The War Within Hotfixes for March 5: Season 2 Bug Fixes

Liberation of Undermine Raid-Only Renown Feature Coming to The War Within

It’s the second day of Season 2 for The War Within, and we have a round of hotfixes that target a number of bugs for the new content.

There are fixes for a couple of class abilities, items, quests, dungeon and delves bugs, and three bugs related to The One-Armed Bandit in the Liberation of Undermine raid. If you’ve encountered a bug since the season started, you can check the list below to see if it’s been addressed. We can likely expect more hotfixes before the week is over.

Kaivax – (Source)

March 5, 2025


  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Fixed a bug where Harmony of the Heavens could fail to stack to maximum value.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Resolved an issue causing Divine Toll to cast more Avenger’s Shields than intended.


  • The Waterworks
    • Stompin’ Shoes are no longer interrupted by damage.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Addressed an issue where Goldie Baronbottom may fail to cast Let It Hail upon reaching 100 energy.
    • Addressed an issue where the exit can take players to the wrong location based on their factions.
  • Liberation of Undermine
    • One-Armed Bandit
      • Corrected an issue where Fiery Dynamite Booty could not explode on death if it was knocked back when it died.
      • Corrected an issue where Traveling Flames could fail to move if placed next to a wall.
      • Added a short cooldown on being hit by Traveling Flames to prevent players from being struck multiple times in quick succession.


  • Fixed an issue where Liberation of Undermine warbound tier head, chest, and leg armor from Normal difficulty could not be upgraded. Existing items have also been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some legacy World Quests to provide more-powerful rewards than intended.
  • Changed the functionality of Roaring War-Queen’s Citrine to fizzle out when targeting another player with the Roaring War-Queen’s Citrine rather than searching for a new one.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue where Bloody Tokens and Sparks of War were not always dropping from player kills.
  • Sparks of War should now consistently drop from Undermine Shiny Trash Cans.


  • Nikki will no longer shout out her combat lines for players who aren’t on “My Top Gal”.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could force the shredder vehicle off its path during “Cold As Ice.”


  • Interacting with the Riot-Grade Rope should now be more multiplayer friendly.

About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.

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