There’s a lot going on at Blizzard right now with new leadership, a potential Microsoft acquisition, and their latest products all coming to fruition. While not exactly a new member of the team, it’s great to see Chris Metzen making a return to influencing the Warcraft universe as a whole in his position as Creative Advisor.
While some may know of him as his iconic role as the voice of Thrall in Warcraft – he has played a significant part in the shaping of the Warcraft universe since 1994 with the launch of the original game that started it all.
Citizens of Azeroth,
It is with great joy that I announce Chris Metzen has joined the Warcraft Leadership Team as Creative Advisor. Chris’s focus initially will be on World of Warcraft, then his work will expand to other projects across this growing franchise.
Chris was one of the original team members working on the Warcraft universe back when it began in 1994, and we are so happy to be reuniting him with the world he helped create.
John Hight
General Manager, Warcraft
Does this mean we’re getting a Shadowlands quest line with Thrall and Garrosh + Cinematic together?