WoW Weekly: Classic 20th Anniversary P2, Turbulent Timeways Event, Twitch Drops, & Undermine PTR Release

wow weekly classic 20th anniversary p2, turbulent timeways event, twitch drops, undermine ptr release

January is jam-packed with new WoW content across several different realms and versions of Azeroth. Whether you’re interested in the PTR and want to check out the new 11.1 patch, or are excited about the progression of WoW Classic’s fresh 20th Anniversary servers there’s something for everyone here.

Check out the full set of events and patches down below!

Blizzard – (Source)

WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Now Live

Ring in the new year with the updated Honor System, the opening of iconic battlegrounds Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley, and the release of Dire Maul and the world bosses, Azuregos and Kazzak.

Release Timetable: 

  • Now Live: Phase 2, including the updated Honor System, Dire Maul, and world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak.
  • Opening on 1/16: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds

Phase 2 of the Anniversary Edition introduces the updated Honor System currently in use on both WoW Classic Era realms and in Season of Discovery. At the launch of the phase, the Honor cap will be set to Rank 11, with it extending to Rank 14 shortly after the release of the Blackwing Lair raid dungeon at a later date.

This phase also marks the release of Dire Maul dungeon and the world bosses Azuregos and Kazzak, offering even more exciting encounters to dive into. Dive into the action today!

More information can be found in our previously published article.

Take a Timewalk Through Turbulent Timeways

Once more, the Bronze Dragonflight has discovered growing disturbances in the timeways, with several rapidly intersecting our own! For the next several weeks, Timewalk through a previous expansion each week on a grand tour through World of Warcraft’s past starting with Mists of Pandaria and ending with Cataclysm.

Enemies and loot will be scaled to your level, and this season of Turbulent Timeways is an excellent opportunity to get the new Timely Buzzbee mount. Other rewards from previous Turbulent Timeways events, such as the Sandy Shalewing, can be found on the normal Timewalking vendor any week.

Don’t let time pass you by; read through our previously published article for the expansion timeline, and more!

Twitch Drop: Get the Coward’s Azure Target Transmog January 14

There’s plunder to be had when the Plunderstorm makes landfall, and you can claim your piece of it by watching any World of Warcraft stream on Watch 4 hours of World of Warcraft content on any channel from January 14, 10:00 am PST, until February 4, 10:00 am PST, while these Twitch Drops are active to earn the Coward’s Azure Target transmog item.

Read our article to learn more about earning this new item for your collection.

The Undermine(d) Content Update is Now on the Public Test Realm

Players will travel deep into the goblin city of Undermine, the capital of the goblin’s trade empire! It is a city like none other seen before in World of Warcraft and stands as a testament to goblin intelligence and creativity as experts in both technology and alchemy.

There’s more at play here than it first seems, and goblin politics are treacherous and fraught with the underpinnings of something more where Xal’atath is concerned.

Join Game Designer, Battleground and Arenas David Hollings, Assistant Lead Quest Designer Mark Kelada, and host Community Manager Bethany Hudson for WoWCast as we go deep underground to the Undermine to learn more about what’s coming in the next content update in The War Within— Undermine(d).

The Undermine(d) content update is now live on the PTR; learn more about goblin culture and society that we have never been able to see before in our previously published article.

Follow along on the official World of Warcraft news site for all the latest developments as we journey through the week together.

About the Author


I've been playing WoW since beta with some breaks here and there. I'm a semi-hardcore to hardcore raider that focuses on retail mainly. I'm a big fan of giant dragons and am excited for all that Dragonflight will have to offer.

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