Dragonflight Dec 7th Hotfixes: Class Hotfixes, Item Tuning, and Dungeon Bug Fixes

december 7, 2022 hotfixes

This week’s reset brings a whole new round of hotfixes – many of them aimed at class changes, quests, interface functionality, and weekly events.

Classes that saw hotfixes for this week: Hunter, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, and Shaman.

Some of the more notable hotfixes are for Enhancement Shamans and Subtlety Rogues. Shaman’s Maelstrom Weapon used to improperly stack with specific talents selected in the spec specific talent tree, but this has been resolved to function properly. Rogues see a fix where Alacrity, a finishing move synergy, is properly triggered by certain finishers. All other notable class hotfixes can be viewed in the original post (linked below).

Numerous changes were made to some of the Dragonflight dungeons, as well as the BFA dungeon Shrine of the Storm. These changes are quite simple ones, but should improve the quality of life for players. It’s promising to see that bugs are being continually addressed, since the M+ release is just over the horizon.

PvP nerfs were made to rings that could be obtained from farming reputation with the Cobalt Assembly. These nerfs should improve the PvP experience for most players as they were already quite powerful outside of PvP when they did trigger.

A number of quest and reputation changes were made that should improve the user-interface experience of players. Among these is the fix for the event map icons, where they will now show correctly for alts that have met rep requirements on their characters.

All these changes should help maintain the sanity of those who feel a bit overwhelmed with all the new content and systems that Dragonflight has brought to the table already.

Sanq – (Source)

Hey all! Here are today’s hotfixes.

December 7, 2022

Black Market Auction House

  • Fixed an issue where players at max level could not use the Black Market Auction House.


  • Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where Sentinel Owl would remove Rogues from Stealth.
  • Monk
    • Windwalker
      • Fixed an issue where Transfer the Power was gaining multiple stacks from a single Rising Sun Kick.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue where Seal of the Crusader was increasing all Holy damage taken by the target instead of just the caster’s Holy damage.
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue causing Answered Prayers to not be removed when extending Apotheosis.
  • Rogue
    • Subtlety
      • Secret Technique can now correctly trigger Alacrity.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Fixed an issue causing Maelstrom Weapon to not stack past 8 stacks with Raging Maelstrom.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fixed the positions of several enemies in the Fetid Encampment so that they are no longer blocked by the environment.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein
      • Fixed an issue where Kyrakka could attack unintended targets when she lands.
      • Fixed an issue that could prevent Flaming Embers from correctly inflicting damage.
  • Shrine of the Storm
    • Tidesage Council
      • Multiple adjustments were made to Slicing Blast on Normal difficulty to require fewer interrupts from players still in the leveling process.
  • Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Death Knights from returning to the dungeon using Death Gate.

Items and Rewards

  • The Bottomless Reliquary Satchel trinket now provides primary stats.
  • Greater Obsidian Key will no longer vanish upon leaving the Obsidian Citadel.
  • Fixed an issue where Waking Earth and Waking Fire were unable to be used when spawned outside the Waking Shores.
  • Increased affected area of Tome of Unstable Power to 8 yards (was 5).
  • Fixed an issue where the Darkmoon Deck: Dance was removing players’ shapeshift.
  • Fixed an issue where Missingway Hand Cannon was incorrectly categorized as a bow.

Pet Battles

  • Fixed an issue where the Snowclaw Cub could not be summoned from the Pet Journal.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Druid
      • Guardian
        • Den Mother (PvP Talent) now affects raid and party members.
  • Items
    • Assembly Guardian’s Ring absorption reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
    • Assembly Scholar’s Loop damage reduced by 60% in PvP combat.
    • Assembly Preserver’s Band heal reduced by 60% in PvP combat.


  • The Azure Span
    • Fixed an issue where the Artifact Locator would remain after completing “Can’t Have These.”
  • Dragonflight Campaign
    • Fixed an issue causing “Renown of Dragon Isles” and “Open Orientation” to not be available to alts who have not completed the Thaldrazus storyline, preventing them from completing the endgame campaign.
  • Jewelcrafting
    • Mundane Gems now correctly drop from Djaradin enemies during “Mundane Gems, I Think Not!”
  • Obsidian Citadel
    • Fixed an issue where Osoria’s Assistance would remain in player’s inventory after completing “Hands-Off Operation.”
  • Ohn’ahran Plains
    • Fixed an issue with “Second Challenge of Tyr: Might” where the second objective incorrectly directed players to speak with the Projection of Tyr and has been corrected to the Maiden of Inspiration.
  • Thaldraszus
    • World Quests
      • Fixed an issue where freeing Imprisoned Travelers during “Rebel Concerns” was not correctly providing credit.
      • Fixed an issue with “Hydro Tuskarr” where switching watershoes caused the extra action button to disappear.
      • Fixed the visual for Watergliders and Waterwalkers when they are equipped during “Hydro Tuskarr.”
      • Fixed an issue where the Sneaky Youngster could be interacted with multiple times during “Hide and Seek.”
  • The Waking Shores
    • The amount of Impressive Dragon Skulls required to complete Tarjin’s Tale reduced to 5 (was 25).


  • Iskaara Tuskarr
    • Map icons for the Community Feast should now display for eligible alts.
  • Valdrakken Accord
    • Players who have reached renown rank 26 or higher with Valdrakken Accord will now unlock armor for all four dragonriding drakes when they enter Thaldraszus.

About the Author


Hi, my name is Metasaber, but I often go by Meta in-game. I have been playing WoW on and off for over a decade. Upon my return to Shadowlands, I became increasingly interested in Raiding and Mythic+. I have mained Ret Paladin for the majority of the expansion, but have started to explore other classes/specs to play in M+ the past couple of seasons. My recent hobbies outside of WoW are exploring new games for the GameCube and Hiking!

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