This week’s PvP Brawl is Deep Six, a resource race that is active Aug. 15-22. PvP Brawls offer a fresh take on the Battleground locations we know and love by switching up the rules or adding different mechanics. Deep Six lets teams of six wage war against each other in three well-known battleground maps, but it’s not just a stroll down memory lane – these classic maps have some surprises up their sleeves.
Queue for the Brawl in the Group Finder’s Player vs. Player tab. Just like Random Battlegrounds, earning a victory in Deep Six will net you a deep reward.
On deck for next week: Frozen Arathi Blizzard
Silvershard Mines, and Temple of Kotmogu. Each Battleground offers a little variation on the traditional format, such as flags that are a bit closer in Warsong Gulch, less carts to keep track of in Silvershard Mines, and only two orbs within the Temple of Kotmogu.