- Author: Passion
- Date: October 28, 2023
- Updated: October 28, 2023
- Expansion: World of Warcraft
We are now only a few days away from the first in-person Blizzcon since 2019. With this, player expectations are at an all-time high. Leaks & rumors have been flowing from every possible source. While we do not know for sure what Blizzard will announce, tease, or reveal during Blizzcon, we can definitely make some guesses! Make sure to check back for further information as it is revealed.
Starting November 3rd at 11:00 AM PDT (18:00 GMT), the Blizzcon Opening Ceremony will be live. Players can catch this stream on Blizzard’s official Youtube or Twitch channel.

WoW: What’s Next
The opening ceremony is followed by “WoW: What’s Next”. While we do not know for sure, the /r/wow subreddit has recently been discussing the potential leak of 11.0, featuring the new continent “Avaloren”. While we won’t know for sure if this is true or not until Blizzcon, we do also have reason to doubt this. In September, Gamespot.com interviewed WoW’s game director, Ion Hazzikostas. In this interview Hazzikostas discussed the possibility of another world revamp, and with the games 20th Anniversary happening next year, this might even be closer than we think.
A lot of players are also anticipating the addition of more Support specializations. Augmentation Evoker ended up being a hit with players, but came with the downside of being the only spec currently filling that role. Adding more options for Support players seems like an obvious choice, either as new Specializations entirely, or by revamping less defined specializations.
WoW Classic: What’s Next
After a 1 hour long Overwatch 2 Deep Dive, it’s Classics turn. While nothing is set in stone or confirmed yet, there are a few things that are extremely likely. The first of course being the release of Cataclysm Classic. Releasing Cataclysm is an obvious move, and while there are many players that are vocally opposed to Cataclysm Classic, there are still a lot of players that missed it the first time around and want their chance.
For a lot of people, Cataclysm marks the start of “Modern WoW”. This is primarily because the original world and zones are all heavily revamped. Because of this, a lot of players are hoping for a refreshed outlet to get their Classic content fix. It isn’t unreasonable to expect a followup to Season of Mastery. Hopefully some lessons have been learned and this time around can be a significantly better experience for everyone interested.
As with every time people are waiting for Classic news, talks of Classic+ inevitably follow. While this is definitely something many players are interested in, it still is very unlikely to happen. On the other hand, Chris Metzen is now the “Executive Creative Director of the Warcraft Universe”. This could be followed by renewed interest in further developing Classic WoW and taking it down a different path.
WoW Deep Dive
On November 4th, players will be able to catch the “WoW Deep Dive” panel. During the last in-person Blizzcon back in 2019, this panel covered a lot of details for the yet-to-release Shadowlands expansion. This included expansion specifics such as Covenants and Soulbinds, but also bits and pieces of the thought process for Shadowlands. Things such as reworking the less than satisfying leveling system, as well as overhauling the new player experience.
While we don’t know anything here for sure, this panel happening makes it almost certain that the next expansion will be announced the day before.
Blizzcon Collection
During the virtual Blizzcons we have had the last few years, players have been able to purchase a “virtual ticket”, granting them access to a handful of bonus streams, as well as a bunch of in-game goodies. This year we instead have the Blizzcon Collection, a time limited collection of digital goods for various Blizzard games. This includes things such as Diablo 4 Mounts, Overwatch 2 Skins, Hearthstone Cards, and Warcraft Rumble Skins. For World of Warcraft, players will receive a Ysergle Pet, a Chilling Celebration Banner toy, and a Bound Blizzard flying mount.

These collections come in two variants, the “Epic Pack” costing $29.99 or 29.99€, and the “Legendary Pack” costing $49.99 or 49.99€. You can find the collection available in the battle.net store here.
World of Warcraft Guild Clash

During the convention, there will also be a new event. The World of Warcraft Guild Clash is “an all-day, three-event tournament featuring four of the most formidable guilds from World of Warcraft.” This will start Saturday, November 4th, together with the doors opening at the Anaheim Convention Center and is streamed on the official Warcraft Twitch channel.

This event is split into three separate events, starting with a 3v3 Arena Tournament. Each guild will field a 3v3 team, playing in a single-elimination bracket, best-of-five tournament, with a team knocked out each round. Following the arena tournament is an “MDI-style head-to-head single-elimination format” Mythic Dungeon race. For more information, visit the official post. The final event is yet to be revealed, so make sure to keep an eye out here for further updates!
BlizzCon 2023 is almost here and we’ll be updating right here throughout the show with the latest World of Warcraft news and coverage from the event.
Friday, November 3
1:30 p.m. PDT (20:30 GMT)—World of Warcraft: What’s Next
Members of the World of Warcraft development team discuss the latest content coming to Azeroth.
3:30 p.m. PDT (22:30 GMT)—WoW Classic: What’s Next
Members of the WoW Classic development team discuss the latest content coming to Azeroth.
Saturday, November 4
12:00 p.m. PDT (19:00 GMT)—World of Warcraft: Deep Dive
Delve Deeper into World of Warcraft with the development team.
Watch the opening ceremony live for free online, beginning at 11:00 a.m. PDT (18:00 GMT) on November 3. Keep an eye out for the complete schedule on BlizzCon.com and set your reminders to watch your favorite panels and content.
Ways to Watch
Catch BlizzCon 2023 live, Nov 3 and 4, on Blizzard’s YouTube channels, or on Twitch for free. If you miss the live show, you’ll be able to watch video-on-demand (VOD) replays on your own schedule.
Please note: to watch the show, you’ll need to be logged into your YouTube account (or your Google account if using a Chrome browser), due to the inclusion of some age-restricted content.
World of Warcraft Post BlizzCon Q&A
Submit your questions during BlizzCon beginning Friday, November 3 after the opening ceremony in-person at the Darkmoon Faire and on the official forums for a special post-BlizzCon Q&A. You’ll be able to ask your World of Warcraft and Classic World of Warcraft questions and we’ll answer as many as we can in the special BlizzCon edition WoWcast the following week.
Streamer Schedule
Watch your favorite streamers live from the show floor  during BlizzCon 2023 or live from the streamer’s channels. We’ll also have WoW Classic development team members joining streamers to talk about all things WoW Classic. Check out our schedule below.
Friday, November 3
11:00 a.m. PDT – 1:00 p.m. PDT |
1:00 p.m. PDT – 3:00 p.m. PDT |
3:00 p.m. PDT – 6:00 p.m. PDT (22:00 GMT – 01:00 GMT 11/4) |
SoulSoBreezy (NA) |
Esfand (NA) |
Sonii (NA) |
Maximum (NA) |
Sarthe(NA) |
Bajheera (NA) |
Fandy(NA) |
AlterTime(EU) |
TaliesinUK |
Guzu (EU) |
WoWgrandma (NA) |
Naguura(EU) |
DanWarr(EU) |
Jedith(NA) |
RageDarling (UK) |
Josh Greenfield (WoW Classic development team) |
DesiHeat(NA) |
Anniefuchsia (EU) |
Tim Jones (WoW Classic development team) |
SEO Sebom (KR) |
Lapi (EU) |
Cole Andersen (WoW Classic development team) |
Gwimagae (KR) |
Dara Diba (WoW Classic development team) |
PandaTV (ANZ)> |
Morgan Kirkpatrick (WoW Classic development team) |
We’ll add more streams as they join in the BlizzCon fun. Check back regularly for more!
Meet and Greet Your Favorite Streamers at BlizzCon
We’ll be hosting special meet and greet sessions Friday and Saturday at the convention in Hall B. Check our schedule below.
Friday, November 3
3:15 p.m. PDT – 4:00 p.m. PDT (22:15 GMT – 23:00 GMT) |
5:15 p.m. PDT – 6:00 p.m. PDT (00:15 GMT – 01:00 GMT 11/4) |
Naguura |
Bajheera |
Pikaboo |
Preach |
Absterge |
Taliesin and Evitel |
Imfiredup |
Fandy |
Meeres |
Platinum |
Maximum |
Saturday, November 4
1:30 p.m. PDT – 2:15 p.m. PDT (20:30 GMT – 21:15 GMT) |
Esfand |
Sarthe |
MrGM |
Sonii |
Bellular |
Anniefuchsia |
We’ll be updating this schedule with any new additions.
World of Warcraft Guild Clash
Get ready to mark your calendars and clear your schedules for the newest event at this year’s BlizzCon – the World of Warcraft Guild Clash! Guild Clash is an all-day, three-event tournament featuring four of the most formidable guilds from World of Warcraft. Prepare for an action-packed, adrenaline-fueled day filled with epic battles, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments. Guild Clash starts Saturday, November 4, 2023 starting when BlizzCon doors open at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Guild Clash will be available live from BlizzCon on the Warcraft Twitch & YouTube Channels, with the players also live streaming their own perspectives from Streaming Stations in the WoW hall at BlizzCon. Learn more about the event on our previously published article.
BlizzCon® 2023 returns November 3 and 4 and additional tickets are still available. Can’t attend? Don’t worry. You’ll be able to watch all the content from the Anaheim Arena free. To commemorate the return of BlizzCon, you can also purchase the BlizzCon Collection with a new set of digital goodies for World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games.