It’s been a bit difficult to keep track of what content is coming when for The War Within. Early Access, today’s launch, and the start of Season 1 each have their own set of content unlocks. To add to the confusion, there is some launch content that will not be available until after realms are reset tomorrow.
Heroic Dungeons and Honor vendors are available right now. But you’ll have to wait another day for several other pieces of content, which you can see in the list below. This is likely to prevent players who have already reached level 80 in Early Access from being able to squeeze in extra weekly quests ahead of the reset, putting them a week ahead of everyone else.
Happy War Within Launch!
Now available in The War Within:
- Heroic Dungeons
- Honor Vendorlist (and currency conversion of Dragonflight Honor/Conquest)
And with first weekly reset (about 17 hours from now), you’ll see the introduction of the following:
- Profession Sparks
- Weekly PvP Quest
- Profession Weekly Knowledge gains
- Zone Weekly wrapper quests, Delves Weekly wrapper quest, Worldsoul Memories Weekly wrapper quest
- Awakening the Machine scenario
- Worldsoul: Spreading the Light
- Notoriety with Severed Threads leaders