The Greedy Emissary event has ended, but there’s a new Diablo IV event in Dragonflight to replace it! The Welcome to Sanctuary event brings the Winds of Sanctuary to Azeroth, buffing all experience gains through level 70 by 50%. But the benefits don’t stop at level 70: the buff also grants a 50% increase to reputation gains for all factions except the Loam Niffen, the newest faction added in patch 10.1. Yes, that includes factions from previous expansions, even individual NPCs such as the Tillers and Fisherfriends!
The event is active through July 11th, so you have four weeks to take advantage! If you want some tips for getting started, check out our guide How and Where to Level in Dragonflight.
Even as the call for heroes in Sanctuary continues, back in Azeroth, all roads lead to the Dragon Isles—and to exciting adventures. To help you prepare for the trials ahead, you will get the benefit of the Winds of Sanctuary buff*, which will increase experience gains by 50% for all players through level 70, and reputation gains by 50% for all Dragon Isles factions except the Loam Niffen (who are not quite sure what to make of these strange winds). It’s a great time to finish leveling a character, create a new one, or invite friends to join you in your adventures.
The Winds of Sanctuary buff will be available from June 15, 10:00 a.m. PDT through July 11, 2023 11:59 p.m. PDT for North American realms and from June 16, 3:00 a.m. AEST through July 12, 2023 4:59 p.m. AEST for Oceanic realms.
*Experience buff not available in World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King™ Classic or World of Warcraft® Classic Era.
Does the Reputation increase affect any other reps beside Dragon Flight one’s? What is the % of rep increase for DF reps? and is it a different % increase to non DF reps if the winds of Sanctuary affects non DF content? Clarification please if possible. TY.
It’s a 50% increase to ALL reputations except Loam Niffen. I’ve edited the article to clarify!  🙂 
This one is nice blog.