In the Sanctum of Domination, ice patches created by Kel’Thuzad’s
Howling Blizzard ability will now be removed upon reaching the Phylactery Phase. However, some players have been reporting that while the patches disappear, they still end up exploding at the end of the
Howling Blizzard channel.
In the Theater of Pain dungeon, the gladiators in the Halls of Might would sometimes remain untargetable after winning their duel, which meant that players would miss out on 7.38% Enemy Forces, and had to pull extra packs to compensate for this loss. This issue has now been fixed, and you can plan your Mythic+ routes without worrying about missing Enemy Forces.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021
Dungeons and Raids
- Sanctum of Domination
- Kel’Thuzad
- Howling Blizzard ice patches are now immediately removed when pushing to his Phylactery Phase.
- Theater of Pain
- Fixed an issue where gladiators in the Halls of Might could sometimes remain immune to player abilities after finishing their duel.