If you find yourself self isolating and staying at home in these trying times, now might be a good time to pick up World of Warcraft. Blizzard has announced today that player experience is increased by 100% through April 20th.
If you’re staying inside and find yourself returning to Azeroth, or if you’re leveling another character (or two), you’ll be getting a special bonus to help you on your way. Beginning today through April 20, 2020 all players in Battle for Azeroth will gain an experience buff called “Winds of Wisdom” which will increase experience gains by 100%! (This includes Starter Edition and Legion players as well.)
Players will also be able to take advantage of this experience boost while still using their favorite heirlooms. It won’t take long before you’ll be facing off with the Old God N’Zoth and his minions in Ny’alotha, the Waking City.
This experience buff should also stack with heirloom items (most of which increase experience), which means that returning players can get an additional increase or use it to level alts.
This also makes it an ideal time to unlock allied races heritage armor! Remember, there’s no need for social distancing in Azeroth!