Where to Find the Barbershop in the Mists of Pandaria Remix

Where to Find the Barbershop in the Mists of Pandaria Remix

World of Warcraft has come a long way since the Mists of Pandaria expansion was originally released. Among other things, there are a lot more options for customizing your character’s appearance, and even the appearances of your pets, druid forms, and mounts! If you want to change the way you look, though, you’ll need to head to a Barbershop, which originally meant heading to one of your faction’s cities since this service didn’t exist in Pandaria. In the Remix, you can’t leave the continent of Pandaria, so Blizzard has brought the salon to you!

Head to Your Faction’s Shrine

Each faction has a Shrine in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms that serves as your central hub in Pandaria. If you haven’t been there yet, you can hop on your flying mount and make your way to the central part of the continent. Both Shrines are on the east side of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms zone, with Mogu’shan Palace in between. The enemy faction’s Shrine will be hostile to you, so be sure you head to the right one!

  • Wow Alliance Crest Alliance should head to the Shrine of Seven Stars in the southeast. The Barbershop will be on the Summer Terrace, just outside one of the doors into the building. Coordinates: 85, 67.
  • Horde will find their hub at the Shrine of Two Moons in the north. The Barbershop will be on the Golden Terrace, just outside one of the doors into the building. Coordinates: 64, 18.

You’ll be able to change your features, body type, druid forms, and warlock pets by using the Barbershop Chairs. Nearby you’ll find a Rostrum of Transformation, which will allow you to customize your Dragonriding mounts (if you’ve unlocked appearances for them in the Dragonflight expansion).

mists of pandaria remix barbershop map


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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