Following up the player requests for more Void Elf hair colors that weren’t so voidy, Blizzard has also heeded the requests for black, white, and brunette hair colors. The first of which was already visible on Void Elf NPCs, and the other two will help players look more like High Elves if they wish. Hopefully this trend of Blizzard listening to player requests in terms of cosmetics continues, and isn’t just something temporary. There are plenty of other races as well receiving attention, but also even more that could still use more options.
So first off Blizzard. Thank you for hearing our requests for new hair colors for void elves that are natural. Secondly thank you for hearing our requests for tentacle free hair styles.
But could I ask if you could please look into adding brown/brunette, and pure black natural hair color options to void elves? It would mean a lot to many players and hopefully not take too much effort. Thanks again for your efforts.
We’ve added black, white and brown hair color options for Void Elves. ^^
Here’s what they look like:
Thanks for the suggestions!