WoW Hotfixes November 9th: Undead Cloaks Fixed

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More Sylvanas Windrunner encounter bug fixes, and Image of Medivh won’t die to Image of Arcanagos in Return to Karazhan anymore. Several UI and Accessibility fixes, with the Colorblind Mode filters now working as intended on newer graphics cards and the Summon Favorite Mount button being fixed. Threads of Fate World Quests will appear on the World Map for characters under level 50, and the cloak appearence on Undead characters with the Fresh skin type has been fixed, after breaking with the release of patch 9.1.5.

Linxy – (Source)

NOVEMBER 9, 2021


  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue where Flight Form would unexpectedly change to ground Travel Form upon logging into a Shadowlands zone.


  • Command Table
    • The Adventure “Locating the Traitor’s Cache” will now become available in the player’s new covenant if they change covenants before the mission is completed. Players that are currently stuck can reset its availability by changing covenants again.
  • Soulbinds
    • Kevin’s Oozeling (Plague Deviser Marileth) is now classified as a minor enemy.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Sylvanas Windrunner
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Veil of Darkness to persist on players after encounter completion.
      • Fixed an issue where Crushing Dread would remain even when the caster was no longer present.
      • Fixed a rare issue which could cause Sylvanas to cast Wailing Arrow after casting Raze before returning to the fight arena.
  • Mythic+
    • Fixed an issue where completed dungeons that failed to meet the timer were not counting towards the Mythic+ Rating “Runs this Season.”
  • Operation: Mechagon
    • Fixed an issue which caused more punchcards than intended to drop in Legacy Loot.
    • King Mechagon
      • Fixed an issue where more than one mount was dropping on Hard Mode regardless of Legacy Loot status.
  • Return to Karazhan
    • Image of Medivh no longer dies to Image of Arcanagos, preventing Nightbane from being summoned.

Items and Rewards

  • Cloaks on Undead characters with the Fresh skin type are once again no longer tattered.
  • Fixed an issue where an outfit with a wand and off-hand could not be saved.
  • Rae’shalare, Death’s Whisper no longer shows that it can be upgraded in the Upgrade Item UI.
  • Riftbound Cache in Gromit Hollow should no longer be stuck under the terrain.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Warlords of Draenor heirloom trinkets from scaling correctly at their second upgrade step.

Threads of Fate

  • Fixed an issue where Threads of Fate World Quests were not appearing on the World Map for characters under level 50.

User Interface and Accessibility

  • Fixed an issue where the Summon Favorite Mount button would sometimes not work.
  • Fixed an issue where some icons on the minimap would appear incorrectly while in spirit form.
  • Fixed an issue where the unread mail icon on the character select screen and on the minimap would appear before purchased Auction House items were sent to the mailbox.
  • Fixed an issue where the Colorblind Mode filters were not working as intended on newer graphics cards on DirectX12.

About the Author


Long time World of Warcraft player, I'm always looking for new music to listen to, and weird facts and news to share with friends. I mostly play retail World of Warcraft nowadays, with some occasional Hunt, League of Legends, and Dead by Daylight.

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