Dragonflight Hotfix Roundup: Zskarn and Diablo Promotion Charms

diablo charms hotfix roundup

There’s been another round of hotfixes for Dragonflight, this time with some changes to The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn, one of the bosses in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. Both the boss and its Dragonfire Golem have had their health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty. The boss’s Shrapnel Bomb ability was also nerfed on Mythic difficulty: he will drop only three at a time now, down from four. Zskarn will Berserk on all difficulties now, and there have been adjustments to the positioning of Dragonfire Traps and the way Tactical Destruction is activated. Another issue in Aberrus was also fixed, ensuring that players who have defeated Echoes of the Earth-Warder will be able to progress through the raid on higher difficulties.

There were some other miscellaneous fixes included in this round of hotfixes, including an issue with Sporecaller Zancha in The Underrot not destroying spore pods, an issue with the Treasure Goblin spawning too much in Valdrakken, an issue with the quest Seismic Ceremony not completing properly, and an issue preventing Risen Spirits from being captured during the Classic Ashen Brawl.

The behavior of the Savage Green Turtle in the favorite mount list was changed to prioritize it when in water, but not on land. The Serpent’s Grand Charm was adjusted to account for healer mana pools, reducing the mana granted by the item from 12,000 to 2400. The Diablo Promotion Charms were also changed so they don’t apply in raids, rated PVP, or Mythic+ dungeons.

Finally, a couple of Trading Post activities were fixed so they will appear in the Traveler’s Log as they should.

Blizzard – (Source)

Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


MAY 25, 2023

Dungeons and Raids

  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
    • Fixed an issue allowing players who had completed Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: Echoes of the Earth-Warder on any difficulty to access later encounters on higher difficulties.
    • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
      • Developers’ note: The Zskarn changes address an emerging tactic that trivializes certain aspects of the encounter. We hope these changes will encourage more interaction with the encounter’s existing mechanics, while maintaining its prior level of difficulty. These changes will be live 5/26.
      • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Dragonfire Golem health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Zskarn will now Berserk on all difficulties.
      • Adjusted the position of Dragonfire Traps.
      • Shrapnel Bomb reduced to 3 on Mythic difficulty (was 4).
      • Fixed an issue that could cause an inappropriate amount of Shrapnel Bombs to spawn.
      • Zskarn no longer activates Tactical Destruction based on his location.
  • The Underrot
    • Fixed an issue where Sporecaller Zancha’s Festering Harvest would not destroy spore pods.

Enemies and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where the Treasure Goblin is spawning multiple times consecutively in Valdrakken.

Items and Rewards

  • Reduced the mana granted by Serpent’s Grand Charm to 2,400 (was 12,000) to correctly account for how healer mana pools are calculated.
  • The Diablo Promotion Charms effects will no longer be applied while in Raids, Rated PVP and M+ Dungeons.
    • Developers’ notes: The effects won’t immediately reapply when you leave these instances. You will need to relog to get them to apply again. We are looking into a possible fix for this.


  • The Savage Green Turtle will no longer be summoned from the favorite mount list on land when it is favored and will now be prioritized when in water.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue with capturing the Risen Spirits during the Classic Ashran Brawl.


  • Fixed an issue where “Seismic Ceremony” would not complete for players who only killed Runestone Fragments and did not click any Primalist Runestones.

Trading Post

  • “Complete Weekly Crafting Quests” and “Fulfill Personal Crafting Orders” activities should once again appear in the Travelers Log.

About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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