War Within
The first quest of the storyline, The War WIthin, should pop up on your screen to accept as soon as you’re eligible for it. You’ll be provided with a scroll to teleport to Silithus and talk to Thrall or
Jaina to complete the quest.
If for any reason you’re unable to see Thrall or Jaina you may need to travel to the top right of the map (where the chat bubble is on the image below) and switch to the current timeline.

A Poor Reception
Head a few yard past Thrall and Jaina to use the Titan Translocator and enter the Heart Chamber. Follow Jaina, Thrall, and Anduin to Magni and turn in the quest.

Azeroth’s Voice
Click on each of the Chamber Consoles nearby and then talk to Magni to start a ritual. After a short cut scene talk to Jaina to complete the quest.

Painful Lessons
Super simple, just take the nearby portal to Dalaran (Legion) and then talk with Khadgar. Note that it can take a few seconds for the portal to work for some reason.

The Bronzebeard Family
After completing the previous quest, you’ll be able to accept A Mysterious Warning nearby from Moira Thaurissan who is next to the random bed that Mangi is laying on in the same room as Khadgar.
Head up the stairs to the Dalaran street level and go to the Dalaran Visitor Center to talk to Brann Bronzebeard then head back down to the Chamber of the Guardian and turn in the quest by talking to Moira again.

A Mysterious Warning
Talk to Khadgar and watch a cutscene where you find out that Dalaran is going to be moved to Khaz Algar. Talk to Khadgar again to complete the quest.
There will now be three campaign quests available to accept and complete concurrently:
- Citizens of Dalaran – Accept from Khadgar
- Meet the Team – Accept from Brann Bronzebeard in the same room
- Strengthen the Wards – Accept from Archmage Drenden just up the stairs

Citizens of Dalaran
Up on the streets of Dalaran there are various NPCs you can interact with to complete this quest. Look on your map or minimap to find which NPCs are eligible. When you get close to them you’ll get a special ability button to click to help that NPC. The ability button won’t show up while you’re mounted.

Meet the Team
Up on the streets of Dalaran head over near The Violet Citadel and talk to Elise Starseeker.

Strengthen the Wards
Up on the streets of Dalaran look on your map or minimap to find the Wards to use the Tuning Wand on.
- Entrance to the Violet Hold
- Just inside The Violet Citadel
- Doorway of the southern bank
- Doorway of the northern bank

To Khaz Algar!
Just talk to Khadgar when ready, turn in with Alleria afterwards.

Run around in the area marked on your map killing Nerubians and helping citizens escape until the objectives are complete, then go talk to Alleria at Krasus Landing to complete the quest.

Head back to the city, some destruction will split you up from Alleria and you’ll have to go through the sewers where you’ll be join by Anduin Wrynn. Kill some bad guys and free Webbed Victims as you go through the sewers.

You and Anduin will split up, he runs to safety and leaves you to look for another exit which can be found at the West end of the area. When you get back to the surface you’ll get a short cinematic and be attacked. Kill Queensguard An’Jak Shabtir and Khadgar will show up just in time to not help kill it.
After talking to Khadgar he’ll create a portal to an area on Khaz Algar which you’ll click on to complete the quest and get a piece of gear as a reward.

Departure concludes the storyline Visions of Azeroth, you’ll continue with The War Within campaign in The Isle of Dorn storyline when you wake up on the surface of The Isle of Dorn buried under some rubble.
I was completely confused and was unable to find the NPC who gave “The Bronzebeard Family” quest, I looked at several different guide’s, forums and so forth. It wasn’t till after I was reading your guide did I realize there was another Dalaran, (I believe I quit playing WOW in 2016 and just came back in May 2024, so this 2nd Dalaran was unknown to me. You explained everything very clear and accurate, thank you for making my life a whole lot easier in the new expansion.