Dragonflight 10.1 PTR – PvP Tweaks, Demon Hunter Buffs, Vortex Pinnacle Adjustments

dragonflight 10.1 ptr pvp tweaks, demon hunter buffs, vortex pinnacle adjustments

With only two weeks to go before patch 10.1 is going to be dropped on us, the patch notes are still coming! This time around we see several classes get some tweaks to PvP as well as a design change to allow healers more access to Stamina through PvP gear to increase survivability. At the same time healers will also be receiving less primary stat from this gear, so that damage is more significant and matches can end more decisively.

For PvE news it appears that Demon Hunters are receiving a bit of love this patch with some number tweaks that should provide a bit of a boost to single target, with a slight nerf to AoE. Not a bad change considering DH AoE damage is considerable, so a slight loss shouldn’t prove to be too much of a problem while the single target buff should be useful.

We’re also seeing the oldest dungeon to date added to the mythic+ pool, Vortex Pinnacle, is still receiving adjustments with a focus on how the bosses are performing this time around.

Check out the full notes below for more detailed information!

Linxy – (Source)

Hello everyone! Here are the changes in today’s PTR update:


    • Havoc
      • Serrated Glaive now causes enemies hit by Throw Glaive to take 20% increased damage from Chaos Strike, in addition to its current effect.
      • Accelerating Blade has been renamed to Accelerated Blade.
      • Accelerated Blade now causes Throw Glaive to deal 60% increased damage (was 20%) and its damage is reduced by 30% for each previous enemy hit.


  • Updates to many non-boss enemies and all 3 bosses in the Vortex Pinnacle.
  • Update to improve spawn consistency for the Afflicted and Incorporeal affixes.


    • Gladiator’s Distinction (PvP trinket 2-set bonus) now provides 300 Stamina (was 2703) and 1600 primary stat (was 300).
    • Developers’ note: We are adjusting the bonuses from the PvP set bonus, Gladiator’s Distinction, to be percentage based so that it properly scales with new seasons. At the same time, we’ve noticed battleground fights and arena matches in Embers of Neltharion resulting in stalemates now that critical strikes are dealing less damage. To improve the experience, we’re reducing the primary stat granted to healers from the PvP set bonus. We also are aiming to give healers more opportunities to survive when being attacked, so we’re increasing the amount of Stamina healers receive from the PvP set bonus.
    • Gladiator’s Distinction now increases primary stat by 25% and increases Stamina by 5% for damage dealing and tank specializations.
    • Gladiator’s Distinction now increases primary stat by 15% and increases Stamina by 15% for healer specializations.
      • Blood
        • Decomposing Aura (PvP Talent) can now stack up to 4 times (was 5).
    • DRUID
      • Guardian
        • Grove Protection now reduces damage taken by 50% for affected allies (was 40%).
    • HUNTER
      • Beast Mastery
        • Dire Basilisk (PvP Talent) damage increased by 100%.
    • MAGE
      • Fire
        • Flamecannon only applies to enemy players and NPCs. Pets and summons will no longer cancel the stacking effect.
      • Soul Rip souls are fractured up to 20 yards (was 16 yards) and now costs 1 Soul Shard (was 2).
      • Call Observer (PvP Talent) demon health increased by 100%, range increased to 30 yards (was 20 yards), and cooldown decreased to 60 seconds (was 90 seconds).
      • Call Observer (PvP Talent) damage increased to 10% of a player’s max health (was 5%).
      • Affliction
        • Rapid Contagion (PvP Talent) duration decreased to 10 seconds (was 20 seconds) and now causes damage over time effects to occur 45% more often (was 33%).
      • Protection
        • Bodyguard (PvP Talent) now has a 20 yard range requirement (was 15 yards).

About the Author


I've been playing WoW since beta with some breaks here and there. I'm a semi-hardcore to hardcore raider that focuses on retail mainly. I'm a big fan of giant dragons and am excited for all that Dragonflight will have to offer.

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