WoW Hotfix September 28th: Conquest Rewards Increased

Shadowlands What's Next In Chains Of Domination (blizzconline)

Another brief hotfix today, featuring only two changes. For the first, Blizzard has fixed a bug in Kel’thuzad’s raid fight that was causing Howling Blizzard patches to still explode even after entering the Phylactery phase. The other change is a rather considerable increase to Conquest earnings, increasing the amount gained by 70%. There doesn’t seem to be an increase to Conquest cap, but it is still helpful for players still looking to reach it.

Blizzard Entertainment – (Source)

September 28, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Kel’Thuzad
      • Fixed an issue where Howling Blizzard ice patches would still explode after entering the Phylactery Phase.

Player versus Player

  • The amount of Conquest awarded has been increased from all activities by about 70%.

About the Author


A long time World of Warcraft player and MOBA enthusiast. Lately more of the former than the latter.

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