Evokers Will Start at Level 10 in The War Within

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The War Within Alpha has begun, and with it Blizzard has been giving us a glimpse into some of the class changes we can expect when the expansion goes live.

Among them is a new starting level for Evokers. The class will start at level 10 instead of 58, putting it more in line with other hero classes and Allied Races. In addition, the talents you take in the Forbidden Reach introductory experience will no longer be temporary. You’ll select your specialization and talents like you would with any other character.

Level 58 spells will be learned at level 10 while Mass Return and Fury of the Aspects will be learned at level 38 and 48 respectively.

Kaivax – (Source)


  • Evokers now start at level 10 (was level 58).
  • Evokers now unlock the talent pane immediately after choosing a specialization in the Forbidden Reach, and they no longer learn “temporary” talents as they complete the Forbidden Reach experience.
  • Several base spells that were previously learned at level 58 are now learned at level 10.
  • Mass Return is now learned at level 38.
  • Fury of the Aspects is now learned at level 48.


Devastation Evoker can generate very high threat at the start of a pull due to a combination of their Mastery: Giantkiller and the burstiness of spells like Fire Breath and Pyre (particularly when used with Dragonrage and Charged Blast). As a result, we’re reducing the threat these spells generate.

  • Fire Breath threat generated reduced by 50%.
  • Pyre threat generated reduced by 30%.


In this update, our goal was to incorporate Lifespark (Season 1 set bonus for Preservation) into the talent tree and expand talent options by improving the pathing of the tree. We also wanted to keep the flavor of the left side of the tree being Green, the middle being Red, and the right being Bronze.

  • New Talent: Lifespark – Reversion healing has a chance to grant you instant cast Living Flame and increase its damage/healing by 50%.
  • New Talent: Titan’s Gift – Essence Burst increases the effectiveness of your next Essence ability by 25%.
  • Life-Giver’s Flame is now a 1 point node (was 2). Its position has been relocated at the bottom middle of the tree.
  • Grace Period is now a 1 point node (was 2). Its position has been relocated as a capstone below Timeless Magic.
  • Font of Magic and Power Nexus have been relocated to the middle center of the tree.
  • Cycle of Life has been relocated as a capstone at the bottom left of the tree.

About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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7 months ago

I crated an Evoker last week and was at lvl 58, know its lvl 10. I thought that would only happen to new Evokers?

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