In today’s set of hotfixes, Marksmanship Hunters receive bug fixes to the way Double Tap functions and Holy Priest’s Divine Ascension PvP Talent will now grant a short window of immunity. Additionally, items dropped by the two last Castle Nathria bosses can again be socketed and the Olea Manu NPC located in Faith’s Repose in Zereth Mortis, now offers cosmetic items in exchange for your Cyphers of the First Ones.
AUGUST 30, 2022
- Hunter
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot will no longer fail to trigger from Double Tap (Talent) if no target is selected when the cast finishes.
Items and Rewards
- Olea Manu, located in Faith’s Repose, has come into possession of a few cosmetic items found around Korthia and Zereth Mortis. Players may purchase them with Cyphers of the First Ones.
- Fixed an issue where items from Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals could not be socketed.
Player versus Player
- Hunter
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot will no longer occasionally deal full damage in PvP combat when triggered from Double Tap.
- Priest
- Holy
- Divine Ascension (PvP Talent) will once again provide a short window of immunity against damage, stuns, and roots.