WoW Hotfixes November 3rd – Fixed An Issue Edition

WoW Hotfixes November 3rd Featured Image

Today’s hotfixes see a lot of more minor issues being handled, notably a few performance-related issues such as background FPS being uncapped if foreground FPS was also uncapped, and Mac users facing memory leaks.

Worgen transmogs should no longer be incredibly cursed when changing form, a fitting fix post-Hallow’s End.

For the full list of changes, see below.

Blizzard Entertainment – (Source)

November 3, 2022


Fixed an issue where some class abilities were inappropriately snaring certain bosses and boss mechanics.

  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery, Marksmanship
      • Fixed an issue where Alpha Predator did not increase the damage of Kill Command.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Fixed an issue where Malefic Affliction would be removed when reapplying Unstable Affliction to the same target.

User Interface and Accessibility

  • Fixed an issue where the Void Storage NPC could not be interacted with if the UI was close with the ‘Esc’ key.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Friendly Players” option appeared twice in the Interface options menu.
  • Fixed an issue that caused gamepad bindings to disappear for ranged characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the cast bar would disappear when casting a spell while in edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue where max background FPS was uncapped if max foreground FPS toggle was unchecked.
  • Fixed an issue where users were getting an error when updating their UI through edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue where some non-PvP items were displaying PvP tooltips while browsing in the Auction House
  • Fixed an issue that was causing memory leaks for some Mac users when Alt-Tabbing.
  • Fixed an issue where some transmogs were not displaying correctly on Worgen when changing forms.
  • Fixed an issue where several objects in the Legion Mage Class Order Hall appeared unlit.

About the Author


I love MMOs of all shades, especially the nitty gritty numbers parts of them. You might recognize me from the Shadow Priest discord, otherwise I play a little bit of everything, especially games with support roles available.

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