Mists of Pandaria Remix Hotfixes for May 22: Faster Rare Respawns

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Another round of hotfixes has gone out for the Mists of Pandaria Remix, including a few corrections to issues in the game mode as well as some adjustments to loot and respawns.

Rares across Pandaria will now spawn more often and drop better loot. Additionally, the bronze and threads of time you get from airborne bronze have been increased.

You can read the rest of the fixes in the list below.

Kaivax – (Source)

May 22, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Added clarity to the quest “The Great Water Hunt” to speak with Mudmug before gathering water.
  • Nostwin now sells Glyph of Shadow for Priests.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Where are My Reinforcements?” from proceeding as expected.
  • Improved the respawn rate and treasure from rares and rare elites across Pandaria.
  • Increased the amount of bronze and raised the drop chance for threads of time from airborne bronze.
  • Fixed an issue where players who faction-changed could not use the group finder for dungeons and scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the quest “Riding the Skies” from granting the appropriate Cloud Serpent mount.
  • Fixed an issue causing Wise Mari in the Temple of the Jade Serpent to not spawn Corrupt Living Water as intended.
  • Hutia was out of control in the Jade Forest, and has been convinced to relax a bit and stop hitting so hard.

About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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