In today’s Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct stream, Game Director Ian Hazzikostas revealed that the next major content patch for The War Within will be titled Undermined, and will take us to the goblin capital of Undermine.
The patch will be heavily goblin-themed, with lots of explosions promised. The Undermine is the locus of conflict between the major goblin cartels: Steamwheedle, Blackwater, Bilgewater, and the Venture Company. You’ll be able to align yourself with one of these groups.
There’s a special new customizable car mount that you’ll get to use in this zone, faster than most ground mounts. There will also be a new dungeon, Operation Floodgate, which will be part of the new Mythic dungeon rotation. The other seasonal dungeons will include the remaining four launch dungeons and three legacy dungeons, including The Motherlode.
There will be two new delves as well as new variations for existing delves in Khaz Algar. Brann Bronzebeard will also get some seasonal updates.
Finally, the patch will include a new raid, Liberation of Undermine, which will feature eight bosses, and a new arena map that is set in Undermine.