- Author: Shadostruct
- Date: December 6, 2024
- Updated: December 6, 2024
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
The Worldsoul Memory Event is an event that rotates positions through the 4 zones of Khaz’Algar with at least one always being up at all times. To participate in this event you’ll need 1, 5, or 10 of the Radiant Echo item as currency to spend for entry. This is a quick event that tasks you to kill as many mobs and complete as many objectives within the phased zone as you can within the 5-minute time limit. The higher the score when the timer runs out, the higher the rewards you get, which consist of Coffer Key Shards and Valorstones.
How to Participate in the Worldsoul Memory Event
There are 3 requirements to participate in the Worldsoul Memory Event:
- Be level 80.
- Acquire a Radiant Echo.
- Complete the A Radiant Echo quest after obtaining your first Radiant Echo.
After that it’s a simple matter of finding where the event is currently located on your map, going there, and turning in your Radiant Echo to be phased into the event and begin it. This is a warband quest, so once this is done on a single character in your warband you won’t need to do so for any alts!
Where is the Worldsoul Memory Event
This event is up at all times, but rotates locations each day. It can be seen on your map, and is located in two separate areas within one of the 4 zones of Khaz’Algar. You should see a circular icon that looks reminiscent of the BFA Azerite with a blue and gold swirl to it.

How to Acquire Radiant Echoes
There are two ways to acquire Radiant Echoes:
- The end chest of Bountiful Delves will give you one, guaranteed.
- Pinnacle Cache, the chest reward for many weeklies, have the potential to contain one.
It should be noted that you’ll only get these from the above sources after completing your first Bountiful Delve, looting the chest at the end, getting the A Radiant Echo quest, and completing said quest. So if you want to unlock and start farming this content it should be a priority to get your first Bountiful Delve done, and then the quest, so any further ones will give you a Radiant Echo.
How to Complete the Worldsoul Memory Event
This is a timed event, so make sure you’re ready to roll when you submit your Radiant Echo and begin it!
The objective is to enter the phase and tag/kill as many mobs as you can and complete any mini-events that might spawn for 5 minutes. You’ll be scored based on the amount of kills you got, if the mobs were elites or rare spawns, and if you completed any objectives within the instance. This can be completed in a group!
There are three phases to the event:
- Phase 1 – You’ll have 5 minutes to kill and tag mobs or mine azerite to gain score.
- Phase 2 – A boss mob will spawn that you must defeat. Each boss is going to be different.
- Phase 3 – A much shorter period where you can mine more azerite or kill a few mobs before the time is up.

There are three difficulties to choose from when starting this event:
- Radiant Echo
- Many Radiant Echoes
- Radiant Discord

Both Radiant Echo and Many Radiant Echoes are the same general level of difficulty, but Many Radiant Echoes will consume 5 Radiant Echo items from your inventory and increase the rewards you get at the end by 5x. If going for pure efficiency, then Many Radiant Echoes will save you time as it’s the same 5 minute timer.
Radiant Discord Difficulty
The third difficulty, Radiant Discord, is different than the other two. Not only is the difficulty of mobs within the phase much tougher, but also if you die at any point during the event it’ll end your run in the phase immediately. This difficulty takes 10x Radiant Echo to start.
To unlock this difficulty you need to get the A Series of Echoes achievement, which requires you to participate in and complete each of the 8 potential Worldsoul Memory areas that can spawn.
This difficulty also offers 5x the rewards, but is mainly a hardmode to unlock the Echoes of Danger achievement.
Rewards for the Worldsoul Memory Event
The main reason to farm this event would be for the Coffer Key Shards and Valorstones it offers as a reward at the end based on your score. You can turn Coffer Key Shards into full Restored Coffer Keys when you have 100 shards by right clicking on them in your bags.
There is a cap on how many Coffer Key Shards you can get in each run. Using only one Radiant Echo will cap it at 36 shards, whereas if you use 5 at once it’ll cap at 225 shards (which is 45 shards per Radiant Echo spent).
- The First Echo – Complete a single Worldsoul Memory Event.
- Many Echoes – Complete 25 Worldsoul Memory Events.
- Using multiple Radiant Echo to increase the difficulty still only counts as one run for this achievement.
- A Series of Echoes – Complete each of the 8 potential Worldsoul Memory areas.
- Echoes of Danger – On Radiant Echo difficulty kill each of the rare mobs that spawn within Worldsoul Memories on this list.
- This gives you the Echochaser title.
- Fragments of Memories – Collect and shatter an Echoing Fragment for each zone in Khaz’Algar.
- This awards you the Memory Chord toy.
- These items can drop off any mob within a Worldsoul Memory, or can be bought/sold on the auction house. Once you shatter one it will not drop that particular item for you anymore.
Forming a Raid Group for the Worldsoul Memory Event
If you would like to min-max the event for the maximum rewards with the least effort there are many raid groups running in the LFG tool. This maximizes the amount of points you get with a wider group of people tagging and killing mobs. Do keep in mind that the timer is individual and starts once you turn in your Radiant Echo, so make sure to coordinate with your group to do it all at about the same time.

You will still need to collect azerite and participate in the event yourself as both your timer and points are individual. It’ll simply make things much easier as any large groups of mobs will be pulled into a central point and AoE’d down as well as covering a larger area.
The one downside to this method is that while in a raid group any progress towards achievements will not count! So make sure if you’re going for achievements that you drop from raid once you’re all into the phase.